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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. I think I have leant not to say anything is impossible until Soma has said so! . Where would we be without him!
  2. Hello Sosoba! I don't have an answer for you; just saying hi back and welcome to ProcessWire! Very nice site you got there!
  3. Btw, Have you seen this new Hooks page? Would probably be useful to you..
  4. Maybe I am late to the party but I've just discovered this little gem called SearchMark (github link). It's an open source chrome extension that does what historious does. It searches not only you bookmark titles and urls but their contents! I decided to Google for something like this since I have bookmarked lots of PW forum threads! There are times I know I have read something and I have it bookmarked but I just can't find it. I usually resort to Google to search for it again, which isn't the best use of my time . When I was on FF I used scrapbook for similar tasks but that would mean downloading a part of (or a whole) site then searching through the contents. It wasn't dynamic either - I would be searching through old content. But now, with SearchMark, I can "Google" the contents of my bookmarks. It works just like a Google search with wild cards and all! Results are returned with your search terms highlighted I tested SearchMark using this forum thread and was very pleased by its speed and accuracy: I searched the following (on the first post on that thread) // $field->children() - returns that thread + other threads with those search terms "// $field->children()" - returns only that thread // $field->children() -ideas - returns other threads except the above since it contains the word ideas // $field->children() +ideas - returns the above thread plus others with the search terms plus word ideas Now if I could limit it to only search my PW bookmark folder....//Edit: Of course I can add this +processwire.com to my search terms, duh! Hopefully someone finds this useful.
  5. Cool! Can't wait to test with images!
  6. Sinmok. Looks nice. Will test this later.. Btw, small typo on module's requirements on your GitHub page Cheers
  7. I get the ancestor bit. I thought Names are unique but Titles are not? I guess am just confused
  8. Btw, Diogo, I don't get why you are not using ->get here instead of find since names are unique and you will not be able to find more than one page with name=men? $men = (string) $pages->find("name=men");
  9. From the Docs You can use several though and they would work - has_parent!=2, has_parent!=7. But that may not be practical where there's too many
  10. $pages->getById This is new to me. I haven't seen it in the cheat sheet. Does it mean it doesn't grab the whole page object but only the IDs?
  11. German? What German? This is in English. Oh, wait a minute; that's Google Translational taking over! Nice presentation (slides); thanks for this. I love this translation on Page/13
  12. When importing it into XAMPP, remember to first create a database within phpMyAdmin to import it into. Select that database then select import from the menu and do your thing. Otherwise, you will get an error message that database not selected or something to that effect. You also will want to create a database with the same collation as the one online.
  13. Thanks Soma for adding that. I assumed mcgarriers was doing that already and the only problem was getting the results
  14. Thanks for the tip. This assumes that you are using the head/foot .inc templating method, no?
  15. Did you try using "limit=2" in your selector? The following should work. <?php if($page->numChildren) { echo "<ul class='nav'>"; foreach($page->children("limit=2")as $child) { echo "<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; }
  16. OK, thanks for the clarification. So it is correct to say that Title is a custom field type and Name is a system field type?
  17. This confuses me. I too always thought that Title is a mandatory field and that Name, although mandatory IS NOT a field? Looking at the PW db, i don't see Name as a field but as a column in the pages table. Edit: OK, now I get the global settings bit...but, is Name considered a field?
  18. Same here but in my case actions work when saving fields and templates; just not pages. Remember also works in these two cases.
  19. For crying out loud! How easy is this system! Only 3 lines of code. PW has spoiled us all! In other words, render outputs those pages including their templates files markup (i.e. not just their field values). The one thing you need to be mindful of (if I remember correctly) is to construct the HTML in those template files (assuming they have HTML) properly so that your rendered pages do not end up with duplicate HTML elements where you should only have one-pair tags, e.g. <body></body><body></body>, head, etc..Only include the markup you need...
  20. I agree with Diogo's line of thinking (although am totally ignorant of the whole picture ). So, Diogo, you mean...for instance, the member page of a potential user John could be "member page of John" and have the John bit (what would have been the user name) as a field in the member page itself either as title or other?
  21. Notepad++ anyone? I don't know if it counts as an IDE but it works fine for me with its plethora of plugins although I may need something more IDE-ish in the future...
  22. Horst, Thanks for the comprehensive post! I'll write a better reply later on... data-src: data-* where * is an attribute is a HTML5 custom data attribute element. See also here and here. So, in this case, data-src is a url. Used this as it came with the audio.js example I didn't know about streamurl so was directly accessing the file . I look forward to experimenting with those frontendhandlers. More later!
  23. I don't think you can do it like that. A template must first be assigned before saving the page. See here. $skyscraper = new Page(); $skyscraper->template = $templates->get("skyscraper"); $skyscraper->parent = $pages->get("/cities/atlanta/"); $skyscraper->title = "W-Hotel Tower"; $skyscraper->height = 400; $skyscraper->year = 2009; $skyscraper->body = "This is a nice hotel and it has a helicopter landing pad on top of it."; $skyscraper->save(); Unless, I misunderstand you..
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