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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. If you want to teach your kids programming or just want to put together games easily, then GDevelop is highly recommended: http://compilgames.net/
  2. Hi, One way to solve such issues is to prepare separate collentions to be outputted into both the <head> and the footer, like this: https://github.com/NinjasCL/pw-ghost/blob/c192001567b73063dac3cdae72e6e19bbf08e632/templates/_main.php#L35-L38 so when you need something extra on a given page, you just add it to the collection: https://github.com/NinjasCL/pw-ghost/blob/c192001567b73063dac3cdae72e6e19bbf08e632/templates/blog-item.php#L59 more on this: https://github.com/NinjasCL/wire-render-pattern
  3. But why is it that the menu background is blue? I'm suspicious
  4. Which one is the repeater? gruppe? You are trying to remove the repeater form its own item, as far as I can see. $m is a Page object, not a (Repeater)PageArray if I'm correct: $m->gruppenzuordnung->remove($delGruppe); So incidentally it is probably the image this line removes because of a matching key of the image: http://kongondo.github.io/ProcessWireAPIGen/devns/source-class-ProcessWire.WireData.html#333-351 You need to work on the RepeaterPageArray: http://kongondo.github.io/ProcessWireAPIGen/devns/class-ProcessWire.PageArray.html#_remove like this: $delGruppe->remove($m); // or $gruppe->remove($m); // depending on what you want to achieve
  5. Hi, I've never done it myself so I cannot present some pre-made solutions, but there seem to be discussions about it in the forum: https://www.google.hu/search?as_sitesearch=processwire.com%2Ftalk&as_q=migrate#q=+Import+comments+site:processwire.com%2Ftalk especially: Also, there are various discussions about using an existing module to import vs implement your on solution. I also recommend checking out @adrian's Batch Child Editor which can also import data (note, that I do not know if you can use it for importing comments or not, but he will be able to tell us...):
  6. "Latest release date"... How can it be automatically kept up-to-date? We have incremental releases, so it is tedious to do it manually.
  7. Well, I opted for ProcessWire mainly for its Page/Selector design pattern (sure I like complete freedom on the frontend too...) so I would go with Pages, but it's just me... BTW, Have you see this: You might want to take a look at @Robin S new module. I have not yet find the time to test it, but looks promising.
  8. +1 for the feature requests above. I'm not yet a happy Media Manager owner, but it is highly probable that one day I will be
  9. Never mind, we noticed it I even gave you a like for the effort
  10. As far as I get it, currently you have two different questions: 1) How to implement many-to-many relationships, 2) JSON support in ProcessWire So you might want to rename the title of the topic, 'cos it's to general and slightly related to these two questions. Welcome to the Forums, BTW. It's good to hear that you compare ProcessWire to Laravel and to other frameworks too, and ProcessWire wins. I think you are right
  11. I always do something like this: $pages = $page->children("show.label=CTRL Daily") if(count($pages) && is_array($pages)) { foreach($pages as $post) //etc... } else { error_log("Custom NOTICE: Options Fieldtype called XYZ contains no label 'CTRL Daily'!"); } This way you will have a clue what goes on if someone (including you) happens to rename the option. Note, that even using IDs has its drawback: the order of labels can be changed as well even if they are exactly the same.
  12. If it is really a fresh ProcessWire instance, can't you just wipe it (deleting the database itself too, not just emptying it) and install it on your own? That way you should be able to spot if anything goes wrong during the installation process.
  13. Hi, In your /site/config.php do you have $config->httpHosts = array('yourdomain.com', 'www.yourdomain.com'); ?
  14. Why? Someone might still find it useful in the future. Especially if you edit your original post, fix this line and provide a short explanation. Sure, this thread could be moved to the Dev Talk topic, so perhaps a Moderator can help us out...
  15. I use: https://www.keepassx.org/ I would never store my passwords online, however convenient it might be. For similar reasons, online banking with a mobile phone is no way for me, no matter how much my bank pushes it...
  16. Thanks! No ListerPro just yet, but recently I've been thinking of purchasing a single license version. Not too expensive but rather useful...
  17. While we are at it, any chance of making the link to the template optional in this case? It takes up too much space and not really needed in this context (at least I do not need it :
  18. As far as I know, it is module configuration based, and there is no global address to work with, except if you implement such a thing. So you need to go to the module's setting and set it there. about the API: and https://processwire.com/api/ref/mail/ so you can create a custom admin setting page (eg. like this https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/create-custom-admin-settings-page-link-in-admin-menu/) and also hook into send() and change the "from" address according to your setting: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-mail/send/
  19. True I've looked at almost "all of them" also tried out a lot, but the most (css) beginner friendly vs feature rich is http://materializecss.com/ Materialize CSS can be actually used by only the means of vanilla css overwriting its rules if one does not want to fine tune it by using Sass at all. The same is true for Chrome, probably others too. But we should not forget that simulation is never the/a real thing.
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