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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. Just had a need to use this profile. Thanks for your work on this profile.
  2. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.73-and-new-fieldset-types/ https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.74-adds-new-fieldsetpage-field-type/ https://processwire.com/blog/posts/fieldsetgroup-module-released/
  3. A good place to start would be: https://getuikit.com/docs/form
  4. Documentation from your hosting provider: https://laughingsquid.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000987574-Is-there-a-way-to-force-all-traffic-to-redirect-to-SSL- https://laughingsquid.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000969273-How-do-you-get-started-with-an-SSL-certificate- https://laughingsquid.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000987534-What-is-the-difference-between-SHA256-and-SHA-256-FULL-CHAIN- https://laughingsquid.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000987254-How-do-you-use-SSL-with-a-domain-on-Cloud-Sites- I would also suggest you open a support ticket with your hosting provider, if you continue to have problems with getting HTTPS to work on their hosting system.
  5. I hope you are aware that PW 3.0.98 is now the newest Master Release.
  6. This occurred back in January of this year. It's still a great analytical system.
  7. It's great that you are actively working to improve things on your website. I would also advise you to take a look at the following linked article for other things to look out for: https://blog.ezoic.com/ttfb-shouldnt-matter-test-this-instead-for-pagespeed/ Best Regards, Charles
  8. I'm just glad that one has a choice with ProcessWire. We are not mandated to use a particular way of website building. It's always good to read about the distinctly different uses of the platform.
  9. Are you looking at this from a Browser Cached Page or are you accessing the site via Browser Incognito Mode? If you logged out of ProcessWire and then went back to that page from the same Browser tab, you may get this result because the Browser Cache needs to be properly cleared.
  10. The Comments Fieldtype is explained at the following link: http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/comments/ I believe you need to go to your Comment field and enter an email address. The last 2 images show what a Comment field looks like
  11. https://processwire.com/videos/ You can also do a Google search of "Processwire Videos" for other associated links. Welcome to the ProcessWIre Forums. You may want to visit the following link to answer many other questions you may have: https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/
  12. Nice site. He has other interesting articles on this site: http://www.davidkissinger.com/spin-up-a-quick-installation-of-processwire-with-docker-compose/
  13. Can you please elaborate a little more and better explain what you are talking about? If you could provide some examples about PW's inabilities, that would be very helpful.
  14. Please send a PM to @apeisa to gain access to the VIP Support Forum for PadLoper.
  15. I've dealt in the past with a web host who enabled some ModSecurity or Custom settings that were geared towards protecting WordPress installations. This affected some of my clients PW sites on shared hosting. Once I sent a message to the web host, letting them know these weren't WP sites and that their changes were impacting the PW sites, they relented and removed the WP-specific host settings.
  16. What is one to do when someone willingly chooses not to read the provided instructions or refuses to abide by any restrictions that are prominently explained? A lack of adequate documentation is one thing and should be brought to the attention of the Module Developer.
  17. Make sure your online host is not blocking or restricting anything.
  18. You could easily switch the mail provider or the Module extending WireMail. A downside of not using one of the big mail providers is the real chance that your email will be seen as spam on certain receiving hosts or mail providers. The mail reputation score matters when sending any email. I guess the real deal with using PHPMailer, in my opinion, is are you sending out using a properly configured SMTP gateway or not.
  19. The key thing is that you changed hosts and now are having issues getting mail to work properly. You need to read up and review how mail is processed at your new hosting company. After finding out how mail works at the new host, you may have to make a few changes to your WireMailSMTP configuration screen to get things working. Additionally, your new hosting company should be able to verify that needed ports are opened (not blocked) for your account. Good luck.
  20. I believe all you need to do is go to the Comments field and enable these features.
  21. I just want to remind everyone that we have established guidelines that need to be adhered to on the Forum. If you have forgotten what the guidelines are, please take some time to review them again. es
  22. I agree that this is a good discussion and needs to be continued somewhere (I'm not the one for moving things, I haven't figured how to do it right yet). I have an upcoming blog project whose sole purpose is to talk about ProcessWire's many features. Once someone has moved this conversation to a new area, I can further elaborate on what I am working towards. With that said, I also agree with what @teppo seems to be saying.
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