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Marcel Stäheli

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  1. Thank you for your reply. I had a look at the instructions in the comments of the module file and I'm afraid I dont know enough about modules or PHP to get it to work. I added the 4 module functions in step 2-5 to my template like this head: body: and commented them out in the module file. However I still get Notice: Undefined variable: nonce in \site\modules\PrivacyWire\PrivacyWire.module on line 108 What am I doing wrong?
  2. Hello I am using the great module PrivacyWire, it worked fine so far. However, a new website I am working on will use Content Security Policy (CSP) and this blocks the script created by PrivacyWire. The CSP for scripts looks like this: script-src 'self' https: 'unsafe-inline' 'nonce-" . $nonce . "' 'strict-dynamic; Every script tag needs the nonce value. It is created in the _init.php template and used by every page. How do I add the nonce to the script tag in the module? I found the part that writes it, but I don't know how to access the $nonce variable from the module.
  3. I finally figured it out. IIS uses a web.config file instead of a .htaccess file. In it there is the following code block: <denyUrlSequences> <add sequence="inc" /> <add sequence="info" /> <!--<add sequence="module" /> --> <add sequence="sh" /> <add sequence="sql" /> <add sequence="\..*" /> </denyUrlSequences> I commented out the info line, and the page loads as it should. I commented out the module line years ago, because I got an error when installing modules. I assume the other errors I got through the years were, because some page names contained one of these terms. This thread reminded me of it:
  4. Sorry for the late reply. I did check for folders in the webroot. There are no folders with that name there, or in any other directory. Thanks for the suggestion though. I exported the site profile and installed it locally on my machine using XAMPP 3.2.2 and here the renamed page gets displayed without a problem. It could be an IIS database problem. But I don't know how to go about diagnosing it. Any ideas?
  5. Hello I have a page where I need to change the page name (Settings-Tab -> Name). I can save the page with the new name but when I try to view it, I get an 404 server error (not a Processwire 404 error). I can change the page name to some other names and they work, but this particular one doesn't: The old name is "systemsicherheit" (system security) and I need to change it to "informationssicherheit" (information security). Variations of "informationssicherheit" also do not work. I had this problem before a few time going back to processwire 2.8 with PHP5. I also tried creating a new page, instead of renaming one. but with the same result: I can create the page just fine, but when I try to view it, I get an error. If i rename the same page to just, for exampl, "p" with the same content, it gets displayed. Right now, I'm using processwire 3.0.123 on IIS10 with PHP 7.2 I activated site->config.php->debug, but since it's a server error, it doesn't help. A similar renaming problem happened to me before a few times with images that I uploaded. After the upload it would just display a blank tile in the image field (but no error of any kind, the image was just empty). I exported the image in different formats, nothing helped. Then I changed the filename to just a.jpg and it worked fine. Could it be a some kind of general database error? I have no Idea.
  6. That was it. The default max upload size of IIS10 is 28.3MB as stated here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40085473 I followed the instructions on stackoverflow and manually edited the web.config-file and now the upload works. I also found instructions on how to change it using the IIS manager: https://www.inflectra.com/Support/KnowledgeBase/KB306.aspx (I haven't tried this method myself though) Thanks, I didn't know about those settings before.
  7. Thank you for your reply. I looked through these posts, but nothing helped so far. There are no errors in the PW-Logs. I run PHP 7.2.7 so there is no "always_populate_raw_post_data" Option to look for. It seems like an error on the client side. It happens in every browser. I had a look at the network tab, and it seems the request itself is corrupt already, it has a length of 73 compared to 741 with a successful upload (see screenshot). The response with the error upload is: The page was not displayed, because the request unit is too big. (Die Seite wurde nicht angezeigt, da die Anforderungseinheit zu groß ist.)
  8. Hello I had to increase the php-upload file size limit from the standard 2mb to 50mb to upload some pdfs (it's set to unlimited in PW). I edited the php.ini file accordingly. I can now upload files to a size of about 27mb but anything bigger doesn't work. The upload bar takes about 3 seconds to reach 100% and then stays there in Chrome, in Firefox it doesn't move at all. Both browsers throw a console error: Firefox: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON dataJqueryCore.js:2:13589 parseJSON jQuery q https://www.globalsystem.ch/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/InputfieldFile.min.js?v=125-1545384648:1 Chrome: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token D in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at Function.parseJSON (JqueryCore.js?v=1545384648:2) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (InputfieldFile.min.js?v=125-1545384648:1) It happens with other files too, I tested it with a couple .mp4-files. Since the uploads up to 27mb take about 2-3 seconds, i don't think it's a timeout problem. But just to be sure I massively increased some values in the php.ini: upload_max_filesize 600M post_max_size 700M max_input_time 90 memory_limit 800M Still the same errors with anything bigger than 27mb . Has anybody had these console errors before, when uploading files? I'm running PW 3.0.123 on IIS10
  9. I just learned about this: https://github.com/DivineOmega/password_exposed This PHP package provides a password_exposed helper function, that uses the haveibeenpwned.com API to check if a password has been exposed in a data breach.
  10. I have Parent-Pages that have Child-Pages. The parents function as an overview-page and store basic information that is used by all child pages. The child pages have some of the parents fields (in case the data differs from the parent) and additional fields that store child-specific data. Something like this: Parent "car-Overview": - field 1 maker (page reference-field) - field 2 description (textfield) - field 3 dimensions (multiplier-field) - field 4 image (image-field) Child "car-configuration": - field 2 description (overwrites value of parent->field 1) - field 4 image (overwrites value of parent->field 4) - field 5 maxSpeed (number-field) Now for easier manipulation I thought, when a user loads one of the child pages I create a new object that has all the fields from the parent, overwrites the data that is also present in the child-page and adds the new fields that only the child has. But I'm having major troubles with fields that are not just a number or text like multiplier-fields, image-fields and page reference-fields. How do you got about doing that?
  11. Thanks using the term fieldgroup I also found it in the new doc http://processwire.com/api/ref/page/ under the advanced section. I didn't check that part, my bad.
  12. I have a car template that contains dozens of fields. The collection of cars is growing and now I have different configurations for the same car type. To save work and time I created a "general" car page for every car where I enter data that fits every car configuration. Both the general car page and the car configuration have the same template and identical fields. The idea is that for every car I start with the general page and if a field is empty I get the data from the corresponding car configuration field. Is there a way to loop through every field of a page? I don't want to write a compare function for every single field.
  13. I found a solution. In case someone else has this problem in the future: One has to explicitly use an apache server for it to work. Processwire requires "mod_rewrite" which is not present in php build-in and it seems neither it is with IIS-express. So in the "project settings->server" choose "custom" as server and enter the project url. I used xampp to run the apache server and mysql database. Make sure xdebug is installed in the php-installation of xampp. Now php tools reads all PW variables and functions properly, no need for page() (still good to know that it exists).
  14. It now displays the function information (phpdocs) correctly. But I still get errors when debugging that the functions are undefined. Thanks for that link though, I didn't know about that.
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