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Flags are only for internal use. You most likely cannot use them in selectors. Also you don't need to try to be efficient when selecting templates, as all templates are loaded as part of the processwire bootstrapping process, so you can simply iterate $templates and select only non system templates without using a selector. Everything's in memory anyways.5 points
4 points
Have you tried this: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/45-url-schema/?do=findComment&comment=150 "ProcessWire will support .html extensions. You just have to make them your page names, i.e. "about.html" rather than "about", or look for them in urlSegments. I've actually done this before, though for specific pages (like /sitemap.xml), not on a site-wide basis. But I don't see any problem with it conceptually."3 points
Agreed. I think that perhaps the best solution is for you to maintain the module, integrating anything applicable from my version. I’d be happy to help with this process.3 points
maybe I should just replace my version with @nbcommunication's code and then see about replacing the current module with mine in the directory, or alternately, if Chris wants to keep the new version under their purview, then they could replace it. I guess we need to ask Ryan to intervene here and be able to backend edit that module record to deprecate Pierre-Luc's version... In terms of the compatibility, I'd say that it might be preferable to (if possible) run a version check and then only utilize functionality apropos the compatible version; I do think it is a problem to have a module that is in the directory that could possibly break an installation, though if the new version does state min version required, that should be enough to prevent users from inadvertently upgrading to an incompatible version...3 points
A sad day for the internet, the EU, the democracy, and so much more. I don't know anything about any #article13 discussions, protests or media coverage in Spain or anywhere else but at least here in Germany - especially in the last weeks and days - the way of communication from politicians towards protestors, their statements against protests, and media coverage that supports that copyright directive were kind of shocking. They said some really weird things like... Online-protesters were bots. Mailings were from Google (as most of those mails came from gmail.com addresses). Those on the streets were paid [from big US companies]. ... and so on Yet another bad aftertaste especially for Germany and our politicians: https://edition.faz.net/faz-edition/wirtschaft/2019-03-26/f30a5870c08cc1e1b4524c1be19d1faf/?GEPC=s3 Maybe I never fully realized that degree of misleasing information from politicians and media but now I'm not only upset but actually really p*ssed. There seems to be a last option left but I really don't know if this will ever happen but... maybe. Back to your topic: those already big platforms will do fine with that. YouTube already has its Content ID system in place and therefore can offer APIs to those who will need it in the future. At least for video material. But the main issue I have with this copyright directive is this argument "Copyright-holders and creators should earn money with their work!" which is totally fine by all means. But that directive will not help any content creator on any plattform. How could it? Independent writers, musicians, DJs, fotographers, even programmers will still have the problem to find all those pirated copies of their work. They won't earn more money. They still have to prove their copyright claims. But on the other hand publishers got some more power to bypass money from the real creators. And they got their link tax foundation they always asked for. But... there is a positive side-effect. I learned to look closer. I learned to trust less. I learned to think more than twice. I learned who might not be on my side. And I learned who to vote for the next election. Regarding Alex Jones and de-platforming: That was never a real topic here in Germany at all. At least I saw only very few articles or side-notes somewhere or at the bottom of a newsfeed. That's it. And if you find anything about it, they applaud about it because he is some kind of a bad person. This narrative or bias at Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, [name more here] and the banning of people from their platform wasn't invented by those platforms. They would be doing totally fine even with all of those now banned people. Maybe even better. It was cultivated over the last few years.3 points
ok i'll be able to work on it starting next week, and will check back in here once i have something to report... Doh! just checked the modules directory and Ryan already made the switch... thx @ryan! Will proceed with testing now for ensuring we don't break things with the refactored code, might take a week or so on this...2 points
As @szabesz mentioned, why not simply add the .php to the page name and disable "Should page URLs end with a slash?" in the template? Just tried, works well. You may even have a /index.php...2 points
2 points
