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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Hi @itisnado, I have moved your question to its own topic in the Padloper support forum. This makes it easier for me to track issues/queries independently and more efficiently. To you question. That's pretty easy πŸ˜€. Indeed. Please have a look at demo 2. https://github.com/kongondo/Padloper2Starter/tree/demo-2 Please let me know if you need further assistance. If a hook has moved (I haven't updated the demos in a while), please have a look at the first post in the release topic for version 010. Best.
  2. Hi @Spinbox, Has worked before πŸ˜ƒ. I'll have a look. Strange. ProcessWire version? Thanks.
  3. Hi @Velox111, Welcome to the forums! Sorry about this. Thanks for reporting. The issue looks like the class loader is not passing options and it needs to. I know where to look but please send over just in case. Thanks.
  4. Hi @nurkka, Sorry about this. Could I please get backend access to the site to debug there? Great if it is a dev/staging site. Thanks.
  5. This hasn't been my experience. DDEV shows both warnings and fatal errors. I haven't had to do anything special. What's your environment?
  6. The integration of WSL2 and file explorer is very seamless. One can copy files between them as if they were on the same system. Even terminal integration is seamless. I never used WSL 1 so I don't know if it has always been like this.
  7. I'd say give it a try. It's literally 2 steps. I did this recently. I didn't do step #3 there. Certs, multi-sites, etc., all work.
  8. Anyone got xdebug + WSL2 + DDEV + VScode working please? I have read the tut in the DDEV docs but it is not working for me. In VSCode the Xdebug session starts. On the website Xdebug doesn't kick in. After a while, VSCode breakpoints turn transparent and hovering over them says 'invalid breakpoint' or something like that. I did attempt all the WSL-related troubleshooting in the DDEV docs, e.g. the telnet connection. Was hoping for a question here. After a while VSCode says port 9003 closed. Sometimes I see notifications from ProcessWire (e.g. headers already sent) in the debug output. I am not sure whether and how to append the port number 9003 to the ddev url. E.g. mysite.ddev.site:9003. If I do this, the website hangs (chrome website cannot be reached). Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. For anyone reading this, I have been working with @Spinbox to implement a webhook solution + other backup (of session) solution. It is currently being (user) tested and has been implemented as Padloper 011. Will keep you posted!
  10. I have recently had the same experience. In my case it looked like the culprit was DevSense PHP Tools. I gave up on it but the problem persisted with PHP Intelephense. Finally I gave up and went back to local development and set up a CICD with GitHub Actions which watches my main branch and pushes stuff to the server when main branch is updated. Works a treat!
  11. Hello. Thanks for your work and report. Welcome to the forums.
  12. What version of DDEV are you using? I know there is a recent update, 1.23.5. I am wondering whether this could be responsible for the slowness? I am on version 1.23.4 and have not upgraded yet (and running in WSL2 as mentioned earlier).
  13. I see, thanks. In my case, the consideration is mainly if it can run an LLM locally without 'much fuss'.
  14. Dude! Now you've got me really, I mean really, interested! Aside from the 'marketing' talk (in the announcement), this little guy looks like it packs a powerful punch! All that and managing to keep it cool? Hmm. We are seriously OT-ing, sorry, but are you able to please recommend a 'portable' screen to go with it? Thanks!
  15. Actually you don't. Make sure you are not connected to the internet and it will ask you if it can create one at a later time or skip or something like that 😁. Hmm, sounds very strange! 6 hours! Even with a slow internet connection this still seems very odd. I use a debloated Windows but that alone cannot explain why I haven't experienced such a long install time as you did. Granted, you had to install other stuff as well.
  16. No, I haven't. I tried a Mac once and the app window buttons location on the left (instead of the right) just confused me πŸ˜ƒ. Thanks for the suggestion thoug.
  17. And this is good time to say thanks to @bernhardand others here for making me look at DDEV! For some reason I used to confuse it with Devil Box. DDEV is great! I have it working for different sites some of which are in a multi-site setup with different databases but one ProcessWire.
  18. Thank you sir! Seems to work fine as below: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/ready.php // HOOK $this->addHookBefore('PageFinder::find', null, 'hookBeforePageFinderFind'); function hookBeforePageFinderFind(HookEvent $event) { $selectors = $event->arguments(0); // AMEND SELECTOR $selectors->init("has_parent={$myDynamicID}"); // Populate back arguments (if you have modified them) // DON'T THINK THIS IS NEEDED AS IT STILL WORKS!? $event->arguments(0, $selectors); } Will do more tests and report here if I come across issues. Thanks!
  19. Hi, I am trying to hook into page finder to insert a field=my-value that should always be added to all page finds/gets. my-value is generated dynamically hence I cannot hardcode this. I have searched and cannot seem to find anything in the forums. I have looked at DynamicRoles for inspiration but didn't find anything clear. I have seen PageFinder::getQuery and PageFinder::getQueryAllowedTemplatesWhere but not sure how to use any of these. For instance, if I needed to add a has_parent=1234 to all find/get/findRaw/getRaw selectors, how would I do it? ps: This is not about roles and permissions per-se. Just an easy way to constrain finder at the db level. Thanks!
  20. My Linux adventure has come to a swift end! I don't know what it is with me and Linux! There's always something. I spent most of the weekend battling a 'Unable to access location Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/username' error! Not sure if it is an Ubuntu 24.04 issue but it seemed to be related to Visual Studio Code. The other week, the system would hang and I would have to hard reboot it. I thought it was my updates (this was before Omakub round 2). This weekend, I couldn't access one of my drives. The system froze. I fixed it. It happened again, and again, and again. SO et al. threw up all sorts of reasons, ranging from opening a folder with a .git folder in VSCode (??!!!) to other myriad possibilities. In the end I gave up (tick tock, tick, tock) and back to Windows we are! This time I actually felt sad πŸ˜ƒ. I really liked Omakub. I also really enjoyed developing in a Linux machine. All is not lost though! I really like DDEV and they suggested, if on Windows, why not give WSL a chance. So, I did and boy!πŸ™Œ. The thing just works! WSL2 + VSCode WSL Extension + DDEV just rocks! Installing stuff with winget also makes me feel all nerdy and Linuxy! πŸ€“. All is well 😊.. Better get back to reality though; I mean, work's only delayed by a couple of months, sigh. ..🀫.
  21. Hey @Spinbox, I am afraid I don't understand πŸ˜€. Could you please give me a complete example including whether shop prices include tax + whether the product you are testing with is taxable. Thanks. Please note that tax is applied on the final net price, i.e. after all discounts have been deducted. Secondly, if prices include tax and a discount is being applied, we first have to compute the price of the product without tax, then apply the discount on that net. Finally, we add tax to the final, discounted price.
  22. kongondo

    Daily Dev

    I hear you. I like it since everything is in one place. At a glance I can see what's going on and decide whether to dig in or not. I have interests in other techs and tools outside PHP and it gives me a nice curated list about those topics. But I agree, it can still be overwhelming πŸ™‚.
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