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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. If you have any of the "Markup/HTML..." Content Types selected, then this is the normal behavior. Tags are converted to HTML Entities, so the <p> tags generated by CKeditor are also converted and show up as text. You need to remove the Text Formatter in this case.
  2. @Shane: Actually, it is called "HTML Entity Encoder (htmlspecialchars)" and can be found: Setup > Fields > [your Textarea field] > Details tab
  3. I haven't seen that issue with the bar taking up more than one line. I have tested in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. What browser are you using? Can you show me the dom of the bar so I can see what might be causing that? I should have checked "my" css before asking this question, sorry for this. I use a "framework" called Responsee 3 which happens to change the display property of <img> to "block". Changing it back to "inline" or "inline-block" fixes is the issue. I do not know if you want deal with this issue or not, but you might be able to address this by targeting Tracy's <img> tags to set "inline" or "inline-block" !important on them, just in case... As far as I can see, Tracy itself uses a lot of !important rules as well. Maybe the developers of Tracy should apply this, and it is out of the scope of your module. EDIT: "inline" or "inline-block"
  4. "PW's debug mode doesn't really change error reporting anymore". Can you please explain it a bit more? I do not quite get this. About "superuser only mode": the module should also support non-superuser debugging too. What happens when we want to debug while logged in as another user+role? Why should we miss Tracy in this case? The more control we have in this area is the better, I suppose.
  5. Thank you adrian! How should I update the module? I simply downloaded it from GitHub (about 10 minutes ago ), replaced the entire directory but it only works if I'm logged in (superuser), otherwise I get this: Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: Tracy\Debugger::$showBar in .../site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/TracyDebugger.module on line 160 I re-saved the config settings a few times and I also used "Modules > Refresh", but these actions did not help.
  6. "...media URLs will be wrong..." ProcessWire can take care of it if you "set things up properly", but I have just said in my edited post above, if you use a subdomain, there will be no need to keep an eye on URIs/URLs, migrating should work without this sort of issue.
  7. Some general/security related info about this topic can be found here: https://processwire.com/docs/security/other-software/ EDIT: I also recommend using a subdomain for the staging site. Not just for security reasons but generally this is the "cleanest way" to separate the two.
  8. Hi, Nice looking site Thanks for sharing. The only "strange thing" is the 'Projects' portfolio section which is confusing to use and it is not actually something to "browse" but asking for random items so it is rather hard to find something specific. The result of the filter looks like a slider (it is), but functionally speaking it is not a slider, so this sort of presentation is confusing too. When we have only 3 items (or less) in the result set, the arrows are not dimmed nor removed so they appear to be nonfunctional. Or I might be missing something...
  9. @adrian First of all, thank you for this wonderful module! I have just found the time to check it out and have a few questions: 1) Is it normal that I have this strange looking layout on the public frontend? (see attached image) It would be nice to have a bar that is only one row tall. 2) Show Debug Bar option: a select or two checkboxes please Show on public frontend only Show on admin only Show on both Do not show Currently I am only using it on the public frontend so it is just an obstacle on the admin. 3) email option: Quote: "Receive emails when an error occurs in production mode." you wrote in the forum, which is a much better description than the one you actually used in the module: "This email address will receive notification of errors." thanks again!
  10. Generally speaking this is true. There can be cases when it is possible to change the order of "objects" on the frontend just by changing the order of pages or repeaters for example, but there aren't any standard ways of implementing features like this for the frontend, since ProcessWire does not dictate any sort of frontend "design patterns / rules". So it all depends on your template files / site profile. You need access to the PHP template files.
  11. I sometimes have similar issues with Safari and Chrome. Chrome "Cache Killer" extension to the rescue
  12. Hi craigiop, It sounds like you are you using "someone else's" site profile. Anyway, if you remove fields, you might need to adjust the appropriate template file(s) accordingly.
  13. Yes, this what certainly needs improvement in the ProcessWire admin. The site tree (Pages) is just confusing and click intensive to use. After almost two months of using it, I still keep clicking on the name (title) of the page to edit it or wonder about how to open the subtree, or does it have a subtree (children) at all? I know there is the number of children after the name, but the whole tree is so unconventionally crafted, that I have too keep reminding myself of how it works.
  14. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/front-end-editing-now-in-processwire-3.0-alpha-4/ "All of the front-end editing features are provided by a module included with the ProcessWire 3.0 core called PageFrontEdit. Once this module is installed, you can use any of the above options. The module is not installed by default." So it is not turning Drupal.
  15. Hi, First time I have installed it, mainly to see what the button "Debugmode" does. It does not do anything: href='javascript:;' Am I missing something?
  16. Maybe it is those "running one or two vm's at the same time" which are the resource hoggers? I sometimes run PhpStorm, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and many others parallel on a 4GB ram + SSD Air without running into performance problems. Sure, the number of running VMs is zero in my case
  17. @tpr Good point! The same is true in my case. It is gently leading me to the right direction. I could not ask for more in this regard
  18. Brackets is fantastic when working with its live preview feature, so I use it when working on JavaScript based prototypes. That way I do not have to refresh anything. However, Brackets is an editor not an IDE and live preview cannot be used with php generated output.
  19. Well, I do not want to praise PhpStorm too much, and it is certainly true that I can get lost in the preferences panel, since there are thousands of settings in it. But the preferences panel has its own search feature that helps sometimes (when one knows what that thingy is called). Still, if you spend the time to set it up, you can adjust it to your likings. It's main interface is clean. Just by clicking on the sidebars or using the equivalent keyboard shortcuts (Project, Structure, etc) and using shortcuts for everything else, one can quickly perform any action easily. Being a Java application it takes some time to boot up: a few secs (v10 has improvements in this area too), but if you launch it in the morning and quit it in the evening than it does not make a difference, it is an IDE after all. Afterwards it is a speedy beast. It is _not_ Eclipse, Eclipse is the worst IDE I have ever used, so I do not even want to compare them I also like its history feature which is quite useful even when also using git at the same time. When experimenting with code, it is handy that one can revert back to (or copy form) any previous saved state of a file. And yes, BBEdit is super cool, which is my primary code editor when not working on the files of a PhpStorm project. And even if I'm in a PhpStorm project I sometimes also use BBEdit to perform specific tasks. Why not use both if possible?
  20. PhpStorm is the best The current version's code-completion is super intelligent, I have never been able to type code this fast with any other IDE or editor. Finding your way around in the code is well supported too. Search is powerful, it helps a lot when you have to dig in code not written by you. At least, PhpStorm is worth a look at https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/
  21. @Tom: Thank you for the effort! I hope that your ideas and work will pay off and they will be picked up by the community so that we can have an even better admin in the future. The general issue is that the admin interface is used for both development (by the devs, of course) and for content management (by site administrators). When developers try to mix the two, they will most certainly design something that is more for development then for content management as this is the case with ProcessWire. Do not get me wrong, I think ProcessWire has a nice admin interface, but there is a lot of room for improvement regarding content management. (And regarding the aid of development too, see for example Soma's HelperFieldLinks module, but that is a bit off topic here.)
  22. Thank you for sharing! It would be nice to have this feature built in.
  23. But that's not realy cool cause the user will not see his exact name.. Why is it a problem if a user does not know how her name is stored in the database? Or am I missing something?
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