Hey @bartelsmedia, if you mean that you want to copy single items and you use the ProField repeater matrix, I wrote a module for it.2 points
A performance audit with Google Chrome (Lighthouse) delivers abysmal results. TTFB over 6 seconds. This has nothing to do with frontend assets. You must be doing something terribly inefficient in your code (PHP)... You should use Tracy Debugger and see what's causing all this slowness. Also take a look at your server logs. Does a local copy of the same site load equally slow? Did your hoster change any PHP/Apache settings recently?2 points
Thank you every one for your quick help ? PW Community is freaking awesome!2 points
You can install the predefined page-publish system permission: https://processwire.com/docs/user-access/permissions/#page-publish Then do not give the role that permission for the template of the page in question.2 points
2 points
You should be able to Lock the page, as the Administrator.2 points
Fixed a lot of these. I don't really want to change much else as it's a massive pain in the ass when they change the forum templates every other upgrade. Things like UIKit styles adding big padding on quotes - I could spend a long time tweaking UIKit to just target the header element only somehow I guess but it's easier to just include Ryan's stylesheets and override a single class (done, padding is now 20px) ? Accessibility - if someone wants to give me the CSS changes I can just plug in I'd be happy to do so. I don't know enough about accessibility to tackle that myself. Forum width is same as the site width which makes sense visually, though perhaps we're missing a trick nowadays and could have a helpful sidebar at larger screen widths? Maybe some sort of quick links for docs etc? I'm not sure - it's more work and it's taken me this long just to tweak a dozen styles - I don't get paid for this and have to prioritise client work to pay the bills ?2 points
All right guys, another blow to the internet freedom. The united states of europe has voted for Article 13 and made it a fact. This is of course bad for innovation because little companies are getting a hard time to compete with the dominant platforms. Also independent content makers such as musicians and vloggers will have only a few dominant platforms left to distribute their work. The dominant platforms will get huge power to control public communication and discussions. Less freedom of expression and public discussions and more conformity to what is acceptable to the status quo. Here is a good example. Remember how Apple kicked Alex Jones from the internet ? Only a few days after that, Youtube, Facebook, Spotify and Twitter followed. We'll wasn't that a coincedence, right ? It only shows that these dominant platforms rule the same status quo and the same what is acceptable, instead of ruling their own interpretations of freedom of expression, choice and opinion. These dominant platforms have turned themselves into decision makers ! Deciding for us the people what we should see and hear and what not. If I don't want to see or hear or do agree or don't agree with Alex Jones then that decision is for us to make and not Apple, Youtube, Facebook, etc. It is not about Alex Jones and the content he brings to the public. It is about big platforms taking away our freedom of choice and our freedom of decision what we can see, hear or agree upon on the internet. This is in dutch so google translate it to english: https://www.nu.nl/internet/5810511/brussel-stemt-voor-nieuwe-auteursrechtenwet-met-uploadfilter.html https://www.bitsoffreedom.nl/2019/03/26/europees-parlement-stemt-voor-artikel13-en-nu/1 point
Hello everyone, hopefully this is the right place to ask and is not a duplicate question. I'm pretty new to processwire, so... if this question is kind of funny for some of you, you're welcome ? I have the following issue and can't find anything understandable about it. Maybe I'm searching the wrong way, but anyways.. here is my question: How is it possible to rewrite the URLs, that I'll get a *.php ending? Example: https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment/ -> https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment.php https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment/urlsegment/ -> https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment/urlsegment.php Because I've read a lot about "Why do you wanna do this or have that?" – here my answer for that in advance: I've built a processwire installation inside or around an existing website. Therefore, we want to keep the existing *.php Google entries. Sure, we could redirect via 301 Redirect, but would prefer to keep the *.php ending. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you in advance for your help. – Best regards ce901 point
That happen to me one. I thought it a weird bug. Try changing the FKEditor filed to Textarea and back. Somehow this worked for me as I think it stripped all html entites/tags/formatting and rendered the content as plain-text.1 point
It is worth noting that in the music industry only the most popular artists gain money (and a lot), anyone else is left in the dust as no one cares when their creative work is "stolen". Probably the same mechanism will be put in practice in this case too. Copyright fee on blank CDs, tapes and such? These guys work hard to rip us off.1 point
