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Everything posted by dragan

  1. Do you have debug-mode on or off? And do you use Tracy Debugger? Chances are, if using Tracy, you will see some addtl. infos about this error.
  2. Personally, I also don't think I would ever use PW regions. I just don't like to mix up backend and frontend code. HTML/CSS IDs and classes shouldn't be related to anything else than HTML/CSS/JS.
  3. You didn't show us your original query code, just a Tracy output. How did your code look like?
  4. Maybe that page in the trash has a template assigned which no longer exists. Try to edit it, set it to any tpl that exists, save - and then delete. Or you could try to delete it via API:
  5. modules > page tab > scroll to the bottom "clear compiled files" (or whatever the wording is in english) Or: https://yoursite.com/pw/module/?reset=1
  6. I fully understand. I'm considering to include D3-selection to the stack, because it has the same un-verbose, compact selector engine. https://github.com/d3/d3-selection
  7. Try deleting the contents of site/assets/cache/, clear your browser cache, and refresh PW-admin. If all that fails, try also to clear the module cache.
  8. I am not sure if I would ever have a practical use for this myself (at least not in the foreseeable future), but I must say it's a pleasure to see this project seeing the light of day. Kudos. For me, it's always a treat to see what people come up with using PW. Goes to show you never can tell. PW really is "not just another CMS", but a framework as well. Hope I find some time taking a test-ride with your module very soon...
  9. did LOL I have tested this now with FF 58.0.2, Windows 8, and almost the latest PW version (CKEditor field inside a repeater matrix, multilang-setup). I tried placing the cursor at the start of the 2nd line with the home button, with my mouse, and with going back using the arrow-left button. The cursor is exactly where it's supposed to be. Perhaps you should also mention what kind of CKE setup / config you have, to narrow it down.
  10. @nazim13 uhm, are you sure you posted in the correct thread? What you posted here seems totally unrelated to the original subject... (and also... two years later?)
  11. Congrats! Another good use of the Canvas theme If you allow just one remark: Usability-wise, I would never let text run as far as e.g. here https://www.clipmagic.com.au/services/develop/ Text runs all across 1120px. I would either use CSS column-count on certain pages, or use some kind of grid / layout solution that narrows down big chunks of text. https://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability
  12. The custom Google PW search I once configured, is here: https://cse.google.com/cse/publicurl?cx=013706179141317928628:dendm4c3gpq it's configured to search these sites/domains: which will return a few more results (not saying that more is always better)
  13. I get the same "loading" screen. My browser console shows Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () It looks for a file that doesn't exist: site/templates/admin/admin.js edit: OK, I also disabled Tracy, and everything works fine.
  14. you should either use a relative path for url, or http://localhost/... I'd open up the browser console and check there. Also, look here for hints: https://github.com/dadish/ProcessGraphQL/issues/1
  15. Are you sure $page / $page->id are even recognized?
  16. Thanks for the tip. btw - PHPStorm has a REST client tool built-in (this is more of a reminder / info for other PHPStorm users - it's such a massive IDE that handy features like these can be easily missed)
  17. At least this part could maybe be solved with clearing the modules cache. Modules > Site @ the bottom "clear compiled files". Did you check if these fields / modules actually exist physically? Perhaps something went wrong with the FTP upload. An re: troubleshooting guide: Did you check file permissions and did you set all of these to false in your config.php? $config->protectCSRF = false; $config->sessionChallenge = false; $config->sessionFingerprint = false;
  18. /* --------------------------------------------------- PORTFOLIO FILTERING ---------------------------------------------------- */ $('.portfolio-filter').on('click', 'a', function() { $(this).addClass('current'); var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $(this).parents('.portfolio-filter-wrap').next().isotope({ filter: filterValue }); }); this is in your main.js. filterValue is looking for data-attributes, not CSS classes! So: either change the markup and use data-filter="Logo" etc. or change the JS. btw, afaik, you'd be better off using jQuery's $(this).data("filter") instead of attr() (but maybe it just depends on your jQuery version - as long as it works, it works.)
  19. I had to first deactivate uBlock Origin, because there was a JS error. Not sure why though. Maybe - if possible - move these to somewhere else? (Not sure if they were blocked strictly because of the domains, or because of the JS-content) I'm talking about the first two in the screenshot
  20. You could use zipped files (only helps if files are not compressed already). Or modify PHP settings: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2184541 https://stackoverflow.com/a/3829578
  21. Perhaps you can find some inspiration / ideas from https://github.com/tutsplus/how-to-create-an-ajax-driven-theme-for-processwire
  22. Maybe deleting everything inside site/assets/cache/ would also do no harm
  23. AIOM works for me with PHP 7.1... strange. Here's a related topic:
  24. May I ask why you want to clone an image in the first place? If you need thumbnails, just use $image->size($width, $height, $options) in your templates.
  25. Hi @tux and welcome to PW. a) look at the bottom of the page: Powered by Invision Community - it's also PHP-based, so sharing content between PW and IP.Board is pretty easy. Both systems have an API and hookable methods. https://invisioncommunity.com/features/content#forums b) Depends how you define "integrate". Haven't used or looked at phpBB in a long long time, but since it's also built with PHP, the two systems can certainly talk to each other. Bootstrapping PW is easy: https://processwire.com/api/include/ I guess you would have to decide what your main system is gonna be: the forum or PW? The rest is simply making sure you can use the same CSS for both, in order to make it look like one system, and not alienate visitors when they switch from one to the other.
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