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I'm happy to announce that the official ProcessWire Developer Directory has been launched at http://directory.processwire.com It comprises a developer list and a map and is designed to allow anyone developing with ProcessWire to find each other. It also allows potential clients to find developers as well as illustrating how widely ProcessWire is used worldwide. The developer list displays in random order so as not to favour any one developer and is currently quite short, but it should grow nicely as you create your own profiles. The login process is linked to your ProcessWire forum account so the same details you use to login here will allow you to get started. There is a manual approval process as well as some rules so that we can ensure that the directory contains quality content and is free of spam. As a minimum, developers must have 10 posts here on the forums before they can login and post a profile, however after that there are relatively few restrictions - as long as you follow the guidelines on the Profile form and abide by the Terms and Conditions (a condition of submitting a profile) you will be fine. You may notice small icons/badges next to some developers - these are designed to recognise special contributions to the ProcessWire project and are awarded by staff as part of the approval process. Whilst checking each entry's content we cross-check against forum profiles, the modules directory and other sources to determine which badges apply to a developer. There are plans for more features over time which you can be notified about by checking the box at the end of the profile form. I look forward to seeing your profiles soon!11 points
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Really great this is a trigger to polish my own site up with PW first - and then add my entry Great idea&implementation Thumbs up!2 points
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https://processwire.com/api/modules/multi-site-support/ I use option 1 from here on my production server, works perfectly. Just be aware that all websites that you create using this system will be tied to the same version of PW, so upgrading for one will upgrade for all. I never had any problem with this myself.2 points
I'm not aware of any magic config flags that would solve this, sorry. Actually, I'm not even entirely sure if this is something that PW alone can handle -- not much of an expert when it comes to stuff like multithreading, but I'd say that it probably depends a lot on how your Apache is configured, which MPM it's using (prefork, worker, etc.) and so on. Sure, I've seen tricks like sleeping a few (micro)seconds between tasks to allow other processes get resources too, but that's just about it Before getting too worried, though, you might want to consider if there really are going to be hundreds of operations on huge images all the time after after your site has gone live. For most sites this won't be the case, and in a situation like you mentioned above (one core with 50% load, another sitting idle), you've still got plenty of resources to serve regular visitors. In any case we've had no issues with image resizing on our production sites, ever, so I wouldn't worry about this too much. One thing you could try if you're really worried about images in particular would be Imagick. From what I've heard, Imagemagick (which Imagick uses behind the scenes, unless I'm somehow mistaken) seems to be in some cases faster than GD. This thread would probably be a good place to start, if you're looking for a PW solution (not entirely sure about the state of that project, though). Hope this helps a bit.2 points
In ProcessWires index.php you can configure the name of the wire folder: $wireDir = 'wire'; https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/index.php#L77 I doubt Ryan is actively supporting and testing this, but might be worth a try. If you rename your wire-folder you will probably have to adjust some lines in your htaccess too.2 points
From the security point of view, there is no need to rename the wire folder at all. Unlike Joomla, which has a defined administration directory, there is no admin directory for your site, so the same considerations do not apply. In fact, there is no need to touch it. It is simply the engine that drives the system - keep the lid shut and ignore it. With ProcessWire, the site directory is your entire world and is yours to mess around with as you like. For 99% of the time, you will want to leave the directory structure as it is. Modules in modules, assets in assets and so on. The templates folder is your fun bit. Just think of it as the root of your static website. This is nothing like wordpress - you have no crazy messing with themes and child themes and strange constructions that MUST work in a certain way. Just use the directory in the way you like to build your sites.2 points
Untested + markup could be wrong: Here's some heavily commented code. You might want to use shorter field names Here's some homework if you haven't seen it yet : http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/repeaters/ //$section is the name of the repeater, in other words.. //$section is the REPEATERS and.. //$item is a SINGLE REPEATER within this group of repeaters $lesson_list = ''; foreach($section as $item) { $lesson_list .= " <tr> <td>" . $item->lesson_plan_time . "</td> <td><strong>" . $item->lesson_plan_subject . "</strong></td> <td>" . $item->lesson_plan_section_type->title . "</td> <td>" . $item->lesson_plan_section_type->lesson_plan_section_description . "</td> <td>"; foreach($item->online_tools as $tool) { $lesson_list .=" <a href='" . $tool->url . "'>" . $tool->title . "</a>"; }//end foreach $item->online_tools as $tool $lesson_list .= "</td></tr>";//close the table row and loop through the next $item until done }//end foreach $section as $item /* $item->lesson_plan_time: a text field (lesson_plan_time) $item->lesson_plan_subject: a text field (lesson_plan_subject) $item->lesson_plan_section_type: lesson_plan_section_type # This is a Single PageField type, i.e. either: # 'Single page (Page) or boolean false when none selected' OR # 'Single page (Page) or empty page (NullPage) when none selected' # It returns a Page Object (an instance of a Page) so we can directly reference its properties like: # $item->lesson_plan_section_type->title, OR # $item->lesson_plan_section_type->whatever (e.g. child, name, other_non_array_field), etc. - $item is the repeater we are currently looping through - lesson_plan_section_type is a page object - title is a property of the page object in lesson_plan_section_type - lesson_plan_section_description is a text field in the page object in lesson_plan_section_type $item->online_tools: online_tools # This is a Multiple PageField type, i.e.: # Multiple pages (PageArray) # We need to loop through it */2 points
