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Everything posted by dragan

  1. I've done a simple cart functionality with sessions. Works great. However, if you want to keep the infos longer than the browser session, you should use cookies instead. One thing to consider, however (mainly from a usability POV): Users tend to switch devices constantly. They browsed the product catalogue yesterday on their laptop, and want to continue browsing your site today on their tablet or phone. If you don't want to use registration / login, you could implement a simple bookmarking feature: Let the user create an individual bookmark (URL) for his selection, so he can continue on another device and even with another browser. This could also be used as a feature for wishlists, or product comparison tables which have become standard features in today's e-commerce world.
  2. Soma got one of the last Green Cards and moved from Switzerland to Atlanta? I must have missed a memo
  3. There's a million ways to do something like this. An easy and straightforward way is to add a data-attribute (YYYY) to your campaign wrapper div. Then use a few lines of JS to hide every campaign year item except the selected one. Examples: https://www.sitepoint.com/jquery-filter-objects-data-attribute/
  4. No way am I going to use a framework with such a truckload of unresolved issues
  5. Nice. Did you build the configurator yourself, with PW too? http://wp10757029.server-he.de/konfigurator/public/index.php/konfigurator/konfiguration
  6. Go to "edit template", select tab "advanced" and you'll see a settings section that looks like this:
  7. I'm not sure I understand your setup. Cloning your home page would mean cloning every single child page as well. Are you sure you want that? You could try the following: go to the home template settings, open the family tab, and check "can this template be used for new pages" -> yes (default is no). I would really strongly advise against doing that, but it could be (technically) possible. I would re-think your whole setup in the first place. If you manage to clone your homepage, then quickly change the template of your cloned page, and reset the family settings of the home-template, and after you have deleted all the child clones you don't need anymore, and everything still works as expected... OK. But really, that's not "PW-like" / recommended way to build a site.
  8. Did you try wrapping the keyword with `backticks` ? Or use %= instead of ~= ?
  9. Maybe setup some simple rules with Zapier or IFTTT? Perhaps even post automated tickets to JIRA or some similar app? btw, the same error appeared earlier in the forums:
  10. Maybe increase script timeout too? PHP default is 30 seconds. Smaller video uploads work fine? Try enabling ZIP uploads for this field and see if that helps.
  11. Can you describe in more detail what this means? Why can't you use tags for this? Sorting by filename is trivial "out of the box" with PW: $imgs = $page->images; foreach($imgs as $img) { $imageFileNames[] = $img->name; } sort($imageFileNames); echo '<pre>'; print_r($imageFileNames); echo '</pre>'; (assuming you need sorting in the frontend output). If you would add tags and / or descriptions you could build an associative array instead.
  12. That's awesome news! A few quick questions though: Can these new find methods also be used with findMany() and $pages->findIDs() ? Can I use this with Pro Fields as well? e.g. if I have a text field in a Matrix Repeater, will these be also considered?
  13. You probably have some field formatters active that strips the tags. Did you try this CKEditor plugin? https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/mathjax
  14. It depends how you want to use these 3 links in your template(s). You could just as well use a textarea field, and put each URL on a new line. Or you could store links as pages, and use a page references with multiselect. The latter approach would be wise if a link can be used more than once, and has the advantage that you only need to change the link in once place if you come across a broken link sometime in the future.
  15. Did you try composer create-project processwire/processwire dev-dev --stability=dev ? Seems like the latest dev version is called "dev-dev". The download worked, but I didn't install it. Where is the PW version number usually mentioned ?
  16. Not sure about SQL schemas, but you should take a look at these options: https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessMigrator/blob/master/README.md https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.68-and-more-on-page-export-import/ Importing and exporting fields and templates has been in core for a while now. The format which is used is JSON. You could just as well write JSON yourself for automatic creation. The import feature is labelled "beta" though - perhaps test it out on a dev system first and see how it goes.
  17. Nice module, thanks for sharing. I wonder though how effective it really is reading the last two sections "caveat emptor" and "blackhole whitelist": https://perishablepress.com/blackhole-bad-bots/#blackhole-whitelist
  18. That's what they always do. I would ask for 2nd or 3rd level support, first of all. Do they provide some sort of server health monitoring tools? It sounds like you don't have the necessary rights to install this yourself, but I'm sure your host uses something like that: http://www.dnsstuff.com/free-server-monitoring-tools
  19. What you describe here is far, far away from what can be expected in a somewhat "normal" server / hosting setup. If you can share a link to such pages, we could have a look at it. Or you could do this yourself - open the same page you opened as PW admin in FF/Chrome "anonymous mode". You mentioned that IMagick is not allowed/installed on your server. Are you aware of any other server-side restrictions? Can you define custom settings via .htaccess, php.ini, user.ini or in php files with ini_set()? I'm afraid someone else has to look into this (relatively new) method and check if there are options...
  20. Don't want to divert this thread, but I first got my feet wet with more advanced SQL stuff reading https://philip.greenspun.com/sql/index.html He used AOL server and Oracle, but the underlying principles and problems are similar in the entire DB-world I guess. And what's more, the guy was involved with really huge companies and lists some real-life problems and solution-approaches. Was kinda fun to read back in the day (the nerd-kind-of-fun). tl;dr: Just keep on learning, today there's a million times more learning opportunities than 30 yrs ago (free software, online tutorials/courses etc., cheap hosting, and faster internet than dialup...).
  21. Hi Clément and welcome to the forums. I'm not sure about hooks, but I just wanted to mention that each variation you use in your templates, is only generated once - when you first visit the page in the frontend. Every subsequent frontend visit to that page will load much faster, since PW checks if an image variation exists or not. re: timeout errors: Are they occuring in the backend?
  22. Stupid question: is it possible to include markup in a field description? I'd like to add a simple modal link as cross-reference (sort of a cheatsheet). Tried it via API as well, but no dice. <p class="description"> <a href="foo/client-list/" class="pw-modal pw-modal-large ui-corner-all">Open client list</a> </p> Any other methods? A hook?
  23. I guess you're committing major SEO sins here... You deliver the exact same content under several URLs / domains. Google is not amused by such practises. e.g. http://sprachspielspass.de/kinderlieder/alle-kinderlieder/ri-ra-rutsch/ http://kinder-reime.com/kinderlieder/alle-kinderlieder/ri-ra-rutsch/ http://finger-spiele.com/kinderlieder/alle-kinderlieder/ri-ra-rutsch/ This is called "black hat SEO", and frowned upon. I only discovered these other domains by checking your HTTP headers, where it says access-control-allow-origin: kinder-reime.com, finger-spiele.com, sprachspielspass.de
  24. Are you sure this is a live / production site? What about this page? http://mbr-mining.com/team/ Don't all these Mohameds and Abdallas look a bit pale? With copy like this it just doesn't seem professional at all (to say the least): The short term will focus onminimizing cost, increasing production of our existing assets to the fullest capacity.And medium term continuing theexplorationto expand our properties and resources.
  25. No concrete idea, but just a few days ago somebody reported a weird behavior with xampp and xdebug. Maybe if you had only de-activated the second language, instead of deleting it, you wouldn't have had any such problems. By de-activating, I mean simply edit your home page, go to settings tab, and un-check your 2nd language (see below screenshot) You say you only "initially" have one language, and plan to activate the 2nd one later. Did you also change all multilang fields back to their "single-language" counterparts? Perhaps there's a root cause of your problems. I'd try first to de-activate xdebug altogether, install Tracy Debugger, and see how that goes.
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