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Everything posted by joe_g

  1. I found that it's possible to render nested blocks! I was hinting at this already, but wanted to double check: So, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a "link group"? A visual group that I can drag other blocks into (image, text, video) that wraps the element in an <a> tag, then I could use subgrid to place the nested items according to the real grid - but i think ...not possible, right? It would be amazing if i could place some image and text anywhere in the grid, group them and link them (so the hover can affect both the image and the text) - but I'm guess this is a bit too much at the moment? Just checking. If I make a custom block, then the relationship between the text and the image has to be fixed, somehow.
  2. its on the $page->title field on the front end, but only when logged in - no big deal
  3. The menu is handy for switching between breakpoints (mobile, desktop, etc). Also it seems like the only way to toggle and view the tree view. The tree view is useful for selecting stuff - it can be finicky to try to select things in the page itself. Although I don't want my client to start changing margins and typefaces, then things will deteriorate quickly :P
  4. If I'm logged in the $page->title field gets filled with some html - so I get a strange <title> field, such as: If i log out, its back to normal j
  5. aha! its if you hide styles the settings this top thing also disappears.. is there a way to keep the top menu but hide styles?
  6. After playing around a bit with the page grid i see that I no longer have the menu with the settings and breakpoints (toggle tree view, etc) is it a setting somewhere or a bug? tx!
  7. oo i see, thanks i guess i cant wrap things in <a></a> - but thats a limitation i can live with
  8. Hey hello, I've got most stuff working, but I can't figure out how to make links. I add a reference, then I try to drag things inside that reference with the aim that these images and texts will be linked. But I can't get it to work. I also tried dragging an image inside the reference in the tree-view. Also, as soon as I add a reference I get "Do you want to leave this page?" even though everything seems saved, but that's maybe less important for now.
  9. Ah yes, indeed - I had forgotten to set the path on the root page (home) to allow the second language. Now the page-language switch works, and also editing a richtext with individual languages. Page grid seems to work rather splendid with multiple languages. Nice!
  10. Testing new install Warning: Undefined array key "inlineLimitPage" in /var/www/html/elephant-test-pagegrid/site/modules/FieldtypePageGrid/FieldtypePageGrid.module.php on line 481 then when i try to download the default block modules i get ProcessModuleInstall: Module install option “download” - This install option is currently disabled. To enable, edit file /elephant-test-pagegrid/site/config.php and specify: `$config->moduleInstall('download', true);` to enable always …or… `$config->moduleInstall('download', 'debug');` to enable in debug mode only Even thought the site is in debug mode. I added the lines above and it got the install to work. Great! Now i'm stuck on languages - can the rich text be translated? I added my languages and I get this tab: But it doesn't seem to do anything. I tried making pg_text and pg_editor multilanguage, but it didn't make any difference, as far as I can see: thanks again! j
  11. I tried to delete everything and reinstall, and now it works but I only have a couple of blocks. I think I need to make a fresh install :)
  12. Thank you! One step further! If i create an image block there is no way for me to upload an image. Did I miss a step? tx J
  13. Hi there, wanted to give pagegrid a shot but ran into this Please buy a PAGEGRID license before you launch your project. For test and staging domains you... (just testing for now) Failed to ready module: FieldtypePageGrid - Method NullPage::addPermission does not exist or is not callable in this context I tried upgrading to latest PW (v 3.0.244), but get the same error. When I try to add an 'item' I get this empty square above the + button. Probably related to the error? THe page itself is empty if I look at it. Let me know if there is something i can do to get this to work!. This looks perfect for a client of mine. tx!
  14. Aha, now I get it! You suggest doing it in chunks of 100. Interesting, this I have to try! thanks.
  15. Hey yes, thank you. I tried this (findID) but it's too slow unfortunately, since I read all records for every request. I did consider caching, perhaps doing this nightly and cache the response, but it felt too complicated (and might also lead to weird cases with mismatch). I think the alternative is to do this with SQL, the grouping needs to happen on a sql-level. That's also a bit complicated, probably :D Especially since I usually don't spend too much time with the actual schema underneath processwire...
  16. Thanks everyone. In the end I went for the most basic solution. It doesn't happen very often so i just add the language alternatives as they are needed. In this case it was field_es, next month it might be field_pl. It's so easy to do so, so in the end not a point to automate.
  17. Yes, it's a sidescroll so you can easily swipe right as if the pages form a timeline. Since a page corresponds to the amount of stuff you already see on the current page you get a kind of intuitive feel for how much a year contains. A sort of physical representation of everything that has happened. Although it could become years instead of pages for past years, but it gets a bit tricky with a 2 level pagination perhaps. I imagine you click 2022, see pages and you would need to go back to 2024. Now, since you brought this up. The whole thing could potentially be only months and years instead of pages - but that is equally hard to calculate. Not all months have events and should be represented. Yes it would need to be custom sql, i suppose
  18. Hey experts, I had this cool idea I would love to implement, but so far I didn't manage to do it with good enough performance. I've got some date fields on a page, and I'd like to have years indicate on the pagination pages, like so: What I tried is to read all the results, read all the years for each results, then slice them up in pages. This is way to slow, obviously. Only thing i could think of is to make a nightly batch job that calculates the pagination, but it starts to get a bit messy and could easily be out of sync. This is no life-and-death situation, it's just something I would like to do. If you have any ideas how to solve this I'm curious to hear it.
  19. Hey experts, I ran into this today: A client has a site with lots of languages (12). I just learned about multilingual fields where any field can become multilingual, which is great. My problem is that I don't know what languages the client want to make language-specific images for. In most cases the default images-field is fine, but sometimes there is a secondary language (in this case Spanish). Is there a way I can allow the client to add a language to a multilanguage field? Perhaps a combo of repeater and images field, or some sort? I suppose I could create a version for every language. The drawback is that I would have to remember to update this field in parallel with the real languages. If the client adds polish tomorrow, I would have to add a polish alternative version of these images. It's not the end of the world, and that is probably what I will end up doing, just curious if there is more neat way? thanks!
  20. Interesting! I didn't know about HLS and doing it myself doesn't seem too bad actually
  21. One strategy would be to store all the original video files on the website as file uploads, and then use mux for conversion and delivery. At least then there a pinch less of a lock-in. Then, maybe at some point there might be a self-hosted mux alternative (or I make one based on ffmpeg). That could be a way to do things?
  22. Hey all, My projects involves more and more video. For a couple of years I've been self hosting mp4's. It works okay but it's always a hassle with determining the bitrate and getting the clients to understand that kind of thing. I don't want to go back to the bad old days of embedding. Mux.com looks good, but then all video material is locked up in their servers and it's hard to move. I don't love the idea to be tied to them forever. My dream would be to have something similar to image->width(500), such as video->bitrate(3000) for 3mb per second, for example. So that the editors can upload whatever video file. I think this would be not that hard to achieve with ffmpeg? I've been toying with the idea to do something like this myself. Anyone else? J
  23. yes, you made me understand 'viewable', that's great. But i can't control internal links done in ckedit (for example). Maybe ckedit is linked to /es/page and that doesn't yet exist (but perhaps a week later someone makes a spanish translation). It should work both now and later.
  24. i use hetzner for everything since some years
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