Ok, thanks! Solved it like this: /** * Get all templates except system templates (name => label) * * @return WireArray $templates * */ public function getTemplates() { $templates = new WireArray(); foreach ($this->wire('templates') as $t) { if (!($t->flags & Template::flagSystem)) { $templates->add($t); } } return $templates; }1 point
In Template context, is (currently) is, since the only flag currently defined for templates is the system flag. But @LostKobrakai is correct that iterating $templates isn't really a hardship (and likely faster anyway since there are no selectors parse).1 point
Quoting from your recent questions in the other thread: 1. The votes count is working, but is not automatically refreshing so the page has to be reloaded in order to see the numbers 2. The votes allow a user to vote UP and Down at the same time which in my scenario does not make much sense as you either like a comment or don't. 3. How to implement the comment depth. #1. Refresh: If you need anything to be automatically refreshed without loading a page, you need to use Ajax. I know of no other technology. Simple steps: On click votes count, capture that event using Ajax (JavaScript) Send the Ajax post (or get) to the specified URL, most likely the current page, so "./" Server-side, the template file that the current page uses checks if an Ajax call has been made, i.e. if($config->ajax) {capture and sanitize form inputs, send response back, usually as JSON) Client-side, the code you used to send your Ajax post is waiting for an answer from the server in a particular format. If that response comes through... Find the inputs on the page you need to refresh and refresh them. Example $config->ajax is here: #2: Up/Down Votes: How do you want to control this? Do you want to stop it client-side or both client-side and server-side? If server-side as well, how are you distinguishing users? Are you requiring users to log in before voting? If client side, you can use JavaScript to enable the HTML elements act like a toggle switch. If voting is mission critical to your system, you cannot rely on client-side prevention alone, hence the server-side checks. Server-side, if you are relying on IP only, that doesn't work always as some users could have dynamic or share IPs. Are you using email and registered users? 3#. Comment Depth: I already answered this question. I pointed you to the code in Dashboard Notes. If you want nested replies/comments, then you need to use a recursive function. If you want to limit output (in your case depth), you will need to use some sort of counter, in this case a count-down counter works well. Both of these are in the code I referred you to in Dashboard Notes. Did you have a look? How did it work for you? What went wrong? Etc...?1 point
This plugin for KeePass makes it much more handy to use: https://sourceforge.net/projects/autotypesearch/1 point
First things first... Why do you load this whole set of module stuff on every page? As far as I can see there is no need for that. As part of this your average page size is ~1.2MB which is way too much for whats happening on the pages. At first I thought you were facing a hosting issue here but static files are loading fast so I guess your querying a lot of data on each and every page load and don't use any caching where possible.1 point
Seems like a bug, or something that should be documented if "parent" is a special case for selectors. I opened a GitHub issue: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/838 As an alternative you can use OR-groups: $pages->find("(id=$page), (parent=$page)")1 point
It seems that the user needs to have the page-edit permission for both the parent page and the child page in order to sort the child page. I hadn't noticed this before. It's a shame that the page-sort permission can't be granted independently of page-edit as it seems like they involve quite different levels of risk/responsibility. I opened a request at GitHub: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/290 As for a hook you could use this in/site/ready.php: // Just for your target role if($user->hasRole('editor')) { $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::execute', function(HookEvent $event) { /* @var ProcessPageEdit $ppe */ $ppe = $event->object; $page = $ppe->getPage(); // The names of templates that the user is not allowed to edit $disallowed_templates = ['colours', 'colour']; if(in_array($page->template->name, $disallowed_templates)) { // Replace the Page Edit markup $event->return = 'You do not have permission to edit this page.'; } }); } This may not be 100% secure in that a person could theoretically create their own edit form in their browser dev tools (although I think that's a very unlikely possibility). But if you wanted to be extra safe you could follow an alternative approach of limiting access at the field level for all the fields in the relevant templates. Depending on the number of fields that could be a hassle via the admin interface so you could look into doing it via the API.1 point
1 point
