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Joss last won the day on February 1 2017

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    Music, Writing, Web Technologies, Copy Writing, Cooking, Allotment, Surviving, Politics, more cooking, writing books

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Community Answers

  1. @ryan Ta! Since I am in very early dev, I added the line to the config (I didn't have a dbCharset in there) and then duplicated the field. That did it.
  2. Hi Ryan! Good to see you too. This is on my local machine using Laragon running MySQL 8. I ran the query: SELECT * FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S WHERE schema_name = "aelwenjones"; And it returned: CATALOG_NAME def SCHEMA_NAME aelwenjones DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME utf8mb4 DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME utf8mb4_general_ci But if on phpMyAdmin I select one table and click on show create I get: CREATE TABLE `field_article_text` ( `pages_id` int unsigned NOT NULL, `data` mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pages_id`), KEY `data_exact` (`data`(250)), FULLTEXT KEY `data` (`data`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 I notice on my host, however, that most of my schemas are latin1, so I need to make sure they aren't, as it were, for this table.
  3. Okay, solved it. I put this in the JSON field: { "quickbars_insert_toolbar": "pwimage h2 h3 emoticons charmap" } However, I have another problem now. If I insert and emoticon then save the page, I lose any text AFTER the emoticon and the emoticon doesn't display.
  4. How can I customise the three Quick Toolbars? The new line context bar has two buttons - Image and Table. However, I don't want the table and the image button just opens up my local file system rather than the normal pwimage dialogue. I also want to add a couple of extra buttons on there ideally like embed or heading etc.
  5. Eleven years later, but thanks for that, Ryan! It was exactly the explanation that I needed.
  6. Yep! And I think I did it just before I had all these backup woes.
  7. @teppo Okay, I have just uninstalled Hanna Code Helper which appears to have been generating a lot of log entries! One every few seconds. It appears to have started 4 days ago, about the same time as I had problems backing up.
  8. This is my hanna code <?php if($ad == "random"){ $products=wire("pages")->get("/settings/adverts/")->children; $product=$products->getRandom(); }else{ $product=wire("pages")->get("/settings/adverts/$ad"); } if($product){ echo "<div class='footad'>"; if($product->amazon_paste){ echo $product->amazon_paste; } echo "</div>"; }
  9. This is the error I am getting: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Class 'TextformatterHannaCode' not found in site/modules/HannaCodeHelper/HannaCodeHelper.module:111 and Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wire() in /site/assets/cache/HannaCode/inline-ad.php:5 Stack trace:
  10. Hi Teppo! I turned it off and cleared it. I notice in the notes it says that it is limited to the last 100 only. I don't know if that means it only displays the last 100 or only keeps the last 100. But the entire database is not very big. 5000 rows total? A couple of megabytes? It is still a bit of a puzzle. Kualo couldn't see an obvious reason. I also got this with another small site that doesn't have jumplinks installed. HOwever, I think the logs have gone nuts. I am getting this error about not finding the Hanna Code text formatter. I am just updating Wire because of another error (not displaying fields or templates in setup).
  11. I don't think I have had that kind of problem in the last nine years! Which says a lot for Ryan.
  12. Okay, I have just overwritten Wire from the one from the DEV download and that seems to have solved it. The version is still showing as 175.
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