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  1. Hello, It is for a page. Not sure I expressed myself clear enough. So if i do a new "author" with new: The resulting author has all languages checked per default, great! : However, if i create an author through a page field: All languages are turned off by default:
  2. Hi there, I've run into a problem I'm not sure how to solve. I have a site with many languages (>10). If I create a page (="Author") through the admin ('new'), per default all languages are checked and marked as 'active'. Great. However, If I create the same page through a page field ('press enter to create a new page'). Per default, no other language than default is checked. The client has to remember to re-open that newly created author and check >10 checkboxes for this page to be available in all languages. How can I make sure all languages are checked per default in both cases above. So that no matter how the author is created all languages are always checked? many thanks, J
  3. Ha, this looks fantastic! I'm going to try this next time that I inevitably run into the same situation again.
  4. Thank you both @jploch using the custom field is clever. Then the mp4 automatically have an image to be used as poster. If it's only a series of mp4's and images this could work really well! @gmclelland I didn't know about this one! Could potentially be interesting if there is a lot of extra fields per image. If I understand correctly it create a repeater item for each image, but since it's a regular repeater it's not possible to insert a non-image in betwee, or similar. Still interesting within it's use-case.
  5. Pagegrid looks like a great visual page builder, that's not what I'm after. I'm after dragging multiple files and have them organize themselves after filetype, so I can have the simplicity of the images field but with the flexibility of the repeater matrix
  6. Hi there, In almost every project I find myself wanting to use the images field for being able to drag many images at once to one field. It's super convenient. However then I loose the ability to be able to mix other filetypes in the same collection. Usually, after a while clients come back and want to have a video in there somewhere or perhaps even an embed. Then I have to rethink how that works and by using repeater matrix the interface becomes clunkier (new 'image' -> upload -> new 'video' -> upload, etc). I'm dreaming now but it would be amazing with drag and drop support for repeater matrix, repeater items are automatically created from the file-type (jpg and mp4 mostly). Not sure where I'm going with this, mostly I wanted if I missed something or if this idea could work. I know there are some media library extensions around but I could never befriend them 100%. best J
  7. aahhhaaa! Had no idea about that button. Yes indeed it's there, works fine. Thanks!
  8. Hi there, I'm using ProcessWire 3.0.229 and repeater matrix 0.1.1. I've got myself a repeater matrix in a repeater matrix – and inside there - an image field with an extra field 'caption'. This extra field doesn't show up in the repeater matrix: The field is enabled: and looks like this: any ideas how to get it to work? many thanks, J
  9. Thanks, That actually works, but I think it might be for the wrong reason. There can't actually be any slowdowns because of permissions, I suppose? It has to be something else. Not sure what exactly yet, but I'll see if i can find out.
  10. Hey there, I've got a site with a weird performance issue. Requesting ~20 pages and displaying them with $image->width(400)->url can take up to 2-3 seconds. The resized images are already generated. If I replace that line with $image->url the request is almost instantaneous, as it should be. So it seems like the width() function is struggling for whatever reason. Could it be something with permissions on the files under /assets/files that is causing this? An example of the file with ls -lah looks like this: -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 510K May 8 10:32 20_10_xxx_web.800x0.png The original (is fast) looks like this -rwxrwx--- 1 joe www-data 1.3M Mar 16 16:36 20_10_xxx_web.png* I should probably restrict the permission a bit, but first I'm looking to understand this slow down.
  11. Hello, I discovered that the import/export function doesn't include custom image fields (I've got a rich text field for captions). I suppose there might be no easy way around this limitation, but if there is, let me know! J
  12. Thanks Ryan, So there is nothing wrong with any module or js, or anything with processwire. The sysadmin started changing the settings in nginx. The message doesn't stem from cookiebot, it comes from an nginx error, from him adding an exception to cookiebot. False alarm, but many thanks for the help. It was a sysadmin that didn't update us others ?
  13. Thank you both for your quick responses! Things started working again. I think what happened is the sysadmin was messing with CSP settings in nginx without telling anyone, causing a slight panic. In the mean time i got this screenshot from Brave that makes no sense at all. It's complaining about GTM and Cookiebot, that I load on the front end (but not in the backend, I suppose?!?) to be continued - thanks again! It's nice to know it's possible to get help in these cases. I'll update as soon as I know the full story.
  14. Hi all, I had this happening on a clients site today. The CMS doesn't show and there is some js errors. There hasn't been any code changes, or changes in general from what I know. But I suppose something must have changed. Not sure where to start figuring this one out, any ideas are very much appreciated!
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