Sorry nothin like that, besides all PW codes are magical so it defeats the point of having code snippet2 points
Are you talking about people extending other custom modules other than core? There is nothing wrong with extending other modules if it suits your needs. Why reinvent the wheel? Of course, if your module is extending another, your module code needs to make checks whether the extended module is installed or not and what to do in such cases, etc. If referring to custom modules extending others, there are a couple of examples here, I can't find them all but MigratorWordpress extending MigratorAbstract comes to mind. Btw, autoloaded and loaded on demand are two different things2 points
Support Forums are hard to maintain. There will always be an influx of new people with new ideas. Our challenge is to incorporate these individuals while teaching them good web development techniques. These people will be the next group of teachers about ProcessWire. @pwired makes some valid statements. I believe everyone should be heard, in a professional and mostly courteous manner. There will always be newbies that will challenge our patience, however we need to just remember that learning takes time. They are excited because ProcessWire is a fantastic development platform. We will have troublemakers join our group, however we need to not change who we are based on their need to make trouble and discord. There are great and extremely talented people from around the world actively participating in this forum. If we maintain our technical excellence and dignity, then it doesn't matter what a few idiots have to say. Anyway, once they see that we are about positive outcomes they will fade away. We should be striving to see everyone reach that initial "AHA" ProcessWire moment, no matter how long it takes. This is a great Forum and we collectively need to ensure that we keep it that way. Best Regards, Charles2 points
Almost You need only one remote repository where the code lives, but with two branches. It's the same git model as ProcessWire uses: The master branch contains the latest stable code, whereas the dev branch contains all the new features. Live Website (e.g. www.yourdomain.com): - master branch is checked out, to get new commits from origin: git pull origin master Test Website (e.g. dev.yourdomain.com): - dev branch is checked out, to fetch the new commits: git pull origin dev Yep, but totally separated, not the dev version inside a sub folder. Also separate databases.2 points
My setup is very different. I do all my web development work online using Dedicated servers. I create a development domain environment for each client and they have access to review the website work as it's being done. This works great for me since the transition from development to production is minimal. I brief each client on an at least weekly basis (online meeting, via phone or in-person) on the topics that are important to them. Each of my clients has 24 hour access to a customized project management website (Processwire based & still under constant development: i.e. alpha status). I make use of the client project website, Evernote (shared notebooks) and Dropbox (shared folders) to maintain all client related work and documentation. I work to ensure that the 3 systems stay linked together in a cohesive manner. A majority of my clients are not associated with any web development work, however I make sure they are familiar with ProcessWire through the client project websites. They get to see and work with the front-end/back-end (Admin) sides of ProcessWire on a constant basis.2 points
... got lost in crone Here is another one ... cronjob for database backup. All Informations here: github: https://github.com/kixe/CronjobDatabaseBackup PW Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/cronjob-database-backup/1 point
I have been learning and experimenting with Processwire for a few months now. I have about five sites under development and its going pretty well for the most part. I wear several hats professionally. Doing some real estate photography is one of my sideline businesses. Here is my site: http://seattlerealestatephotography.com/ I received a lot of help figuring out foreach statements, some of the PW API, building a gallery system and getting html fragments to behave. I simply could not have done any of this without some really great help from this forum. Thanks! PS: there are still some more refinements I need to finish but most of the site is ready to go (I hope...)1 point
@Diogo...Mm...I always thought it was mr-fan ....I am referring to this one: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7298-google-custom-search-for-your-browserbookmarks/ But of course you also have yours here which is the original1 point
Craig, I had used the Facebook login and didn't have a clue what password (if I even had one). I simply did password reset to get local password and used that when joining into directory.1 point
This is a great idea, and I've tried to register too. But I have also received an error, "There was an error processing your details. Please try again." I always remember just using Twitter to register/sign in to the forums, but I did go into the settings and reset my password using what I thought it was. But I still can't seem to get on I have logged out and back in - using Twitter - as it seems I can't use my password to sign in. Anything else I can do?1 point
