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Everything posted by dragan

  1. According to this blog post by @ryan, it was planned to add this capability for repeaters too https://processwire.com/blog/posts/fieldtype-pagination/#pagination-requirements But I just checked: in the details tab I don's see such a config screen...
  2. @gmclelland that real-estate site is most definitely built with PW, it has the x-powered-by: ProcessWire CMS header ? @OLSA just released a wonderful module a few days ago - with the main purpose of exactly that: storing various "setup" / configuration settings in just one single field, therefore avoiding native-PW-field-bloat. I tried it out and can really recommend it.
  3. Wow, this is great news to me. I didn't even know you could do $database->beginTransaction(); stuff in the first place. I mean, being able to use this method with PW's API methods. I thought it could be used only with native / raw SQL.
  4. You certainly don't need two separate PW installations. Did you discover Dynamic Roles yet? And also take a look at this: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/custom-page-roles/ And then perhaps also this: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-edit-per-user/ Sorry, I don't have more time atm - but these three links should probably get you going (or at least steer you in the right direction).
  5. You mean actual mySQL tables? While you're free to do it this way, it's not really "the recommended PW-way" of doing such things. The user template is a system template, and it can be altered, i.e. you are free to add as many fields as you wish. Go to Setup > Templates and then open the collapsed item at the top, and select Yes under "Show system templates?": As with all the other "tables": I would create PW-pages and store everything there. Exporting data as .csv and filtering: The commercial ListerPro module is a good candidate for such things. For this functionality, try the Batch Child Editor.
  6. Looks nice. But I would remove the negative margin @ [class~=grid] - it causes horizontal scrollbars (at least here, on Chrome)
  7. It all depends. For some sort of projects, where you really need to have structured data (e.g. Skyscraper profile, or real-estate listing / database-like sites), a visual builder would do nothing for you, or your clients. otoh, for stuff like huge immersive storytelling sites, it's certainly a dream come true. (you know, stuff like this)
  8. Congrats, that's a really fine site. I'm amazed how fast it is, even without ProCache or AIOM. But hey, it's ProcessWire ?
  9. Interesting setup, thanks for sharing. Do only superusers have access to the PHP snippets? Or regular authors too? If the latter - I would see that as a potential security risk.
  10. Yep, much better. I also removed the 12px font-size for the compact view label, it somehow looks weird to me if it's smaller than the rest, but that's just personal preference. Thanks for clarifying that the width is ignored in compact view on purpose.
  11. I can imagine 3 is simply not long enough to guarantee randomness. Perhaps that's why this is mentioned:
  12. Zdravo Sasa, kako je sunce u Crnoj Gori? ? I installed your module and played around a bit. Looks good so far. Only thing I spotted: the PW width settings are not being displayed as intended, when I choose "compact view". In normal view, it's working fine. And also, some elements are a bit too close to each other, when choosing compact view: (checkbox and radio labels)
  13. and again... this time, an HCMS powers a pizza book ? https://medium.com/buro-int/headless-cms-for-a-printed-pizza-book-54b39827e651
  14. If you are using this module you can simply do $page->ratings->average;
  15. Great work! Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I didn't have time yet to try this out, but I'll give it a go in the next couple of days. I can imagine quite a few real-world usage scenarios for this.
  16. It's not available from the flyout-menu. You have to go to setup > templates, and at the top you will see this:
  17. Are you sure those are eligible? Those are commercial modules, not open-source.
  18. check under /module/edit?name=InputfieldPageName and add as many replacements as you need
  19. I would simply switch to https://www.openstreetmap.org
  20. you pass it via API to a template or a page? In case of the latter, I can't reproduce that.
  21. $mostRecent = $pages->find("parent=123, template=news, sort=-modified, limit=3"); foreach($mostRecent as $teaser) { echo "<h3><a href='{$teaser->url}'>{$teaser->title}</a></h3>"; } 123 is simply the id of the parent page, under which your news/blog pages live Read more about selectors: https://processwire.com/api/selectors/ And keep this bookmarked: http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/
  22. I don't want to start a discussion here, but imho cookieless domains are way overrated. If you use AIOM, gzip, use cache wisely, etc. chances are you won't see any noticeable difference.
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