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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. kongondo

    Daily Dev

    Anyone using daily.dev? I have been using it for a few weeks now and liking it very much!
  2. Hey @Ivan Gretsky and @gebeer, Thanks for chiming in all sorted now - more below! True. Main issue for me is time 😁. I have the tenacity and the curiosity; just not the time to be fixing and fixing. It was a very pleasant experience. I tried it (installed it) but it just wasn't Omakub 😀. Apart from its aesthetics, Omakub just feels snappier. So, I went back to Omakub + Ubuntu. This time, I brought a friend; Timeshift! I did a fresh install of Ubuntu, then added Omakub. After that I went crazy with Timeshift, creating snap shots after every little tinkering. So far so good - system is up to date and chugging away smoothly. Thanks again!
  3. So I decided to take the plunge. Laptop was having issues (Windows 11) and decided to try Ubuntu + Omakub! I had been trying this out for a few days. Had decided to run CapCut in a VM whenever I needed it. Omakub is amazing! Only annoying thing was my CAPSLOCK being bound to emojis! I changed this. Yesterday, I was preparing to post here to thank you guys for 're-introducing' me to Linux for the umpteenth time.. I was going to tell you I was even considering Ubuntu + Omakub for my main PC. I was going to tell you that, thanks to @bernhard, I have found DDEV (more on that later in this thread). Amazing! Meanwhile, a system update was running in the background. It was done before I could start my post. It asked to restart the machine. I wasn't expecting this; on Windows, yes, this was common place. I thought Linux doesn't need this? Anyway, I obliged and boom! It was all white after that! Crash! I mean, what??!!! I AM THE SYS ADMIN!!! Suffice is to say I went to bed not happy! Googled a bit this morning, tried a few things, nothing worked! I always end up on this white screen! At least I learnt Ctrl+Alt+F3! I don't think the error has anything to do with Omakub. It is crashing at some 'color.d' something from what I can see. Might be related to video/graphics. Help, anyone? If I cannot resolve, I'll try a fresh install. Otherwise, looks like back to Windows 11 we go. At least 'it works - mostly'. Thanks. Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
  4. Hi @Pete, Defo! And carefully! 😀. Yes. But we need to come up with a way to have your custom tweaks applied without touching Padloper itself. Are you able to capture these in one document? Even a git diff would do, but an annotated document is better, i.e. did this here, because...etc. Thanks!
  5. Hi @Spinbox, Sorry for delay. Example posted here: Any questions, let me know. Thanks.
  6. Sorry, my bad. Yes 😀. I'll post an example later today. Sorry, still working on docs.
  7. Hi @froot, Sorry to hear the issue still persists! I have a feeling it is unique to your environment/setup as no one has reported something similar. Definitely! ?. Please PM details to your server where I can debug the issue. I'd need a temporary superuser account. Thanks.
  8. Hi, I have updated the download to fix: File naming error (on Linux systems). Missing methods editCart() and viewCart(). Thanks.
  9. Any of you Linux folks use Visual Studio Code? How does it run? It is one of the reasons I went back to Windows the last time I tried Linux. Currently, CapCut PC would also hold me back.
  10. @Spinbox, @alexm, Padloper 010 was released this week, in case you missed it ?.
  11. Hi @Spinbox, This has been reported before but I have never found a solution. This is a runtime field used by Padloper in various places to embed editable content from other sources in the current page edit. E.g. in the case of products, to load variants. Without 'InputfieldRepeaterItem' class uploading variant images does not work, i.e. they show up but do not get saved and just disappear. I'll ask Ryan for his thoughts.
  12. Padloper 010 Padloper 010 (aka Padloper 2 version 010) is ready for download. Requirements PHP>= 8.2.0 ProcessWire>=3.0.200 Maintenance Padloper 010 is mainly a maintenance release: Fixes money rounding bugs found in Padloper 009 (and earlier). Adds the Money for PHP Library to handle monetary values in an easy and powerful way. Fixes money math issues when prices include tax. For the sake of internal maintenance, reorganises files and directory structure. Money Matters Specifically regarding 'prices include tax', and I will be adding this to the docs, it is important that you display your prices in the frontend in a way that doesn't confuse consumers. This is not unique to Padloper but a general e-commerce issue. This means making careful decisions around displaying unit vs total prices as well as whether to include notes about potential rounding pence/cents issues in your shop's policy documents. Due to rounding issues (pence, cents, etc) when it comes to money, especially if quantity is more than 1, the math might look off. I.e., (item * quantity) + tax IS NOT NECESSARILY EQUAL TO (item + tax) * quantity. See this article for a thorough discussion. Breaking Changes There are a few unavoidable breaking changes due to code rationalisation. API Some API had to be changed for maintenance and usage simplicity reasons. This affects checkout, cart and discounts. For instance: <?php namespace ProcessWire; # OLD API $checkout = $padloper->checkout; $response = $checkout->render($options); # NEW API // $response = $padloper->render($options);// this will be deprecated in a future release $response = $padloper->renderCheckout($options); ########## # OLD API $cartRender = $padloper->cartRender; $content = $cartRender->editCart(); # NEW API $content = $padloper->editCart(); ########## # OLD API $cartRender = $padloper->cartRender; $content = $cartRender->viewCart(); # NEW API $content = $padloper->viewCart(); HOOKS Backend hooks rename: // OLD NAMING FORMAT PadloperProcessRenderXXX e.g. PadloperProcessRenderOrders // NEW NAMING FORMAT PadloperAdminRenderXXX e.g. PadloperAdminRenderOrders Other hooks rename: // OLD NAMING FORMAT PadloperXXX::methodName e.g. PadloperUtilities::getProductWeight, PadloperCart::getProductPrice // NEW NAMING FORMAT Padloper::methodName e.g. Padloper::getProductWeight, Padloper::getProductPrice Upgrading Replace all files (not overwrite!). This is because some files have been deprecated, renamed or moved. Safest way to upgrade is to get rid of all existing Padloper files and folders under /site/modules/Padloper/ and then copy over the new 010 files and folders then do a module refresh. New Features The two new features are: $padloper->money(); More information will be added to docs. Bank Name as a property (bankAccountName) in the return value of $padloper->getShopBankDetails();. See request in this topic. Next Steps As mentioned in Padloper 009 topic, the focus now will be the documentation. Any questions or issues, please let me know. Thanks.
