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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. I hope you have been able to get this working. I will detail how I'm use Google Tag Manager for an upcoming project, just in case you still are having problems. Background I'm working on a new website where we are using an Ecommerce Widget. We normally use Piwik for basic analytics, however this Online Store solution uses Google Analytics to track things (shopping cart, etc). This is where Google Tag Manager becomes a great solution. We ended up using both Piwik and Google Analytics. In Google Tag Manager you create the needed Tags with Firing Triggers. In this situation, we created one for Google Analytics (using Universal Analytics tag) and one for Piwik (using a Custom HTML Tag). The Custom Tag is simple, you enter the Piwik code and save. Now that these tags are created, you take the Google Tag Manager code and add it to your website. Just follow the instructions, as listed. My website configuration has a _head.inc and _main.inc. You can see (above in the 2 files) where the Google Tag Manager code is put. It turns out to be a very clean solution when you need to track many things or have more than one analytical tool that needs to track things. One of the good things about using Google Tag Manager is that you can verify that the 2 Tags are firing, as you need them to. Additionally, you can create more Tags to track a multitude of things on your website. Google provides free training courses on Google Tag Manager, if you are interested: https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/ I hope this helps someone out.
  2. Hopefully, one of these links helps you with placing your Google Analytics code. https://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2012/02/09/where-put-google-tracking-code/ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/digital-analytics-fundamentals/V9z4TVXQW_4 https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1008080?hl=en
  3. Maybe I'm looking at this wrong, but you should physically list the AdminThemeUikitCustom.js after all the uikit js in whatever template file you are using.
  4. Most likely Google is saying that your site doesn't have a Security Certificate from a known certificate issuer (i.e. the site doesn't use HTTPS). Lately they have been flagging sites for this.
  5. Thanks all (@abdus and @horst) for the quick response. I'd be lost without this module, I use it on every site. Also thanks to @ryan for having the feature of saving the previous version of each module when using his Upgrade module.
  6. I upgraded to version 0.2.6 today and cannot make use of the module. It seems to not save the SMTP Password anymore. I can send additional SMTP Configuration information via PM, if necessary. Once I reverted back to version 0.2.5 everything worked as before.
  7. I'm looking forward to your newest module. It would benefit my internal/external work tremendously. I hope you don't change the focus of what you are creating.
  8. You should be commended on sticking with the troubleshooting. I'm glad you finally got to the root of the problem.
  9. There should be 4 options (A, B C and D) available
  10. This still needs to be fixed/addressed. Also that was from the old repository.
  11. @kongondo, It was a joy to wake up and see this effort you have undertaken! Good luck on making this work.
  12. have you: 1) exported your localhost database? 2) Created a new database on the live or web hosting location? 3) Imported the localhost database into the newly created database? 4) Made changes to your site/config.php to reflect the credentials in the newly created database? _
  13. Would be interested to know is this you only ProcessWire installation? If not, do you have the same issues with your other installs or a basic install of ProcessWire (with no 3rd party modules)? Also knowing the PHP and MySQL version would also be beneficial.
  14. That's still a lot for Gmail. Simply knowing about Gmail's Bulk Sending Guidelines should help you since you want to keep using them.
  15. I wrote "we hope", however I was not implying that the module won't get updates. From my experience @ryan has supported all the modules he has released for the last few years. Hanna Code, Import Pages From CSV and ProcessWire Upgrade are 3 of many he has produced and kept up-to-date. All the while he has produced many other great modules (paid and free).
  16. Whether this module is in the core of ProcessWire or isn't is not too important to me. What I am very grateful for is that @ryan has addressed the functionality himself and produced what seems to be a solid solution. What we have now is a Login/Registration solution written and supported by @ryan. We are definitely better off than we were just a few weeks ago. We hope that the support is long-term and that there will be further enhancements to this module in the coming years. Front-end Login/Registration is, to me, a very important capability. @ryan has produced the basic scaffolding (his module) and hopefully others will add to or enhance the functionality of what's been produced.
  17. A fantastic upgrade to ProcessWire's core capabilities. Thanks for making our lives easier.
  18. I prefer it immensely and hope that it stays available/supported (maybe not as the default). We all need choices. I am glad to see and support progress on additional Admin themes.
  19. I was working on a development site (ProcessWire 3.0.75 and PHP 7.0) and downloaded a copy of Recurme to use. Once I got the module installed, I was confronted with a non-working site. I SFTP'd to the site and removed the Recurme module. I was still confronted with the following error: I was able to revert to a previous version of ProcessWire (3.0.62), which allowed me administrative access to the site again. I haven't had this occur before, so I was a little surprised when I lost all access to the site. I had good backups, however I was glad I was able to downgrade the ProcessWire version to regain access. It took awhile to remove all traces of Recurme from the site, however things seem to be back to normal. Anything information that you could provide on how to get Recurme working or where I possibly went wrong, would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Charles
  20. Remarkable functionality! You should be very proud of your accomplishment.
  21. Thank you for providing this important information regarding PW image filename conventions and a very good explanation of the reason why they exist. It cleared things up for me, at least.
  22. Good Day, Can you please provide more information regarding how you setup this ProcessWire instance, to include version numbers (PHP, ProcessWire)?. It would be extremely helpful if you could list any custom code or third party process modules that you may have installed. In addition, if you could be descriptive about what you are actually trying to achieve, others on this Forum would then be able to adequately assist you. Thanks
  23. You must have a typo here, so can you please provide your actual version of PHP 5.6? The oldest version of PHP 5.6 should be 5.6.31 http://php.net/downloads.php Thanks
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