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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. cstevensjr

    PW Review

    Good Morning ProcessWIre Community, PW Review is a website that has a lofty goal of covering ProcessWire on a regular basis. That may seem like an impossible task, however I believe I'm up to the challenge. First, this is a strictly non-commercial endeavor and a project I believe in. This is not Wired Magazine or anything like that. I'm not a serious programmer or pretending to be one. My goal is to cover the modules (commercial and non-commercial) that may not get that much press or attention. I will also be covering modules that maybe you haven't heard about in awhile. There will also be screenshots, information and videos regarding the Commercial modules. I've been with this community since 2012 and have benefitted tremendously from ProcessWire. So this is my way of giving back, which is important to me. It's my hope that over time that what I'm doing myself will get some community participation. One person that I've had nothing but positive support from is Ryan Cramer. That's enough to keep me going at this for some time. That's it. Have a nice day and I hope you find something to like with PW Review. If not, please send me an email. I'm a great listener. Best Regards, Charles
  2. You will need to work that situation out with your hosting provider. Under normal circumstances, the application configuration file (config.php) is not accessible to the outside world. Good luck.
  3. May not be much help, but here goes: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/PATCH https://www.electrictoolbox.com/php-curl-http-referer/ https://www.weichieprojects.com/blog/curl-api-calls-with-php/ https://curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html
  4. Moderator's Note: This has been moved to General Support. Modules/Plugins is for direct support for a particular Module by the Module Author.
  5. You should be able to Lock the page, as the Administrator.
  6. Moderator Comment: Topic moved from Modules/Plugins to Getting Started
  7. Follow-up for Office 365 Settings
  8. Thanks for creating this module.
  9. Please let us know when you have access and one of the Moderators will move this topic to the Form Builder VIP Forum.
  10. You should post this in the Form Builder VIP Support Forum. If you cannot access this forum, please send a PM to @ryan
  11. Under Modules go to Core and look under the Process Heading. You will find the Page Clone module.
  12. Based on what you have provided so far, here are some links that may or may not help you with your situation: https://www.fastmail.com/help/technical/ssltlsstarttls.html https://www.limilabs.com/blog/ssl-vs-tls-vs-starttls-stls https://www.sparkpost.com/resources/email-explained/ssl-tls-starttls-encyption/
  13. I can confirm that I'm getting the same error from South Carolina right now.
  14. I actually like the verbose style for this type of documentation. Ryan has significantly filled in the gaps of missing centrally located documentation. There's much to read now. I find that better to have than the typical documentation that is full of bullet points. I truly hope he continues along this path because I believe it helps everyone in learning the more technical parts of ProcessWire. I also like that community members are actively asking to contribute to making the documentation meaningful. The active positivity of community members and the quality of thoughtful or extremely helpful answers given are what makes being on this forum truly unique.
  15. I believe you need to put this in your /site/config.php file
  16. @Robin S and @adrian, a great discussion and follow-up solution(s). This is the type of stuff that makes this Forum so valuable and worth reading on a daily basis.
  17. I have a license for both Transmit and Forklift for my Mac machines. I keep both of them updated with the latest versions. I first started with Forklift. Used it for years and like it as an alternative to Finder. Years later, I had problems with connecting to one of my remote servers with Forklift (a flaky certificate problem, which eventually got resolved). However, at that time it was a problem so I gave Transmit a chance, liked it and that's what I have been using primarily for all remote secure connections. I believe both programs are worthy Mac utilities. Either one is suitable when you need rock solid SSH tunneling using SFTP.
  18. You stated exactly what I meant. Thanks. The fact that you can make use of these tools makes life easier building websites or applications.
  19. i don't know if it has been mentioned, but we need to stress the ability of ProcessWire installations to use/incorporate third-party PHP tools without much effort.
  20. A very nicely composed showcase writeup.
  21. I just saw this. I was able to install on a new website using the instructions detailed by @darrenc. Thanks
  22. I would also make sure that on all your templates, you have set to HTTPS Only (SSL encrypted). I do this for even the System Templates
  23. Please look through this thread for a possible scanning solution https://dev.getsol.us/T49 Also valuable information Re: scanning on Solus
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