  13. Hey @Spinbox, Sorry last week did not happen! I had to fix some installer issues which I finished today. I then messed up with an overzealous regex cleanup of debug code which 'cleaned out' a number of valid code in different places! I have had to revert to the state before cleanup. I will cleanup again, slowly this time, tomorrow. I'll then make the release. Sorry again.
  14. Hey @alexm, Done! In upcoming version 010. Thanks.
  15. Hi @Spinbox, Glad you find them useful. Was thinking about this when I added the shortcuts but could not think of a 'good' way to allow custom shortcuts. This could work. I know @Peteimplemented something similar to filter orders in a shop. I'll have a think. I am guessing you don't sell these locked (replaced) products? If that's the case, you could make them unpublished and/or NOT 'enabled'. You could then use the 'Active' shortcut to hide them or the 'Draft' to show them.
  16. Hey @PWaddict, No. Padloper (2) does not have these modules, by the way ?.
  17. Yes. Version 010 will be out this week (hopefully on Tuesday). Sorry for the delay. I had to take a detour to fix the code from a maintenance point of view as it was descending into maintenance hell ?. As a quick by the way (I'll explain in the release thread), I had to, unfortunately, deprecate some of the API. However, this simplifies things for me and for developers. For instance, instead of $checkout = $padloper->checkout; $checkout->render(), we now have everything directly under $padloper. E.g., $padloper->renderCheckout(); Thanks.
  18. Hey @Guido, Just realised I did not get back to you with a final proposed solution! Sorry! Glad it worked for you! As mentioned above, order statuses are now fully implemented. In Padloper 009, there is a hook that is called when an order status is changed. You can hook into that to generate your CSV. However, there is no bulk edit of order statuses. Currently, it has to be one at a time. Do you save the CSV to a fixed location or you want it to be downloadable when viewing the order? Thanks.
  19. Hi @cpx3, Thanks for the purchase. I would never do this. I am sorry that this is how you feel. Could you please, via a PM, let me know what your email address is? I check my emails regularly and try to respond as soon as I can. It could be that I somehow missed your email! Yes there will be. I would never do this, I promise. For queries that I cannot resolve via email, here or PM, I usually ask for remote access to the site to debug the issue. This is not an excuse for the currently unfinished documentation though! Some of it (the basics) is still there. I admit, it is in a terrible state as @cpx3 has mentioned. My plan is to get MM Next out first, then work on the documentation. It is not ideal though as I would have wanted these to be ready simultaneously. This is a good shout! Will ensure so.
  20. Hey all, Quick update. I have made some good progress with the re-write. However, I have run into some critical money issues so I have had to pause this work until that is resolved :-). Thanks.
  21. Hi all, Sorry for the delay. I found a bug that related to prices include tax, specifically in relation to shipping and discounts. Still sorting this out. Thanks.
  22. Hi @alexm, <?php namespace ProcessWire; /** @var WireData $shopBankDetails */ $shopBankDetails = $padloper->getShopBankDetails(); $shopBankDetails->bankName; $shopBankDetails->bankSortCode; $shopBankDetails->bankAccountNumber; $shopBankDetails->bankIBAN; $shopBankDetails->bankBIC; // @note: same as BIC $shopBankDetails->bankSWIFTCode;
  23. Hi @Spinbox, Sorry for my slowness! I should have updated you earlier. I ran into some issues. In the end, I decided to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and use a well-tested library. I have now implemented the Money for PHP library. It is a great little library. I wish I had done this sooner. The delay is due to the many places in Padloper code that need changing. The bulk of these are in order line items and I have finished that bit. The rest is in whole order values (totals, subtotals, etc.) and discounts. I am hoping to be done by the weekend. Thanks.
  24. Hi @Spinbox, Yes. What @alexmsaid. There is a fix already, thanks to @alexm proposals above. In summary: Both 'calculating tax on a unit item and multiplying by quantity' versus 'totaling quantities first then applying tax' are acceptable approaches. One approach gives the taxman a few more pennies and the other saves the customer a few more pennies in taxation. I might make this configurable in the future but for now, I have adopted the latter per @alexm's suggestion (using bcmath). The rounding error mainly occurs in cases where tax is included in the price. I run around 10 million tests and all passed. There's two bits remaining. I need to implement this approach in Padloper discounts and do final test before releasing. I hope to have this ready by tomorrow. Thanks.
  25. Thanks man! Finally, I did a brief write-up about Customers and Customer Groups.
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