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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. Thank you for sharing and the quick intro!
  2. tpr, thanks for the intro! Being interested, I am waiting patiently for the releases of these modules...
  3. SiteGround also offers a 1 click install for shared hosting accounts: https://www.siteground.com/blog/lets-encrypt/ more: https://www.siteground.com/kb/can-i-get-lets-encrypt-certificates-at-siteground/
  4. That's okay. Happy to help Your Tracy Debugger module is a godsend!
  5. I have just tested and dump() and barDump() calls are ok. However, I have another question: Tracy\Debugger::dump(); and the others used to work but now I get: Class 'ProcessWire\Tracy\Debugger' not found and Class 'ProcessWire\TD' not found so only the shortcut methods work (ProcessWire 3.0.10 and the template file is in namespace ProcessWire; ).
  6. Ooops, yeah, I am clicking on the link in the error panel:
  7. @matjazp: I tested with php 5.6, 5.5 and 5.4 and did not make a difference. $loc is always 0. I put $loc = 7; on line 100 and I still get the compiled file. But this time: Before the Tracy hack str_replace $file is: .../site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/ProcesswireInfoPanel.inc after modifying the string we get: .../site/modules/TracyDebugger/ProcesswireInfoPanel.inc The above is 7 times, and we have "VariablesPanel.inc" 2 times at the end. So "/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler" is removed as expected, but how is this path related to the my template file? Do not bother explaining it though, I was just wondering a bit
  8. $loc is 0 self::findLocation() : Array ( [0] => .../site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/ProcesswireInfoPanel.inc [1] => 162 [2] => Dumper::toHtml(\ProcessWire\wire('page'), array(Dumper::COLLAPSE => false)) ) EDIT: and similar values, since toHtml() gets called a lot of times...
  9. $file contains an empty string, but even before this line: list($file, $line, $code) = $loc ? self::findLocation() : NULL; I cannot seem to find any occurrence of $file before this line, so I suppose that is why it is empty in the first place.
  10. Hello adrian, Thank you very much again for the new feature! I have just found the time to test out this protocol handler thingy, and with the following configuration string it seems to work well with PhpStorm Mac: phpstorm://open?file=%file&line=%line However, it does open the compiled file in cache instead of the original ones. Do you have any ideas why?
  11. Welcome to the forum saboor, You might be interested in a few tips you can find in the forum, like this one: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12431-moving-site-to-another-server Or the docs: http://processwire.com/docs/security/migration/ http://processwire.com/docs/security/file-permissions/ You might want to do a google search like this one: site:processwire.com/talk moving Anyway, what sort of error messages (PHP, Apache, etc..) do you get? You might want to use $config->debug = true; in config.php. By "procash", do you mean ProCache? ProCache is not required at all. As the name implies, it is for those who need some serious caching for the otherwise fast ProcessWire.
  12. How about a "Setup Wizard"? Which should also ask for this setting. I understand that it would need a lot more more time to implement than just adjusting the default of "follow this topic", but still...
  13. @Jason Huck: Have you already checked out adrian's ProcessMigrator module? https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessMigrator Personally I never used it, but adrian seems to be always online if you need help. Maybe he never sleeps
  14. You did it again adrian Thanks a lot! Regarding protocol handlers, these links might be of interest too: https://pla.nette.org/en/how-open-files-in-ide-from-debugger and https://github.com/aik099/PhpStormProtocol
  15. I already started using this feature and no problem so far (without the leading slash, of course). Are you sure "singleimage.php" is in the "products" folder (without any spelling mistakes)? In your screenshot we can see a "singleimage.php" file that is NOT in the "products" folder, but we cannot see the contents of "products".
  16. @FBachofner: Have you already checked out padloper.pw? Should you chooses ProcessWire, you might be interested in it when the time comes: https://www.padloper.pw
  17. +1 for checkboxes and easily discoverable options. I find that settings pages like this are not visited too often and I tend to forget what I should look for when I need to change settings. When I have only one loooong page I can at least use the browser's find feature to quickly look for what I am possibly after I also like that the settings page is full of comments that are not hidden, because this way I am reminded to read them. (I often forget to read tooltips and similar UI help solutions since they are initially hidden, conceptually.) All in all, I agree with tpr that it is an "admin page after all" and most importantly a page that is (should be) used by developers only.
  18. This is my local machine and I run Apache as my own user so that I always have read/write permissions while developing.
  19. Thanks. I manually cleaned .../site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules and got fatal error as the class TracyDebugger was not found. (Class 'ProcessWire\TracyDebugger' not found). And using Admin > Modules > Site > [Clear Compiled Files] button afterwards did not help. Deleting the FileCompiler folder itself gets rid of the error, but my original problem (that is not seeing any variables in the panel) remained. One more thing. If I manually delete .../site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules and do not resave the module settings afterwards but try to reload the forntend, then the Fatal Error is back againg.
  20. I switched to PHP 5.5.26 (that is the closest to 5.5.29 I happen have at the moment). I am also on OS X 10.10.5 but this should not matter too much I guess. I also updated to 0.5.6. Actually I have just realized, that although I do not get any errors with $Variables Panel turned on, it does not display any variables except for a strange empty array, like this: array () That is all I have in the panel, however – for example – I have $title = $page->get('headline|title'); in my _init.php and <?= $title ?> outputs fine. Shouldn't it be a variable that is displayed in this panel?
  21. @adrian: I just pop in to report that Tracy Debugger 0.5.5 on ProcessWire 3.0.8 with PHP 5.6.10 works without a hitch so far Thanx once more!
  22. Thanks for the explanation, now I get it Yes, you are right, I suppose normally I (we) will not need Force Scream at all. I just misunderstood what it is for. I am also quite happy with Strict Mode turned off too.
  23. "...it should get things working" What do you exactly mean by this? I saved the settings a few times, once with Strict Mode only enabled, then with Force Stream only on, but no matter what I do, this notice comes up when Force Stream is on (and Strict Mode is off). Should it be possible to use Force Stream without getting this notice or not? My personal preference would be to be informed of notices and warnings (of ProcessWire and my code, not Tracy's). I do not need Strict Mode if that is not necessary to be able to see notices and warnings. Sorry if it is a dumb question, but I do not quit get what the situation is. You wrote "...an issue with strict and scream modes together...", however, currently only Force Stream is on and the notice shows up as an error in the debug bar:
  24. Thank you adrian! First I deleted a previous version of the module manually, afterwards installed it via the modules directory. Now I get this (both public frontend and admin): 1× PHP Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in .../site/modules/TracyDebugger/tracy/src/Tracy/Bar.php:59 Is it because I did not know how to upgrade properly or something else?
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