Download the latest ProcessWire core versions

Download the latest version of ProcessWire by clicking one of the buttons below. The master version for live/production use while the dev version is for sites in development or for cases where you want the latest features.

 Download master (3.0.229) Download dev (3.0.242)

The master version is updated 2-3 times per year, while the dev version is updated almost every week. As a result, the dev version may not have as much testing as the master version, but it will also be the latest/greatest version of ProcessWire.

We recommend downloading the dev version if you are using it locally for development, while we recommend downloading the master version if it will be immediately used in a live/production environment (like if you are upgrading an existing installation). It is also generally safe to use the dev version in production after thorough testing in an non-production environment.

How to install ProcessWire

When you download ProcessWire, it comes with instructions already. However, if you'd like more details about specific installation methods, see the links below:

More ProcessWire download and install options

All of the below installation options focus on the ProcessWire master version. If you want the dev version, please use the button above or get it directly from GitHub.

  • Softaculous

    Softaculous is an auto-installer already available on many web hosting services.

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“Indeed, if ProcessWire can be considered as a CMS in its own right, it also offers all the advantages of a CMF (Content Management Framework). Unlike other solutions, the programmer is not forced to follow the proposed model and can integrate his/her ways of doing things.” —Guy Verville, Spiria Digital Inc.