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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. +1 Although it means that PW must also be present in order to be able to bootstrap it, but at least being installed is not a requirement anymore, if I'm not mistaken.
  2. Since the Page object is already in the memory, I can't see any performance related issues with it, but I'm not a PHP resources optimizer wizard, so someone might chime in to shed more light on it. Edit: @LostKobrakai was faster than me
  3. Thanks! One question though: how to use it before running ProcessWire? If it is a module, I have to install ProcessWire in the first place. Am I missing something?
  4. Just for the record: "I also tend to store additional properties in $page rather than creating global variables (e.g., $page->foo = 'bar' instead of $foo = 'bar'), which makes it a lot easier to use wireRenderFile(). As long as you pass in $page, you know you've got everything you need, and you can add more properties later without worrying about updating your "view bag."
  5. Oh yes, this is great! Thanks for sharing
  6. this one? https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1257 Let's ping @arjen to ask for a status update on this issue.
  7. As an alternative, you can use a site grabber/ripper tool, e.g.: https://www.downloadcloud.com/website-ripper.html Also, you might want to purchase the new ProDevTools module with the API Explorer in it (provided it will be released before you leave): https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.41-and-a-look-at-api-explorer/
  8. I have not yet used WireCache, but this is the kind of simplicity that I'm always looking for, that is why sooner or later I will try it out. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for sharing @Can, looks pretty neat and dead simple! For small sites it should suffice.
  10. but he also says; the search goes on, still cant't be found... so something is fishy... btw, the clip is a lot worse than the photo (even thought I have to agree that the photo is indeed horrendous), so so far you are the winner!
  11. How about an online tool like this one which can also accept pasted content, so your clients can also edit the table later on: http://htmltablegenerator.com/ Not a perfect solution, but at least it can help a lot.
  12. Welcome to the forum Another option (among others): http://trolsoft.ru/en/soft/trolcommander Free, and you can turn invisible stuff on/off. Or a Finder "extension": https://www.trankynam.com/xtrafinder/ Note that XtraFinder is a bit buggy (and/or Apple's Finder is buggy, so it is impossible to add these features properly by 3rd parties, which is quite possible... Finder has always been buggy too) Also, you need to disable System Integrity to make it work on 10.11 and above: https://www.trankynam.com/xtrafinder/sip.html I've been using XtraFinder for a long time, it is a great timesaver.
  13. Well, most important thing is the compiler/namespace feature: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.14-updates-file-compiler-fields-and-more/ or in more detail: https://www.google.hu/search?as_sitesearch=processwire.com%2Fblog&as_q=recipe#q=namespace+site:processwire.com%2Fblog Non core/Ryan modules might fail, so it is recommended to read up on them too. And most importantly I would certainly clone it to a dev environment and upgrade that instance of the site firts, just to see what actually happens....
  14. Hi, Quick tips Bookmark these two Google queries: tutorial site:processwire.com/talk recipe site:processwire.com/blog Whenever you are in need, just edit the first words accordingly Learn by doing, eg: (4 part tutorial): http://blog.mauriziobonani.com/processwire-basic-website-workflow-part-1/ OOP is "easy", read this one once a month and also study simple ProcessWire modules: http://www.startutorial.com/homes/oo_beginner Find simple ProcessWire modules/profiles in the directory, install them, change them, abuse them. Sooner than you think you will get a hang of it.
  15. Not to mention that if you unite forces everyone wins, especially with such a much needed module. So I suggest Robin S leading the development with Bernhard posting lot's of pull requests
  16. As far as I know, the ProcessWire API can either resize, crop or do both of these operations but it cannot pad an image. Are you looking for something like this: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/crop/#extent
  17. If you want to teach your kids programming or just want to put together games easily, then GDevelop is highly recommended: http://compilgames.net/
  18. Hi, One way to solve such issues is to prepare separate collentions to be outputted into both the <head> and the footer, like this: https://github.com/NinjasCL/pw-ghost/blob/c192001567b73063dac3cdae72e6e19bbf08e632/templates/_main.php#L35-L38 so when you need something extra on a given page, you just add it to the collection: https://github.com/NinjasCL/pw-ghost/blob/c192001567b73063dac3cdae72e6e19bbf08e632/templates/blog-item.php#L59 more on this: https://github.com/NinjasCL/wire-render-pattern
  19. But why is it that the menu background is blue? I'm suspicious
  20. Which one is the repeater? gruppe? You are trying to remove the repeater form its own item, as far as I can see. $m is a Page object, not a (Repeater)PageArray if I'm correct: $m->gruppenzuordnung->remove($delGruppe); So incidentally it is probably the image this line removes because of a matching key of the image: http://kongondo.github.io/ProcessWireAPIGen/devns/source-class-ProcessWire.WireData.html#333-351 You need to work on the RepeaterPageArray: http://kongondo.github.io/ProcessWireAPIGen/devns/class-ProcessWire.PageArray.html#_remove like this: $delGruppe->remove($m); // or $gruppe->remove($m); // depending on what you want to achieve
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