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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. This may not help, but you could look into: https://picard.musicbrainz.org/
  2. Are you both on the same web host? What other third-parry Process modules are you using? Please tell us more about your web environment. That will provide critical information for someone to help you.
  3. Bring up your Form Builder related issue in the Form Builder VIP Forum
  4. That's indeed the case, for me. As both a Telecommunications Engineer and Web Developer, this module allows me to use emails (from submitted forms or sent directly from someone's mail account) to aid in generating webpages. Just a few of the many things that I use this module for: Blog Submissions Article For Review/Approval Submissions Form Builder Submissions Status Updates (to already created subject areas) The fact that you can submit to multiple email addresses allows for multiple uses of this module. If you can think outside-of-the-box, you would be surprised how useful this module can be. I'm glad that you extended the original module from @ryan. When you did, I saw instant usability for this module.
  5. I use this module on every website I have built for myself personally and also clients
  6. It would help if you could post this problem/issue in the VIP forum for Repeater Matrix (Profields Support) https://processwire.com/talk/forum/43-repeater-matrix/
  7. I have used your great module on my PHP 5.6 installations. I am working on a new website and would like to use this module. I am getting the following error on installation: Any help you can provide with how to get this installed would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I am getting a similar error when trying to upgrade from your version 7.2 to 9.2.2 (whether using PHP 5.6.x, PHP 7.0.x or PHP 7.2.x) PHP 5.6.x PHP 7.0.x PHP 7.2.x
  8. @Janice, This is the Forum for ProcessWire CMS/CMF. While some of our Forum members may be able to assist you with your question, the best place to get answers would be to ask this question in the MailChimp Support Forum
  9. cstevensjr

    other CMSs

    You have the link as follows (note the space): https:// github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids
  10. I put thumbs-up for requests that I feel have merit. I don't think they provide any noise to these requests, but show that others are supportive of these recommended changes. Some of these requests are about better usability, additional or consistent ways of using the PW infrastructure. If I had additional information that adds to the discussion, then I would add a comment. I personally don't think adding a thumbs-up detracts from Ryan working on these requests. I'm really supportive of anyone who thoughtfully have put their time in to come up with innovative new ways to do things. I'm also supportive of individuals who have found issues that potentially affects all of us.
  11. Please report and open up a ticket to resolve this issue: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues
  12. Please open an issue at: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues
  13. Are you having this problem on any other workstation/server that you may have?
  14. Wow, @adrian! I had no idea that you have taken time to create some nice documentation for your module. Great work!
  15. Just used your module for the first time. It works great and I like that I was able to change (edit) the terms and the ability of users to save/review their settings.
  16. I'm surprised that I actually missed this module. I will definitely give it a workout on a few projects. Thanks for your work on quite a few productive modules.
  17. FYI, Got the same error when installing via class name.
  18. A very nice, beautiful and informative website. Your design skills are outstanding
  19. As stated by @Robin S, you will need to open an issue at the current ProcessWire Version 3.x Github Repo at: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues The Github repo where you left a comment at is not for the current 3.x version of ProcessWire.
  20. Received PM from @ThomasH ThomasH 0 Started conversation: just now Hi, sorry. i can't answer with a post cause i'm a starter here. i fixed my issue. DomainFactory have Problem with DNS. I used the IP address of the mysql server and it work fine. perhaps you can quote my answer and close the thread
  21. In the future, you may want to install this module to have a secondary backup tool: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-database-backups/ The following module, automates the above backup process, so this task won't be forgotten or ignored: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/cronjob-database-backup/
  22. Here is the link to Github that tells you how to upgrade your ProcessWire installations: https://github.com/processwire/processwire I would follow that guidance, however it wouldn't hurt to try the update on a test/development installation first.
  23. That's an error that used to be associated with PHP 5.2. What version of PHP are you running?
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