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mr-fan last won the day on September 20 2018

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    Bavaria, Near Munich

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Community Answers

  1. found a solution ....maybe someone yould use it sometimes... setup only the right HOST under the config.php nothing else /** * Installer: HTTP Hosts Whitelist * */ $config->httpHosts = array('newdomain.com'); in the htacess i've setup a additonal redirect to the existing force https and redirect www to nonwww for catching all oldomain.com calls to redirect to newdomain.com - all links should be working perfect after that switch under the new domain...the rest is fixing seo mess that comes with domain url chaning ? kind regards mr-fan # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 9. If you only want to allow HTTPS, uncomment the RewriteCond and RewriteRule lines below. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} olddomain.com$ [NC] RewriteRule (.*) https://newdomain.com%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\. [NC] RewriteRule (.*) https://newdomain.com%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
  2. Hi, i've a installation where the client have to change the domainname on a existing installation. beside the negative SEO effects how to get it proper done with PW? i've set $config->httpHosts and Host to the according domains the PW accept both. but all links should only use the new main domainname like: https://olddomainname.com -> redirected to https://newdomainname.com how to implement it via htaccess right so that i don't blow it up. Subpages dont change only the hostname? RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://newdomainname.com/$1 [R=301,L] isn't working? Pagepathhistory and jumplinks are installed to catch 404 or other stuff. Kind regards mr-fan
  3. knowing page categories and child pages - or the usage of templates and pages as contentcontainers for everthing you ned - is essestiel!! this is a great startpoint for learn this very very important thing - processwire manage the content you need - with simple PHP solutions you get get the content in your templates...i created a complete blog logic without a special module or something else - but you have to know to use pages and fields and learn this things.
  4. many ways... 1. use childpages instead of repeaters would be possible 2. repeater matrix (pro module) 3. pagetable module 4. editing the https://processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-events/ to your needs this is a example for repetable items in a small amount in a own fieldtype module ....this comes in the first minute of thinking about your question. processwire API code goes the same as for repeaters with different sources of the content (get childpages instead of repeateritems and so on)... kind regards mr-fan
  5. Thanks for the hints - i will test further more the next days and report!
  6. So good evening it's been a while since i've got a real problem that give me headache. I've got a site PW 3.0.101 - WireMailSmtp 0.60 -> setup should work smtp access tested with local emailclient -> online test within WireMailSmtp give me success message I use just a simple PHP contact form no formbuilder and so on just plain wireMail($emailTo, $emailfrom, $betreff, $msg); and i dont get it work? Any hints to look at or to test further? im not that backend server guy and ;( kind regards Martin
  7. welcome to processwire - structure your site is essential for the fun of setup a site best blogpost ever is this one: This one made my first steps a lot faster thanks to @kongondofor this very very helpfull post for beginners...;) kind regards mr-fan
  8. You could take all files at one hidden place like parent ->pdf-files child ->a.pdf child ->b.pdf and on every page you want you can link via dialog to the files or make a file-inputfield with selector to the setup parent page with all childpages as choice. I used at one project a pagetable field to have all files on one place - and can link to them from any other page. there is a commercial module, too and a free one with less functions but much to learn from https://processwire.com/modules/media-library/ kind regards mr-fan
  9. Or you can use the free available PageTable module, but it is a bit more setup to use this... https://www.mr-erding.de/service/formulare/ PT field connected with the file templates as childpages - so User can only upload the filetypes you setup with templates. With this great tutorial from @Soma you can count downloads, too with this setup equal if you use RP matrix or PageTable. https://soma.urlich.ch/posts/flexible-downloads-using-pages/ kind regards mr-fan
  10. If the price is no problem you could go to https://www.hetzner.de/managed-server but i've no personal experience just some sentences from fellows...
  11. https://alfahosting.de/ (Germany/Frankfurt) Very good Support - i don't know how it works for larger scaled webprojects - but for my small business i've been always supported very fast and well.