I'm not sure if I can blame the PHP library alone. It definitely could be one of the things that contribute to poor performance. But there are many more things going on. For example permissions is a big one. The schema needs to check the permissions for each field and subfields. So if you have lots of page-refs and fetching their subfields, it will check if the user has permission to view those fields. When you make a query inside your templates, the script already got access and don't do permission checks manually. It needs to be improved. Performance is very important. But right now I'm dealing with PHP library deprecation, because it's not maintained anymore.1 point
Arch Linux, Fast, Responsive and Snappy. Run only what you need. Desktop experience without Corporate influence, community-only distro.1 point
I'm using Linux Mint fulltime for a couple of weeks now, as a test, and got everything working fine for developing a project in PW. Much snappier than Windows on my ThinkPad P51 (Intel Xeon, 32GB RAM). Got it installed on a different SSD drive. The only problem is that I use Adobe tools to work as well and got a Win 10 VM with them when simple things are required but probably will need to reboot to Windows when complex things are needed, like editing a large document, as I could not configure the VM video memory for more than the VirtualBox default; so that's a problem I need to solve. Also created a MacOS VM for browser testing, but it's pretty slow on Virtual Box. The only issue on Linux Mint I'm having is that when watching videos there's some small flickery occurring sometimes. Probably an NVIDIA driver issue, but I can live with it for now.1 point
Here is the good news ..... you don't need to be a full blown php coder to start using Processwire. Neither you need to be an expert in javascript. Even with the php basics you can already start making websites with Processwire e.g. <?php echo "this"; echo "that"; echo "<img src='$image->url' alt='$image->description' />"; access a page $pages->get("/path/to/page/"); output your pictures in a gallery foreach($page->images as $image) { $large = $image->width(500); $thumb = $image->size(100, 100); echo "<a href='{$large->url}' rel='lightbox-smarts'><img src='{$thumb->url}' alt='{$thumb->description}' /></a>"; } ?> Some basic php syntax stuff https://processwire.com/docs/more/why-php-syntax/ Did you already go through the Tuto's ? Start it up with Processwire https://processwire.com/docs/start/templates/ Processwire Tutorials https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials A good read about Processwire and WordPress https://www.ionos.co.uk/digitalguide/hosting/cms/processwire/ Anyway, you are not going to find any better api out there than the Processwire api. Feel free to always come back here and ask questions.1 point
@happywire I think in the foreseeable future we cannot expect Ryan to change the way ProcessWire manages images so it is up to us to implement it the way we want to. As it is an "advance topic" I do not think it will be documented in details, except if we do it ourselves. One good way of doing it is how @bernhard wrote a great tutorial, which was happily published by Ryan in the blog: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/building-custom-admin-pages-with-process-modules/ If you have the time to do your own research regarding this issue and ask others for more info then you might want to sum it up for us to in a similar tutorial. Most of us have their own way of managing images but this should not bother you, just do it your own way and help others by publishing it you have the time. ProcessWire pages under processwire.com/docs/ cover most what is needed for developers to get started but the blog articles often highlight even more, it's just that they are buried in there. Forum and Githubs issues also have a lot of information, but those are even more buried. However, I do not think that it will be possible to organize it all, so doing our own research is a must. Most of us perform custom goggle searches in order to dig into all these sources. The goos thing is that under the hood of ProcessWire things rarely change, so most things you are going to read in these sources are still relevant and work. However, the there have been major upgrade to images field, just search like: https://www.google.hu/search?q=image+site%3Aprocesswire.com For example: "In the new images field, they are now 260 pixels in the smaller dimension, scaled to 130 pixels (for HiDPI/retina support). The actual size and HiDPI support can be adjusted in config.php settings in $config->adminThumbOptions, though we think most will likely want to keep the default settings." https://processwire.com/blog/posts/major-images-field-upgrade/ So using gridSize it is possible to set the dimensions: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/649d2569abc10bac43e98ca98db474dd3d6603ca/wire/config.php#L636 I do not exactly know how it should work though. When I set 'gridSize' => 100 and 'scale' => 1.0 then "1.0=force non-hidpi" should kick in, and in my understanding with this setting I should get images no bigger than 100x100 pixels. However, with this setting I get 200x200 pixels or less. Maybe it's me who does not understand the comment in the code. Also, there is this part in the comment: "1=allow hidpi, 0.5=always hidpi" which does not make any difference at all. In my case not matter what is set to scale, the admin thumb will always be twice the value of gridSize. It's not that hard, just sart by reading https://processwire.com/docs/modules/ and Bernhard's article.1 point