@diogo Yes, my php includes are definitely crappy No offense intended. I'm glad to discover I had an incorrect impression of them. @Kongondo thanks for the list. If you are able to delete the new thread I created looking for tutorials (before I read your thread), please do so. This was a classic case of 'searching from within PW instead of google returned no results'. Reminds me to search the forums from google ALWAYS.1 point
1 point
Great idea, Pete! Unfortunately i get: Unable to complete this request due to an error. Error has been logged. When creating a profile.1 point
This is what the OpenHatch people call implicit knowledge in a project. https://us.pycon.org/2015/schedule/presentation/346/ If you guys have some free time, I suggest looking at what OpenHatch does. Many times people dismiss it as unnecessary, but I strongly disagree.1 point
I am really new to internet communities around software (or about anything else really). So I do not know how they can or should be organized (or should they - maybe some sort of anarchy is a way to go here). I do not know how PW community is organised as there are almost no written material about it. That's why I assume it is not organized (except for the moderating team, which was probably picked by most activity on the forum by Ryan). When I see community rules and guidelines I do not even know if they come from a "legal authority" or are just an opinion of an individual or a draft. I just can see Ryan liked them)) Not so long ago I participated in a discussion about cenrtralized translations for PW mentioned by Beluga a few posts above. We ended up with some questions we could not address on our own. I do not know if we could do anything else there: maybe we could write PM to someone to clear things up. As noone did step in to the discussion we just abandoned it for now. If we (who?) were targeted at community building we could easily get a working translation group there. I heard about do-ocracy, but not sure it can fully apply here as Ryan mentioned several times that he sees this community as not leaderless (and it is obviously not, as most of the development is made by him). Thats why I imagine we should define some procecces to involve people in activiries around PW in a centric organised manner (maybe I am not being clear, but it is hart talking politics in a language that is not your first one ).1 point
@Ivan, that's good to hear. Didn't think that you'd be criticising either (sorry if it sounded like that), just wanted to address some of the points you listed as "tasks for organised community which have not been covered yet". I most definitely appreciate what you're saying -- and, like I said, you've made some very good points What I meant to convey was mainly that many of such tasks are handled already, we just haven't listed (or gathered) any official teams for specific tasks -- other than the forum moderating team, in a way. There are also named people taking care of some specific tasks, such as approving sites directory entries, but those probably haven't been listed anywhere publicly either. It's true that perhaps we should have named teams, and make it obvious who's responsible for what. We've mainly been trying to avoid creating any unnecessary structures and (harmful) bureaucracy, but things like the community rules and guidelines are already an obvious step towards being more organised, and we've always tried to make it obvious who you should contact if in any doubt. Either way we're still a relatively small community, and we don't want to (or need to) act any bigger than we are. Doesn't mean that we won't act when it's time for that, of course, and I personally see discussions like this as valuable indicators about whether we should already do something "in a bigger way"1 point
Okay so increasing post_max_size works but if it's lower it fails silently so maybe a feature would be a message that checks the size of file against the ini_get('post_max_size') and display that to the user. should i create a pull-request for that ? Happy Sunday1 point
I only need a single tree of pages. Anyway now I post in migrator specific thred. Yes is the last version of Migrator, I downloaded yesterday from github. Thank you.1 point
I would also greatly suggest you use this to test sending your email : http://www.mail-tester.com. It will also provide suggestions on how to improve your mail delivery systems to prevent outbound emails to be seen as spam.1 point
To kind of return back to topic, here's a little write-up on ProcessWire and ProcessWire Recipes: http://bigger-on-the-inside.net/articles/processwire-recipes (again shameless plug™)1 point
On my local dev machine, I learned to edit the .git/hooks/pre-commit file to execute a mysql dump and save dump.sql which I then import (currently manually) into my live site using Adminer.1 point
1 point
This is why I have a problem with some of your comments, you tend see them as the truth (at least that's how they sound to me). We are never the owners of the truth, we have opinions, and should give them knowing that they are nothing more than our opinion. I'm not trying to annoy you, just telling you how your posts may be read by others in case you don't have that notion. You're a valuable member and new people will take your words very seriously based on your number of posts and likes, this alone gives you an extra responsibility, and you should be aware of it. I must remind you that you were not an easy newbie Anyway, just to be clear. We all love to have you here1 point
I don't care if a question is weird i'd happily answer them even starter questions, because a community is one where one shouldn't be afraid to ask a question with the fear of being ridiculed. worst case scenario for me would be to simply refer the forum with the answer. @kathep i like your system to finding out information.1 point
People who are just one step ahead of the newbies are the best teachers for those newbies. Those newbies will be the next teachers for the new generation. We have a healthy forum and I love the way it goes.1 point
