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Everything posted by dragan

  1. @digitex I haven't used this module yet, but I guess what you're looking for is this hookable method: https://github.com/somatonic/Pollino#hooks-to-modify-output
  2. How does loading a CSS + fonts from another server violate the GDPR? I totally understand the need to adjust your T+C / privacy policy with stuff like Google Analytics etc. - but fonts?
  3. you should add a name or id to your submit button.
  4. Also, this: https://jakearchibald.github.io/isserviceworkerready/ ? And the latest Edge version now supports PWA features. https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2018/04/30/edgehtml-17-april-2018-update/#bu5H7OqbuguSwr2B.97
  5. The relevant code is here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/master/site-languages/templates/_main.php#L65 In the same php file, make sure you also use the correct html lang attribute value, and in the <head> section the hreflang stuff.
  6. Not IP, but language / gender + location
  7. What exactly is not working, and where? Install Tracy Debugger - it might help to narrow down what's going wrong.
  8. No. Do you have a lot of modules installed? I would encourage you to upgrade straight to 3.0.98 instead of 2.8.62. Do it on a dev-copy first, then test if everything still works, and update your modules if necessary. Some modules may still be labelled as not compatible with v3 - in that case you can try to add PW3 namespaces in the .module file. You'll maybe encounter some glitches in the update process. If that's the case, here are my usual main two remedies I'd try: delete the contents of site/assets/cache/ in the backend: refresh modules + also scroll down to setup > modules, bottom of the page and hit the "re-create static assets" button (or whatever the exact wording is)
  9. Thanks! Looks great. Funny thing is, I have AoS installed, but overlooked that feature.
  10. Is it somehow possible to limit the number of pages one can select with the page reference field? I have a case where I need to have exactly three, not more, not less. Is this doable with a hook? Or would you suggest another approach? (three single pageref fields and make each mandatory)
  11. @hellboy PW users are also just pages. Edit the user template, and add your addtl. fields. These two threads should get you going:
  12. I wouldn't call them beautiful. It does its job.. but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder etc.etc. I first encountered that vex thingie just a few days ago - and it didn't work. I'm still trying to find out why no one else was able to replicate that behaviour... I'll dig deeper when I have more time.
  13. @johnstephens I am not sure if you only mean "web design" (Sketch, Photoshop...), or really "web development" (only frontend? or also backend?).
  14. In our dev team, for each !important anyone uses in his code, he/she has to donate 5 bucks and stand in the corner for an hour, deeply ashamed. But back to the topic at hand: You should be able to inspect and see if all these framework-classes are actually there in your CSS. Are you compiling from SASS? Perhaps there's a helper/utility .scss that you don't include. this, however sounds strange. You really should give us more background infos about the big picture.
  15. Your installed PW version is from October 2014, while this fix / addition was a few months later. So I'd suggest to move up to 2.7. I recently upgraded an old site from 2014 to PW3 latest dev, and I didn't have to change that much. Mainly updating modules (or simply adding PW3 namespaces). Of course, with a live site, do it locally first.
  16. hmm... I don't think that's expected behavior. With more and more developers using data-attributes etc., why should CSS classes etc. show up in a website search result? With so many things PW does really really well, I'm surprised (I never noticed it though - probably because most sites I build are in German, and I only use English variables, data-attributes and CSS classes / IDs).
  17. This page? https://www.su-sana.com/menu-diario/ It's not loading at all right now - it's a 500 Internal Server Error
  18. Yes. Yes it is tbh, in reality some people actually do not realize at first glance where they can jump to another section easily (no matter what screen size or device). I'm working at a company that has its strong roots in UX. We have our own lab and do usability-tests on a regular basis, since 18 years. We usually work with Axure prototypes. This way, we can find out early in the whole project stage if a certain concept or design works or doesn't. And from what I've heard, the hamburger menu indeed was not being recognized and has been often overlooked in that time-frame the first article in this thread was written. But as always in our industry (or life): it's "live and learn"... btw: I came across a nice tutorial how to build a top/tab/main-menu which uses the "more" approach, as screen size gets more narrow. I like this approach a lot. https://css-tricks.com/container-adapting-tabs-with-more-button/
  19. Thanks for your feedback @AndZyk. Well, what do you know - I'll be attending a full-day Google Analytics workshop @ Google Zurich end of May. I'm going to ask Google staff if they know more about structured data (though chances are, they will be giving me the usual runaround... "that's another department, ask there"). I also actually gave feedback on those two doc pages, but who knows who will read this - and if they're going to bother editing / clarifying the docs.
  20. @AndZyk Did the breadcrumbs + searchbox feature actually work with your client site(s)? Today I was reading the official Google docs, but when I search for pinterest (searchbox example) or the book example for breadcrumbs) I don't see those things. I even fired up different browsers or went into incognito mode, but still nothing. Google is well-known for throwing out features and tools, just to neglect them soon afterwards. If these things have been shut down, I'm not going to bother with the extra effort, or even going to advertise such features as a "nice-to-have" SEO add-on.
  21. What kind of DB-export did you do? https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/import_export.html#id3 It seems you didn't use "extended inserts" and thus the whole .sql is much bigger than it needs to be. So, instead of INSERT INTO `field_body` (`pages_id`, `data`) VALUES('1028', '5acf61ceb89d4'); INSERT INTO `field_body` (`pages_id`, `data`) VALUES('1029', '5acf61ceba60b'); INSERT INTO `field_body` (`pages_id`, `data`) VALUES('1030', '5acf61cebc4e7'); the much shorter syntax could be as described here: http://www.scriptalicious.com/blog/2009/04/complete-inserts-or-extended-inserts-in-phpmyadmin/
  22. I'm having troubles installing the profile. Maybe 100MB for the .sql is a bit too much? I come to this screen and then nothing happens (I waited 5 minutes). "Profile Import" is not a link or button. I don't use site profiles very often... Is it safe to just import your sql manually? or will that somehow break the install process? PW didn't yet ask me about setting up an admin username + password + admin URL checking the DB: it's only 170KB.
  23. If you're using https://github.com/heiseonline/shariff you should be on the safe side (this plugin exists since 4 years now)
  24. Yeah, since then lots of people have gotten used to it. However: We have an in-house UX rule: Never display an icon without text. So yeah, it can't hurt to put "MENU" below the burger.
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