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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Hi, Using a multiple select page field, there is no way to limit the user to select a set maximum number of pages, is there? For instance, force them to select a maximum of 4 pages from a possible 20 pages when using that field? Short of writing the instructions for them in the field's description, is there some other way? Thanks. Cheers. /k
  2. Hi Franci, Welcome to ProcessWire! Regarding tutorials, have a look at this if you haven't seen them already: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial http://processwire.com/talk/forum/13-tutorials/ Many examples are provided right here in the forums but that can be difficult to find if you are new. I am sure others will provide more helpful answers but I can add PW is very secure. I'll let the more seasoned PW pros chime in here. By the way, learning PHP is good but you don't need advanced PHP knowledge to use PW. Coming in from Joomla, you will be amazed at the freedom PW gives you. You will need to unlearn Joomla ways though , e.g. be willing to get your hands a little bit dirty with some code. Once PW clicks, you will wonder why you hadn't used it before . Anyway, this is a very helpful forum and someone will soon give you better answers than mine! Cheers /k
  3. Pwired, See my post (#11) above. I refer to this tutorial. The same principle can be used to use fields as chunks. MODX defines chunks as bits of static text which you can reuse across your site. In PW, chunks do not have to be text. They can be images, for instance. Based on that tutorial, the basics are: Create the fields you will need to hold chunk data. Choose from the different field types and settings as you require. Also for each field, fill in other helpful information such as field label. You can go further and add settings such as maximum length of field, placeholder text, etc. Example chunks could be a text field to hold contact information, company slogan, some footer text, etc. Create a chunks template. Call it chunks_template or whatever you fancy. Don't associate it with any template file. Edit and save the chunks_template to add the fields you have created to use as chunks. In the settings, you may wish to disable the "May Pages using this template have children?". Later, once you have done #3 below, you can also disable the "Can this template be used for new pages" setting. Create a chunks page that will be exclusively used to hold your chunks. You can call it "chunks". Let this page use your chunks template in #2 above. Mark the page as hidden but publish it. You will be able to access/use the chunk fields but this page will not appear in menus. Use PW API to grab and spit out your chunks where you want them to appear in your site (see examples in the wiki tutorial). For instance, assuming you named your chunks page "chunks" and have a contact information field called "contact_info" as one of your chunks field, you could grab and display this using the following code in your template file(s) associated with your other pages (i.e. other template files and not the chunks template ): <?php echo $pages->get("/chunks/")->contact_info; ?> Using this method, true to the philosophy of chunks, you can edit once and update all instances of the chunks. Even better, you edit everything in one place (page). You can do other fancy things such as: use Fieldset fields to group your chunks by "category" in your chunks page. E.g. contacts category, site meta information category, etc. Use PHP if statements to display chunks on certain pages and not others, on certain days, seasons, etc. The possibilities are endless. Do things like this to explode and display chunk data entered as a delimited list. Note: these other "fancy" things are not limited to using fields as chunks in this way....they are just examples Hope this helps Cheers /k
  4. @Peter Have the solutions suggested by Diogo and DaveP worked for you? Yes, you cannot (should not even?) place "snippets" (PHP) in text areas. I think the tag parser module would help here. Expounding on the issue of chunks, looking at the wiki tutorial on creating a settings page (plus this post), such a strategy can be used to exclusively manage chunks, i.e. creating a chunks template (without a template file) and a chunks page (hidden but published). I suppose you know this already but I thought to post this here for others/reference...The beauty with PW is that the chunks can contain all sorts of data due to the wealth of fields PW offers. You can even get fancy and group related chunks using FieldSets. /k
  5. KentBrockman, Welcome to ProcessWire! /kongondo
  6. Thanks Sosking. I don't speak a word of German beyond hello but I was able to follow this thanks to Google translating it for me on the fly Cheers /k
  7. Thanks Joss and Teppo for these! Cheers /k
  8. Uuh, http://processwire.com/talk/forum/5-wishlist-roadmap/ /k
  9. Peter, There's quite a number of us here (including me). Most(?) are no longer refugees though; we have found a new home in PW and are here to stay! . IMHO and with lots of respect for MODX, PW is not the next best thing after MODX....PW is the best thing... Good idea. Been planning to do one but never got round to it. I'm no PW guru but I think: MODX Snippets: In PW, you can replicate these in Template Files. Even more exciting, the capabilities of many MODX Snippets including the "main" MODX Snippets such as Ditto/getResources and Wayfinder are in-built in PW. The powerful PW API variables $page and $pages will do all (or most) of what you will require from Snippets. Other Snippet functionalities are provided by various PW modules. You can spice these up with some native PHP for even more advanced functionality. But $page and $pages will usually get you what you want. MODX Chunks: These you can have as "includes" in your Template Files, i.e. use PHP to include them in your Template Files. You can also replicate Chunks using PW Fields. Fields can be reused, etc. Looking forward to your MODX to PW cheat sheet! Cheers, /k
  10. Brilliant work Soma! Thanks for this. Cheers. /k
  11. Welcome owzim! You are in good company..... with a powerful toy to play with /k
  12. Nice site! It loads very fast for me ; less than a second.. /k
  13. Hi Lossendae! Welcome and nice to see you here! You'll find a couple of former MODxers right here (including me, of course). I agree with mindplay.dk..you will be surprised, shocked even at how easy and fast you can accomplish tasks in ProcessWire. It is so intuitive and the API, oh my the API...let me not spoil the surprise in store for you...but PW will blow your socks off! Welcome! /k
  14. This worked for me (full editor -> the tags field is right up there). You must be the topic starter though /k
  15. Awesome second post niutech! Although personally I will be sticking with pure PHP templating, this is a welcome addition for those who've been yearning for such engines. /k
  16. kongondo

    Hi Everyone

    @all: Thanks for the welcome! I feel at home already @Kunane (Sharkbait): Hey! Nice to see you hear. Looking forward to your releases
  17. kongondo

    Hi Everyone

    SiNNuT, Thanks for the welcome! Guilty as charged! Yeah, same kongondo Thanks. Been playing with it already for a couple of weeks... Cheers, /k
  18. kongondo

    Hi Everyone

    Hi all, My first post. I’m Kongondo. I am coming in from MODX hence “recognise” a few faces here. After many, many months of contemplation and searching for a MODX replacement, I came across ProcessWire for the second time. First time I heard about ProcessWire was maybe a year or so ago. Back then, I checked it out but quickly moved on since it seemed like a “one-man-project”. I was also thrown off by the simple interface; I judged a book by its cover and thought no way this CMS is powerful…so I moved on. My search for a CMS continued....About a month and a half ago, I came across this post by Mademyday so I checked out ProcessWire once again, this time digging deeper into its guts and boy was I impressed! For the last one month I have read every Forum post, bookmarked key threads, watched the videos, dug into the demo site, Googled, etc. and installed and played with ProcessWire locally. Honestly, I have been blown away! Finding a replacement for MODX was tough; but now, I have found it. Ryan, congratulations; this is an amazing framework you’ve created and thanks for releasing it as open source. I am a “tutorials-kinda-guy” so I am already working on ProcessWire lessons which I hope to post on my website soon. I know there’s the Wiki work going on but I think the more lessons we have out there the better for ProcessWire. Then again, I’m not a fan of Wiki markup . Cheers /k
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