Thats only what i meant in my last 2 posts on this. As i'm a starter, too - the best thing here was that i'm felt like i'm at home now in this forum - not in any strange or foreign part of the web. I'll give back other starters a helping hand since i'm no pro this my only limited skill.1 point
My personal experience has shown me that the challenge with starting out with anything is knowing the right questions to ask. None of us know everything but when you get to a certain level you become an expert at knowing what questions to ask then the ability to find the answers to those questions becomes that much easier.1 point
@n0sleeves have to look into the tunneling thing, sounds great. I set up a PW installation on the server, and push my local templates folder changes via git ftp (also supports FTPS (FTP over SSL)), which really only pushes the changes, tracked by git. Good thing is, this workflow also works if the client's server does not have git available, only good ol' ftp. AND you still can profit from branching locally.1 point
From my point of view this has less to do with html5 and more to do with SEO. The general thought is that you should have one H1, then a group of H2s, more H3 and so on. Though there are arguments against that as well. It is all about second guessing Google and Bing When it comes to HTML5 and SEO, however, it is probably more important to look at structural elements such as <article> and <section> and then the relevant attributes from Schema.org: <article role="article" itemtype="http://schema.org/BlogPosting" itemscope> And so on1 point
I just changed the code that creates the navigation to use the $pages->find('parent=1') instead of the renderChildrenOf function and it made my website much faster! The website went from having a 3-5 second php delivery to a 700ms php delivery. (index.php's time in google chrome.) I am assuming it is because it loads the page information for all pages under your homepage, so if you have thousands of pages, it adds unnecessary overhead vs the parent= which just gets 1 level. Bootstrap only makes use of 2 levels so that is not very efficient. Just wanted to let you know I speed up my website big time by using this method! The slower renderChildrenOf function is used in the Bootstrap 3 site profile in the modules directory. That is why I started off with that. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-wire-bootstrap3/1 point
I would never recommend the use of short tags in any PHP documentation (when it's not about short tags ). It's not unlikely that someone following a doc is a newby on PHP. Letting them think about short tags obscures the main purpose of the doc, leaving less room in his mind to digest the actual purpose of the documentation. And of course all the above said.1 point
1 point
Do not go down that road, it is a dark and miserable path where fellow travelers seek to fill your pages with a contagion of confusion and dismay. Aside from the occasional notion of "oh, this might actually work", you will find yourself subject to the chains of their template systems. At the end of the day, though your site may work, you may cringe at the mere mention of changing anything in it. And it only gets worse as your projects become more involved. (Speaking from experience.) Stay here, it's nice here.1 point
Hi Mike and welcome! The thing about PW is that it really does not have any fixed structure - it is up to you how you want to work. There is one fixed rule, however - for a file to be available as a template file is must have a php ending and it must be directly in the templates folder. And that is it. After that is is up to you. For instance, I tend to have my main templates like home, basic-page, gallery - whatever I think I need. But things like my header and footer I put in an includes folder within templates and the just include them into the file. Likewise, I split out much of my logic into functions in one or more functions.inc files and stick those in the includes folder. It doesn't make any difference to PW itself, but it help me think my way through it. PW is a lot less restrictive than drupal!1 point
This is my first post to PW forum, hope it is a useful contribution. I agree 100% with @ceberlin (not sure how to quote other users here). Drupal code documentation is great and improving all the time, their coding standards are excellent. I think that adopting some standards from them could help a lot here. One thing in particular that bugs me is extra long lines of comments. Would it be difficult to adopt an 80 character limit as Drupal has? Also, a quick thanks to Ryan for his great work on an excellent system. I love the control, coupled with the freedom that PW gives me. Still a noob here, but loving every minute of the learning process.1 point
I find lynda.com has loads of great video series. It's helped me learn everything from HTML to PHP and if I had the time and patience, I could probably become a master of about 10,000 different pieces of software/languages!1 point
Btw, I'm not suggesting this is the style everyone should use in their 3rd party modules unless they want to. I understand that there are different preferences in this area. Of course I'm not going to shoot down anyones preferences. So this standard is just for PW core stuff. I do see us pursuing the PSR-0 standard with the way we use namespaces in the near future, and we already have a lot in common with much of PSR-1 and PSR-2. But I don't fully agree with all the standards recommended in PSR-1 & 2. I think PSR-1 & 2 would mainly be worthwhile as a compromise for a leaderless project or a compromise for a project with a lot of leaders that don't agree.1 point
You could look at the PHP Framework Interop Group and their PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standard and style guide. There are a lot of of big names amongst their members so it does have some weight to it. Fun fact: they settled on using 4 spaces for indenting, which was cause for some debate. http://paul-m-jones.com/archives/2312 It would be good for PW to encourage the use of some coding style. This will benefit stuff like modules greatly in the long run. - darned, beat to it -1 point