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BrendonKoz last won the day on August 8

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About BrendonKoz

  • Birthday 12/12/1980

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    Saratoga Springs, NY, USA

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  1. Appreciate the gesture, @bernhard, but I know how difficult it can be to work with recurrence and all of the edge cases therein. Even if just for testing, I'd rather pay you for your work! 🙂❤️ Catching up on life right now, but saw you posted the intro video, hope to watch it soon! Not sure I can immediately use the module, but excited to test it out!!
  2. Do you have any files (or folders) in your site/modules folder that start with a dot/period? If so, it should be safe to delete if it is causing errors. It looks like some files were renamed and/or placed in the wrong location...maybe?
  3. I'm still personally having trouble properly understanding the vision of where the problem is. SIA has seen the car example (at least one of them, there are a few). I understand that there are potential hierarchies of some sort of data, but how that data relates to individual plants/pages, to other levels within the hierarchy, and how SIA is envisioning the page tree to look, it's hard to make any recommendations. 😞 Maybe the first hierarchical level in the page tree is the CATALOG (version/periodical?). These are individual entries that are the (only?) allowed children of HOME. Allowed children of CATALOG would then be GROUPs (though I'm not sure what this is a group of or how it relates to CATALOG or CATEGORY). CATEGORY is next, so it's the only allowed child of GROUP. Since we're talking about PLANTS, I'm not sure what "Category" relates to within GROUP or how it is defined. I would think make genus, or species, or type of plant as defined by the organization (Annual, Perennial... Perhaps the hardiness zone? Seed or Bulb?) That's a lot of clicking to get to specific (plants?) items within the site, but it does limit the amount of difficulty in finding specific items within a page tree containing 10,000 items under a single node. ... There are ways that the above defined data hierarchy could be architected within ProcessWire so that it is not as rigid as mentioned. Fields used as attributes (ex: tagging) can go a long way here, along with what @Ivan Gretsky mentions in the Listers to offer secondary predefined navigation options to supplement the page tree. There's also the very powerful admin live search which can even be customized. That is extremely quick, assuming an item's title is already known. I would like to make clear that if you're more confident in your use of WordPress and already understand how you would build that site out using that tool, then it may be a better option for you. I'm trying to understand the more nuanced parts of this particular job request in order to give some possible suggestions of how ProcessWire could be used to mimic what you'd get out of WordPress as they can be, for most scenarios, used interchangeably (with the limitation on custom plugins and/or themes).
  4. Good day, SIA. Some questions for clarification: "they will make transfers to each other" -- This may not have translated properly. Will there be multiple websites where data will be maintained and integrated into both, or is this referring to many people making edits to individual items/pages? "How would it make it easier for them to edit their 10,000 pages approximately?" -- ProcessWire has some options for various forms of access levels, whether it be page-level access, field-level access, or simple role-based access; you can also override with custom rules using PW's hooks. The question you asked though of, "how to make it easier," would depend on the needs of the project, how they expect to use it, and how you end up building that solution out. ProcessWire provides the basic options, but it's up to us to improve it per project using the tools that PW offers. Your "hierarchy" is flat. Were newlines removed in the paste? You provided a hierarchy, but what do you want to know relating to it and ProcessWire?
  5. If the question was never asked, I wouldn't have wondered. I do agree that if I discovered that a competing, comparable product was used instead of PW (such as WordPress) I'd be dismayed, but when the technical demands are different and a familiar tool seems like a better fit - no, I think that a lot of the decisions with ProcessWire is that simpler is often better and not to overcomplicate things: use the tool that you're familiar with that fits the solution best. If server costs were a concern and your home internet is stable enough, you could run a Raspberry Pi (5) as a webserver to run PW and MySQL inside of a Docker container and merge the backend with the frontend as flydev suggested. That seems like overkill simply to involve PW though? If there was a technical reason to use PW in the mix beyond what is currently offered, then that would be the time to do so!
