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wbmnfktr last won the day on October 13 2024

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  1. It looks like the module is "single action" right now - so that we can only add ONE action that's performaned on whatever settings we apply. Is this correct or do I miss something to "Add another action" somewhere?
  2. Shouldn't it be more like this: class HomePage extends DefaultPage { public function __construct(Template $tpl = null) { parent::__construct($tpl); $this->lang1 = $this->languages(); // added () $this->lang2 = wire()->languages(); // added () } public function lang(){ return $this->languages(); // added () } } Can't test right now but the docs say so. https://processwire.com/api/ref/functions/languages/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/get-languages/
  3. Yes, please. The LazyCronLock.cache means there was an issue and LazyCron was stopped. You can safely delete both files in your DEV environment. Take a look at them. There are just timestamps in them, so LazyCron can check on those. Using ready.php was for testing purposes only. LazyCron will work from within a module. I use that a lot for maintenance tasks.
  4. Do you have a LazyCron.cache file in /site/assets/cache? Maybe it's locked or corrupt or something that somehow prevents LazyCron to check and use that file and therefore doesn't work at all. Oh... and maybe try using that hook in /site/ready.php and go from there.
  5. Using this in /site/config.php $config->debug = true; // or false, doesn't matter $config->moduleInstall('directory', true); // this is important $config->moduleInstall('download', false); $config->moduleInstall('upload', false); allows me to use the directory to install modules.
  6. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, @ryan!
  7. As this isn't a real workflow - means: I handle projects differently for that matter. For now to make it short - the decision process: How valuable is the data? Just fields, templates, and settings Real content (products, articles, actual data)? Is the content worth more than the whole project/website in the long run? The more important the database content is, the more saving points exists and the higher the interval is, even in development mode. Super important content (product data and content) will be backed up daily and when a user logs into the backend - external backups, server side, and Git Less important content/data: each time a user logs into the backend - server side, Git [...] During starting phase most often only when heavier tasks and steps on fields, templates occur - which then will end in Git with before and after dumps. Side projects on the other hand... some never got a backup besides those created during the update process of ProcessWire. 😂
  8. That looks like a great addition to my regular setup @digitalbricks. Will test it and will probably have some questions. Great work so far! @AndZyk that's one of the reasons we love @teppo so much here!
  9. Let's have a look here in the docs: <?php public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Hello World', 'version' => 101, 'author' => 'Ryan Cramer', 'summary' => 'Just an example', 'requires' => array("LazyCron", "AdminBar") // added this line ); );
  10. Here is the link to the module - for those looking for it: https://processwire.com/modules/pagefile-metadata/
  11. I guess this article could be helpful: https://screencasting.com/cheap-video-hosting More details about the Cloudflare R2 pricing: https://developers.cloudflare.com/r2/pricing/
  12. I use Git in the project root as well, and only put things in .gitignore I really don't want to have in that repo. Best case scenario is that I have the full project, besides database dumps, in my repo. # .gitignore .ddev/ site/assets/backups/ site/assets/cache/ site/assets/logs/ site/assets/ProCache-* site/assets/pwpc/ site/assets/sessions/ site/config-dev.php Database dumps are a thing of its own. Managed projects are backed up quite often, long time projects with not that many updates will be backed up once every 3 months. From un-Managed projects I keep only the latest version I worked on - most of the time the release day or when something was updated.
  13. How is it going @nacheson - did you see any progress and tried some things? How can we help/assist to keep you going?
  14. Edit your initial post's title and add a [Solved] or similar to indicate that the thread has at least helped you. That's how I do it.
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