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Everything posted by dragan

  1. Cool. On a related note: If you need to extract images from an MS-Word file, there's an easy "hack": Copy the Word file rename it to filename.zip. Un-zip it, and you'll see a folder "media" with all the images inside
  2. I would try and clear the browser cache clear PW's cache (everything inside site/assets/cache/) Also use the browser inspector to see something unusual there Find out if the settings and versions on both servers are identical (PHP etc.) Check your server's error logs for hints
  3. Awesome. Thank you! I simply used now a few lines to do the same with Tracy. I guess we're getting spoiled with all the lovely tools and options here in PW land ?
  4. @adrian I would really love to have the possibility to have "lock" and "un-lock" as well in the "Page Manipulator" action available. In a certain PW-instance, I have dozens of pages that only act as attributes, which are used as categorization via page-references. I have used page-locks to disable editing these pages for non-superusers. Removing locks via Batch Child Editor is not possible, so I thought it was possible with your great module. But that option doesn't show up. Could you consider adding this as well? Or do you see any security implications? The use of your module is (and always will) of course be strictly limited to super-users. But I think it would be really a great time-saver in some scenarios.
  5. You should always make sure you actually do have an image (except when it's a required field). Do an if() first, maybe the fields are empty?
  6. No, there isn't. admin page-slug is the one you defined when you installed PW. However, even if you rename it, your original problem won't be solved. I have never worked with Typo3. Maybe search T3 forums? It would have to be somewhere in this block: https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/blob/master/_.htaccess#L256 Is there an option to put those 2 CMS installs side-by-side? Why put one inside the other? That's always a bad idea imho.
  7. You mean the admin / backend page-slug is called processwire? Or is the complete PW-installation in a folder called processwire? You should take a look at PW's .htaccess file (it's very well documented with lots of comments). Is mod_rewrite activated? Perhaps you have to add a rule to Typo3's .htaccess file as well (don't rewrite site.com/processwire).
  8. @tooth-paste Just a little tip: If you wrap your HTML and PHP in double quotes and use this syntax: {$item->mp3->url} you don't need to concatenate your string with 'foo ' . $var . ' bar' etc.
  9. OK, I just tried it with one of these "exotic" emojis and get the same ???? as you. I guess there's a textformatter function deep inside PW's core that is responsible. I don't think changing the database charset alone will help ?
  10. With the latest PW 3 dev version, I can insert emojis without any problems. Is that a richtext field, or plain-text? I used https://emojipedia.org/black-rightwards-arrow/ with simple copy and paste. It shows up fine in the back- and frontend.
  11. re: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17207-custom-office-management-crmcontrolling-software/?do=findComment&amp;comment=151471 @bernhard Thanks for sharing the code examples. I have tried to set up something similar, also with repeaters, but somehow it just won't work. I get fatal PW errors of various kinds... I placed the PHP snippet inside templates/ready.php and the hook is certainly triggered, but I think I'm missing something to make it work as it should. What does this line actually do? Does it do more than simply inject the JS? $this->wire->modules->get('RockTools')->loadAsset('ckesnippets.js', 'HrDiamonds'); I have used this instead: $js = wire('config')->urls->templates . 'scripts/ckesnippets.js'; $event->return = str_replace("</head>", "\n<script type='text/javascript' src='{$js}'></script>\n</head>", $event->return); Thanks in advance for some tips or pointers.
  12. Yep - PHP 7 is much faster than previous versions. Some numbers: http://www.zend.com/en/resources/php7_infographic
  13. Yeah, I was just to post a follow-up. I ran the same code in another PW installation and it worked without any problems. I guess it's some module that gets in the way.
  14. What's the correct way to clone an entire page with child pages? I tried the following and always get the same error: $from = $pages->get(1421); $to = $pages->get(1411); $from->of(false); $to->of(false); $newPage = $pages->clone($from, $to); $newPage->of(false); $newPage->name = $from->name; $newPage->title = $from->title; $newPage->save(); the error: Exception: Can’t save page 0: /kurse-weiterbildung/kurse-trainings/maschinen-methoden-konzepte/maschinenkonzepte/: Call $page->of(false); before getting/setting values that will be modified and saved. [Page::statusCorrupted] fields: images on line: 508 in /wire/core/PagesEditor.php My intention is to clone the branch (page with children), move it to another place, and keep titles and page-names intact. I understand you can't have the same page-names at the same page-level, therefore PW adds an increment. When I run the above code, only the parent page is created, with page-name-1.
  15. I'm not sure I understand the whole scenario/setup... You should tell us more about the "big picture". What exactly is the "zone" you are talking about? What (or where) does that "zone" get defined? Per branch, or on a per-page basis?
  16. For hiding all other tabs, you could use an admin CSS with a hook (I guess you only want that behaviour for a specific type of page/template).
  17. Thank you! The new "What pages point to this one?" feature looks really useful.
  18. I don't know, but the function itself is hookable, see here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module#L864 protected function ___buildFormChildren() { ... if(!empty($settings['ajaxChildren'])) $wrapper->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedYesAjax; Guess you'll have to find out where $settings is stored... in config.php or elsewhere?
  19. I'd guess it's rather an Apache issue. How long are your URLs? Perhaps it's the total length, not the number of segments... https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/long-urls-are-rejected-by-apache-with-request-uri-too-large-error-213519617.html
  20. You could use Repeater Matrix to accomplish this. Or you could take a look at this new module: There are also several site-profiles using frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation out there...
  21. to extend @wbmnfktr's list: very well documented very good multilanguage handling in the core every input field is already custom, by design (no need for 3rd party extensions) a very good API with a small learning curve easy to bootstrap into other PHP web apps
  22. Try to install ProcessLanguage and ProcessLanguageTranslator first, one by one, and then LanguageSupport? (Just an idea - some processes / modules have dependencies. Could be that these won't be triggered if you only try to install the main module via API)
  23. No. Read the instructions and infos here: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-soundmanager/ Support forum:
  24. Why is JSON bad? It doesn't get much more convenient than PWs way of translating strings. You edit them right inside PW, under Setup > Languages > click on a language, then choose the language, and select a JSON and hit "edit" - you'll see text input fields for each string. No need to directly touch and edit the JSON file with a text editor.
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