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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. To pick a capable "Bootstrap like" framework is not just about supporting non-CSS-ninjas, it should be more about teamwork support. An easy to use, reasonably well documented framework is something everyone can pick up easily so more contribution can be expected in this regard. UIkit v2 seemed to be a good choice, however at this stage I'm not so sure about v3, but let's see what the future holds After all, it is still "beta".
  2. https://getuikit.com/v2/ It is hard to believe that they just replaced the frontend of the old site at this beta stage. The new docs looks alpha and is rather hard to read too. I hope v3 will be a great success, but this is such a dumb launch
  3. Hi @FrancisChung This is my favourite: http://www.scootersoftware.com/features.php Not just for source files, but: " SYNCHRONIZE FOLDERS ...You can efficiently update your laptop, backup your computer, or manage your website, and Beyond Compare will handle all the details. You can copy to and from disks, FTP servers, and zip files, all using the same interface. Anything you don't want affected can be easily filtered out, and all of the powerful comparison techniques are available, making the backup as fast or robust as you need. You can automate repetitive tasks using a flexible scripting language, and any script can be called from the command line, allowing you to schedule your syncs for when it's most convenient." It is also fast via FTP, and it can handle 10 simultaneous connections if needed, turning it to be the fastest diff/merge tool ever but this is only one example. I rarely usef the synchronize folders feature, but that one works well too.
  4. Hi, This is my preferred way of organizing things: So I prefer using wireRenderFile() in the first place. Also, the pattern used: https://github.com/NinjasCL/wire-render-pattern is a good example of separating the "controller functions/template files" from the "template views". An important note on using wireRenderFile(): So if you start using it, you might want to pass $page along instead of managing lots of individual variables like it is implemented in the above mentioned Ghost Blog Clone.
  5. May I ask what is not correct? I have not tested it extensively but seems to do its job right.
  6. Hi, This is quite understandable (I'm often in this very same boat too), but if you take a look at the code, you can see that it is basically a simple helper so that you do not have to reinvent the wheel over an over again. BTW, I did not have the time to read through your posts, but looking at the screenshot I remember seeing it in the past, I mean using this interface for some time and what I recall is that I hated it, because I could not find my way around the articles easily, it felt like a big mess of hyperlinked docs, and it was hard to recognize which article I have already read. (What sort of system/implementation it was I do not know). Maybe I was just to dumb to get the logic behind it, I do not know, but I'm glad I do not have to see it again.
  7. Maybe I do not get what you are aiming to do, but it is possible to get pages by defining more than one template in your selector, so you do not have to put your pages under the same parent, just to get them with $page->children: eg.: $pages->find("template=article|news|faq"); https://processwire.com/api/selectors/#finding1 https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.13-selector-upgrades-and-new-form-builder-version/#building-a-selector-string-with-user-input-example You might also want to check out @LostKobrakai's Paginator module to list and paginate pages from different templates easily.
  8. @MilenKo Thanks for sharing! I have not yet checked out your code, but it should be mentioned that a better way to share it is via a Code block in a Spoiler block. That way it is searchable but at the same time it does not take up too much space.
  9. I never bother with individual mod_security rules. I just disable it: <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off </IfModule> You should be quite safe with the ProcessWire defaults. BTW, you should also add Options -Indexes to .htaccess to disable dir listing.
  10. Hi, What happens, if you do a clean install? Can you test it under the actual domain? Also, have you tried disabling modules that might cause such an issue? Server details that might give us more clue (mod_security, etc...) ?
  11. Never mind @Guy Verville! It's a nice site, thanks for showcasing it. It is just that this forum is full of developers, so we cannot help it but comment...
  12. +1, Let's get organized! E.g.: https://www.dropbox.com/paper https://www.dropbox.com/help/topics/paper recent review: https://zapier.com/blog/best-collaborative-writing-apps/#paper
  13. Yes, definitely We cannot thank you enough for this module, but at least we need to try! Anyway, the even stronger support of ajax debugging came just the right time for me, as I am about to start a new project utilizing lots of ajax magic.
  14. Nice design! It takes time to download the assets though. I noticed that tiny icons and logos are around 600-700kb each, why is that? Say album-arrow.png is 636kb, but after I have optimized it, it is down to 300 bytes only. This is just one example, there are lots of others.
  15. @FrancisChung For security reasons (security through obscurity) I would make such a feature optional. Although security through obscurity is not considered to be some sort of actual "protection layer" or such, in some cases I still do not like to advertise such info.
  16. I freaked out hearing the sound of the seagull so unexpectedly, but otherwise I like it
  17. Hi, Namespace issue? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19699319/php-namespace-pdo-not-found use \PDO;
  18. Hi, You might also want to compare the before and after state of the database, at least before you feel confident you are doing what you intend to do. I've already shared a simple but useful BASH 4 script to compare databases, you might also find it useful:
  19. If you feel you are starting to struggle with CKEditor, you might want to use Repeater Matrix instead. As Ryan puts it: "One use case for a Repeater Matrix is as an alternative to a rich text editor for those cases where you want more fine-grained developer control."
  20. There is a recent discussion about calendars and events over here: I also recommend doing a google search like this: event calendar site:processwire.com/talk As for pimping the admin, there are all sorts of techniques to tweak it to your needs. Of course, you will need to deal with Roles/Permission, but you might really want to consider using @adrian's Admin Restrict Branch: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11499-admin-restrict-branch/
  21. Hi, Is it the one you found from Ryan? https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.28/ As you can see, it is quite recent which suggests there in no core support at the moment.
  22. Hi @AndZyk Here is one: GlobalEmailSettings, such as: sender and reply to. See this recent discussion: I'm not aware of any already published solutions to this and although it seems to be easy to implement and may not necessarily needs to be turned into a module, even a very simple module has the advantage of being ready made, easy to add and update (provided it is the the Module Directory...).
  23. Hi, I recommend doing some basic system design to sort out the relationships you will be dealing with. Here is a good article from @clsource on this: https://medium.com/@clsource/understanding-processwire-templates-fields-and-pages-201aecd0a1a4#.m9yquavll Next, decide what sort of Inputfields you will utilize in the admin in order to realize the relationships (look for 3rd party Inputfield modules too, but check PW 3 compatibility before you start using them). Start with the Page Tree, and decide what you want to present there, and other relationships can be represented by the selected Inputfields. You can start by working on both the frontend and the backend at the same time. If you are a solo developer, you will not be able to separate the two anyway. Thinking of "fields -> pages -> templates" isperfectly fine, but you can implement them in any order you see fit. "Is the product page that the "normal" user see in the front-end, the same that the vendors have access in the back-end?" It cannot practically be the "same", except if YOU for some reason implement it this way. You can give normal users (customers) limited access to the admin, but it all depends on your needs. Probably you only want to give partial access to the backend for vendors only. Normal frontend users (customers) will likely be better off with your own custom implemented frontend UI access. Hope this helps
  24. Hi, Here is a recent discussion (with some other links to related topics) that might get you started:
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