Fedora 29 is rock solid for development requirement. Manjaro is another UI friendly LinOS if you are ok with rolling release model. Elementary OS is another eye-candy one1 point
Sorry to hear neither Linux nor Devilbox is working for you. Regarding Linux, what distro have your tired? I am on Kubuntu and super happy with it. Started using it beginning of this year. Yes sure it is an uphill battle at first but then when you get into it it is just fab. I have been (and still use it as times) a long time Windows user, XP, 7 then 10. Used Macrium Reflect a lot to have clean images and not suffer from Windows rot, restrictive firewall rules and Pana cloud. With this it all works fine to this day. Though lately for web development my workflow shifted from UI tools to command line tools. I started to use Cygwin a lot, well to do stuff that I could natively do on a Linux box. A couple month later when I had to get a new laptop for work I slapped on dual boot onto that, Windows 10 and Kubuntu. Well so far I booted into Windows about 3 or 4 times, the rest of the time I am on Linux. Even have a shared partition for my data so that I can develop from both OS and have the files and folders working. Why am I saying this? I am not trying to convince you are tell you that Windows is bad. Just saying I did switch and just find it very convenient to work with. Also I am sure there is quite a few people here as well as other places on the web that can/will help you if you have something that does not work. Regarding Devilbox. Docker. Yes. Super nice to use. If you know how to. If.. Upon discovery of Docker I thought "oh great I can have my entire development setup in there, start it up and never think about it again". I was so wrong. Months and months of time invested, time not lost since I learned a lot, but time spent being really quite frustrated. Just like you say. PHP modules. Connecting hosts. Config files missing. Nginx config. And so on and on and on.. I always thought, "yes nice I can learn this and set it up myself". Well for smaller things it did work, but for something like I want to be able to do, i.e. freely switch components while having my work files and configs left intact, well that was a whole different league. Also, I always thought, "nah I don't need something from someone else, I don't need another tool, I can do this myself". Turns out, it was too much for me to get right. Just like you say, error messages during build, those lead to SO questions with no answer, going to GitHub to file an issue only to have that closed the next day with a kind note "go ask in the Docker community or on SO", going in circles, mad times, unhappy times, and most of all times without writing a single line of PHP, HTML, CSS or JS. And that in the end was what got to me the most. Not being able to get on with work but having to fiddle with some damn settings that in order to understand those I would have to read books on. And so after this, I might call it a bit of a dark time, I gave in and gave Devilbox a shot. And there it was. I read 2 pages of the manual, not more and it is running. Every time I start it up I have all the things and certs created automatically, am on https, everything is super fast and super smooth and now, at times, I keep asking myself, "why have you not tried this first". Some things are left for people who have been doing that for ages and know the score. I do web development and do not setup servers or backend environments, have no clue about PHP modules or whatever else is needed to make neat and nice sites with whatever I am working at the moment. Some things a better left to people that know this stuff in and out. So given your issues with Devilbox and https, have you seen this? https://devilbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/support/troubleshooting.html Or have you tried opening an issue with Cytopia. That person is an animal. I do not see a single issue not answered and even if it might be a tiny bit off Devilbox there is still some help given. Perhpas give that a shot and see how it pans out? To conclude, I guess all I want to say is "I feel your trouble" as I have been there and me too I was close to giving up and giving in. But then at the very last moment there was ray of light at the end of this dark tunnel, I clinged onto that and today I stand on a lovely glade and can enjoy the scenery.1 point
@Schwab Right now I am using the PHP class Emogrifier to inline the styles. It works as easy as $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier(); $html = '<html><h1>Hello world!</h1></html>'; $css = 'h1 {font-size: 32px;}'; $emogrifier->setHtml($html); $emogrifier->setCss($css); $mergedHtml = $emogrifier->emogrify(); Well, $html has to come from your page, and deliver correct HTML for every mail client. You have to generate that first. There are some preconfigured templates out there or you could use tools like MJML to create a template yourself.1 point