  12. just a short update on this - i am stresstesting the PW way and i'm on the way yust with simple pages for now and see what comes up the road. made a crude script to get dummy data and created around 88k pages (DB are now 35MB) in very fast time on shared hosting...just for example to create 48 testrecords for every day (17260 pages - 2 records per hour) the scripts runs on in about 80 seconds...just for others that are search on create dummy content in a quick and dirty way i let my code here (if there are better ways - at least as a bad example..;) So far next things are to create a script that runs to build the averages of month, year for long term stats and then i will try how reporting and visualisation in an easy graph - works together with a DB that have around 90000 pages with just some integers and floats. I would first try how an easy to use chart library would work (https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/index.html) Since this tools all use JSON data i think i could cache or better prepare this JSON strings for the charts and see how fast it performs...i'll report again. But this is an interesting experiment so far - i could choose how i spend my freetime in two really different worlds ->work on the backend with PW or solder and glue some things together on the hardware parts...before this project i was captured only on the web...;)
  13. Thanks for all input again. Again i was not to clear - single project just for me and just for information no public hits no further usecase for the system. Yes LostKobraKai i think i did'nt plan on this one...until now i didn't have such a usecase or wasn't deep into database performace (what is not really needed for normal websites if you use PW as a base...it scale for this cases and i know that well) So may i am a little bit to naive on this project - and my feeling said "Hey try to ask the dev guys in the forum for hints" ...;) I would first go the hard way and make my hands dirty and will try how far PW could go on this one.... Yes nested page setup like metioned wont scale on things like "live aggregating" all saved data, but i think i would be happy if i could get things like average of year/month/week and store them in separate fields on the dedicated template - so like netcarver wrote if i am modest in granularity it will run fine. But a important Tipp is the FieldtypeEvents module from Teppo, i forgot this one - it would work great for the week dataset so many pages are spared. What i will try with dummy data is now: templates /station/year/month/week station (id, title) year (id, title, temp, humidity, pressure, rain, light) - the average - average from 12 childpages should be no problem month (id, title, temp, humidity, pressure, rain, light) - the average - this will end in 52 childpages for a join for the average week (id, title, records - modified eventtype field for the intraday records) - this will end in 672 entries (if i take a record every 15 minute) in one week field Problems on this one would be selecting from date to date but i would be fine with averages of weeks or months...and maybe the amount of fieldtypeevent tables (52 per year)? I don't have the time to investigate in other DB systems, since this year i've got one more little maid that take over my speartime ? But with your interesting input i can think i get in the right direction, and don't have wrong views on aggregation and reporting of the collected data. Since alle of you pointed out that the collection wouln't be the problem with PW or MySql....but all the other stuff. And on these points i could make compromise since this is only a hobby project. I will report (even if it took a while). Even on such rare and offbeat questions in this forum you get helpfull and friendly answers! You all made my weekend! - I love this forum, it is a hidden island in the www
  14. Ok i only thought that the API request would be easier if i could filter with parent pages, then run an SQL trough all pages on the created date field? // Find all entries of May 2019 $records = $pages->get("/2019/05/")->children; with my simple DB wisdom i think PW would find the needed data faster...but this is the topic of this post...my lack in DB background (this is the main reason why i like PW so much...;) the parent structure would be no problem - i've in my mind that the old blog tutorial from Joss save posts with such a system on page save...
  15. Ok sorry for don't beeing more clear in my first post... ("ESP8266" is a Arduino like Microcontroller that runs the sensors and send via WAN to my website for datastorage) like you thought it is one weather station i would like to build up at a minimum collecting temperatur, humidity, pressure, amounth of rainfall and maby a light sensor for sunshine hours per day). So my first "PW way of life" would go for pages... Data simple send every 10 minutes via POST or GET to a template and save data as pages. template "station" as parent holder - maybe i will create a second one at my office...so here we have a title field at least template "record" as child of station for the data records - fields like i wrote 4-6 - temp,humidity,pressure,rain, light - all integer or float fields i think i should try with dummy entries if this setup would work... For better caching and overview i could adapt a kind of blog page tree like /station/2019/07/20 so i get a parent for year/month/day so filtering and data processing via PW API would get much more performant i think?? thanks for all input.
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