  6. Unfortunately no. I wish I could have. I was trying (quickly) to find the article I had seen that covered the 4-5 different protocols that aimed to solve a similar goal. I was unsuccessful. It was well over a year ago, so I don't remember the names of the protocols (or the product[s] that were using them). I think one of them was Matrix, and maybe the other was BlueSky's AT...and then forks of those.
  7. Looking at the code for processInputFile, it does seem to run against any changes to the field, including deletion, so in that regard it makes sense that it also runs when the ZIP archive file is being deleted. You might be able to get an InputfieldFile after hook to work against ProcessInputAddFile, but I think to be successful you'd have to examine the current method to get access to the values you need since the default method only accepts the filename as a parameter, you can't immediately get the pagefile. Maybe that was the issue when you tried to use it as a hook previously?
  8. Have the federated protocols finally stabilized with a clear front-running winner? For a time there were competing protocols that various community software products were using, claiming their option(s) were better suited for various scenarios. One particular complaint over ActivityPub was server cost related to the bandwidth use of the protocol. I tried to quickly find a singular article that discussed the competing protocols but unfortunately was unable. I think the best source I found was a hackernews discussion thread, and/or Reddit, but Google's results was full of various Reddit discussions, none of which were what I had read in the past. (Seems newer conversations are comparing Mastodon, specifically, against ActivityPub.)
  9. Just curious if there's a less PW-like way of dealing with this issue? Are you unpacking the archive, doing some processing on the extracted files, then deleting the files -- all in sequential order? If so, why not call the other methods from within each method/step of the process? That way you'd only need one hook, the other logic can be separated into standard functions/methods and don't need to rely on proper hook order. If that's not possible, I haven't checked to see if PW's file methods are non-blocking, but if they are blocking, then perhaps setting a priority order on the hook calls will suffice?
  10. Things I would consider trying first if I ran into the same problem: What is different between the current website, and a fresh installation of ProcessWire? (Can I take a DIFF of the core files [wire folder], index.php, and .htaccess?) Has the current website used any modules that attempt to capture 404 responses that is causing an issue? Are either instances being run from a subfolder, or are they installed in the root? Are they running on the same webserver (eg: NGINX vs Apache 2.2 vs Apache 2.4 vs Litespeed) Does the webhost have any services in use that might cause unexpected issues (ex: mod_security) If I were to check the web browser's debugging NETWORK tab, is there anything I can see different from when it shows the expected page vs when it does not? I'm sure there could be other things I could try too, but those are what I think I'd try right now.
  11. ProcessWire uses MySQL, and as such exposes, through selector queries, a limited (though quite decent) set of options for matching. None of these are truly fuzzy, as MySQL requires quite a bit of additional effort for that type of search result matching. Typically the solution for fuzzy searching is to use a purpose-built engine, such as ElasticSearch, Algolia, Typesense, or similar options.
  12. Using straight database methods/functions to retrieve data would, unless you process the results differently, just be standard PHP / MySQL requests. You can use the API docs about $database, and take advantage of it, but it's just a ProcessWire way of querying a separate database. The resultant data would still be just that -- data. How you then further process that data and then display it in a template is up to you. Most of what is rendered in a template is up to you, as a developer, anyway. If you're looking for a more ProcessWire-like way of referring to data when using the WireDatabasePDO class (ex: $page->MyCustomTable->row->first('property')), you won't get it, that's just a helper class to standard PDO methods within PHP. Something like kixe's FieldtypeSelectExternalOption might provide you with a PW-like feeling, though I don't know if it's entirely necessary. It all depends on what you want to do with the data from the table, and how you want to interact with it, if at all. If you want to be able to edit it in the admin, and/or create pages from it, then it's not quite as simple, and I'm not sure you'd want to. You certainly can, however. So with the separate database, what is it you'd like to be able to do to, or with, it? Simply display it? Here's another good discussion on this topic, also in the forum...
  13. @MarcC If/When you get a chance to look into it again: How was Tracy duplicating the behavior if it was template-based rendering?
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