No problem here finding matches for a Page Reference field containing pages whose title starts with numbers. If the search value only contains numbers then the value will be interpreted as a page ID. In any case it's good to be specific about what you are wanting to match against to avoid any confusion. So if you want to match against the title use tags.title as $filter in your example.1 point
1 point
Sadly the recordings are no longer available. For anyone interested, they will be available at wordpress.tv at some point. On a related note I think that's also a great source of information, even for non-WP users ?1 point
Hello @MilenKo you need to do that somewhere before Comments module render methods calls ( renderStars() for page rating, and render() for user reviews ).1 point
Most of the styling issues are where UIKit for the new PW header is conflicting with the forum software styling. I'm actually surprised it broke as little as it has to be honest but will get onto these theme issues in the next day or two.1 point
Hi @adrian, A lot of the code is much the same, but tidied up with the the coding style guide implemented, so I'm not surprised the diff doesn't reveal much! The readme is pretty thorough and covers a lot, but here's the gist: addData() - add X-Mailgun-Variables - https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/user_manual.html#attaching-data-to-messages - to be honest don't know what use cases there are for it but it's in the API and was easy to implement addTags() - add multiple tags as an array getHttpCode() - to get the response code from either send() or validateEmail() * Most methods now chainable (see the Advanced Example in the readme) Tracking only used if bodyHTML() is set (As this only works in HTML email) cc() and bcc() only used when batchMode is off - this seems to me to be the correct implementation WireMail::htmlToText() used for generating the text version if only HTML passed (as in WireMail now) The ASCII conversion for tags now uses $this->sanitizer->nameFilter($tag, [" "], "", false, 128); WireMail::replyTo() implemented - doesn't seem to have been before removed addAttachment(), now uses WireMail::attachment() - which adds the ability to set the filename Unixtime is now passed to setDeliveryTime() A bunch of other small tweaks like using $sanitizer->email() in validateEmail() * I'd wanted to use WireHttp for the requests, but it doesn't allow custom cURL options. I have done a pull request for this, but I don't think I'll be changing the module's cURL request implementation now anyway. Cheers, Chris1 point
I created a demo-installation of RockGrid/RockFinder that I want to share soon that shows several examples of RockFinder/RockGrid Here's one example that @jmartsch requested support for - a grid listing the sum of all pages that reference this page: the residents can assign a house with a single pagefield: The php file for the grid (returning the final finder's sql, that's why I post it here) looks like this: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // the base table contains all houses // https://i.imgur.com/e5bC4sA.png $houses = new RockFinder('template=house', ['title']); // then we create another table containing all residents that have a living assigned // https://i.imgur.com/zYXEVIL.png $residents = new RockFinder('template=person|cat|dog,livesin.count>0', ['title', 'livesin']); // we join both tables and get a combined table // https://i.imgur.com/TE0vEPd.png $houses->join($residents, 'resident', ['livesin' => 'id']); // then we can modify the resulting SQL to our needs // https://i.imgur.com/UgzNqDD.png $sql = $houses->getSQL(); $sql = "SELECT id, title, count(resident_id) as numresidents FROM ($sql) as tmp GROUP BY resident_livesin"; // set the data // to check everything i created a test-grid where we can filter for the house title // https://i.imgur.com/9pdlYVz.png $this->setData($sql); The screenshots of the comments are here: -- -- -- -- -- The grid in the last example called "residents" is as simple as that: <?php namespace ProcessWire; $residents = new RockFinder('template=person|cat|dog,livesin.count>0', ['title']); $residents->addField('livesin', ['title']); $this->setData($residents); As you can see this somewhat complex example can be done in only 6 lines of codes (same example as above, just without comments): $houses = new RockFinder('template=house', ['title']); $residents = new RockFinder('template=person|cat|dog,livesin.count>0', ['title', 'livesin']); $houses->join($residents, 'resident', ['livesin' => 'id']); $sql = $houses->getSQL(); $sql = "SELECT id, title, count(resident_id) as numresidents FROM ($sql) as tmp GROUP BY resident_livesin"; $this->setData($sql);1 point
wireshell new --profile=blank Your new best friend! ?1 point
I'm using something like this: <div edit='1.title' onclick='this.dispatchEvent((new MouseEvent("dblclick", { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true })));'> <i class="fa fa-cog fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> Working pretty fine for me.1 point