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Everything posted by dragan

  1. Works here. ProcessWire: 3.0.121 PHP: 7.2.12 Webserver: Apache/2.4 MySQL: 10.1.35-MariaDB
  2. This live example here doesn't work anymore: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/multi-instance-pw3/#live-example I just see a paragraph "newest-modules" (which probably is Hanna code, that perhaps didn't make the site re-launch?)
  3. all of those links are login-protected... what's the page / tree structure look like?
  4. I don't think RF changes any lower/uppercase. Quickly googling for "case sensitivity table mysql" returns tons of results though, suggesting it may have to do with how mySQL handles case-sensitivity on different OS... just one random example: https://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/answer/Naming-and-renaming-MySQL-files-for-case-sensitivity
  5. I just installed it and made a test. I noticed two things: A page-title "Minitab (Statistik / Datenauswertung)" was converted to just "minitab" (ignoring everything inside parenthesis). Is that expected behavior? Strangely, a page-title such as "Quality Function Deployment (QFD)" was converted to "qfd" (only taking the string inside parenthesis). I have a multilanguage setup. In this page-branch, only the default language pages are active. Some page-names were only converted for the default language, while others were converted in all three languages. re: 1+2: Which one is expected behavior? Thanks for your help + clarifications.
  6. the settings tab in page-edit? No. Makes sense. No. In fact, I just learned about it now. I will install it and give it a try.
  7. @adrian thanks for your feedback! I have to take another test-drive tomorrow. But a thought just crossed my mind: In my case, the client has cloned pages several times, but did not edit the page-names. So he edited the page title, but kept the page-name untouched. This results in page-names such as "original-page-slug-1-2-3" etc. When I used BCE today and "pseudo-edited" the page-title (from same to same - and hit "save"), nothing was changed in the page-name. Perhaps your code checks if old and new page title differ, and only applies the change if there really was one... re: table heading outlines no idea atm - I guess it has to do with me customizing all sorts of stuff with the admin theme (and maybe with AdminOnSteroids, which is also installed here and active). Will also check tomorrow.
  8. I would rather explore the other ways FormBuilder can be used, i.e. without iframes. In a nutshell, PW probably somehow loads all the necessary GUI assets (JS/CSS) from wire/modules/ so you can use them in your frontend. Theoretically, you could create a new role and a corresponding user having that role, and "silently" log in each new visitor as that user, giving him all the necessary backend rights for the task at hand. But the whole concept you're envisioning is quite blurry to me, to be honest. What happens to "real" logged-in users? What data (pages?) are they actually editing/manipulating? Where is this data stored, and how do you keep track of "which user actually edited recordset x?" Perhaps you should rather think about low-entry-barrier ways to use your web-app, such as SSO - i.e. don't discard a login entirely, but make sure that login is as painless as possible?
  9. I'm not sure if it's just me, or if I've discovered a bug (or maybe I misunderstand the way "overwrite names" is supposed to work). When I enable "overwrite names" in the module, and then go to any parent page that has children pages, I can't seem to edit names in batch mode. Of course I can do it when I open the modal, but I don't get a text input field for page-names the same way I get it for page titles. Then I thought: Maybe this feature is supposed to change names when I change the title (like PW does when you create a page). But that is also not the case. I have changed a page title, but the name remained the same. Am I missing something? Can somebody else confirm this behaviour? BCE v. 1.8.4, PW 3.0.99, PHP 7.0.32, UIKit Admin Theme Updated BCE ust now to v. 1.8.14, but it still behaves the same. page names are not editable settings all templates and pages are enabled
  10. @neophron There's a WP-Migrator module floating around somewhere, iirc. And there are various code-bits from Ryan here (although, apparently the old WP-site had comments stored in Disqus, not native WP).
  11. You have to change .gridImage:hover .gridImage__inner { background: ...; } The original file seems to be @ wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldImage/InputfieldImage.css
  12. On a sidenote: Just scanned this article today and truly lolled reading this comment
  13. I found 2-3 forum threads... perhaps you'll find hints what's slowing it down? (setup/config)
  14. ... well, not really. But I just saw these and thought I'd share ? Happy Holidays! ???☃️
  15. Apparently, Foxy can handle subscriptions... might be worth a look. There's also Snipcart. And Mollie.
  16. nope. It's basically just for convenience (whether you create fields via GUI or the API).
  17. Try to use slice() $matrix = $pages->get(11203)->my_matrix; $items = $matrix->slice(1, 3);
  18. For some reason, no. But clicking the "clear compiled files" did the trick (at the very bottom - I often overlook it).
  19. I updated PW from 3.0.111 to 3.0.121 today. I've got a compile error when I wanted to update Tracy as well: File: .../modules/TracyDebugger/TracyDebugger.module.php:24 class TracyDebugger extends \ProcessWire\WireData implements \ProcessWire\Module, \ProcessWire\ConfigurableModule { https://dev.foo.com/backstage/module/download/ PHP 7.2.12 Apache/2.4 Tracy 2.5-dev
  20. Do you have debug-mode enabled? Do you get any errors? How exactly are you pulling the images in your template? And what's the field setting? (field settings: Details tab > formatted value) Is it set to "array of items"? Also check the "access" tab in the field settings, just to be sure.
  21. What does your current page (page-tree) structure look like?
  22. https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/get-random/
  23. Your mySQL version is fairly recent; I don't think that has anything to do with your problems. if you have Tracy Debugger installed, you can var_dump($config), then search for anything session-related. You can adjust session lifetime in site/config.php (my sessionExpireSeconds is set to 86400 seconds = 24 hours = default) https://processwire.com/api/ref/config/#pwapi-methods-session The SessionHandlerDB module is in the core since some time: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.103/#new-feature-in-session-database-core-module
  24. I'd look into AWS ELB: https://aws.amazon.com/de/elasticloadbalancing/ @ryan has set up his Villas site with some sort of load balancing (or whatever you would call it exactly): Maybe he would be willing to share some more in-depth technical details...
  25. What mySQL version do you use? Do you use DB- or file-based sessions? Do you use https at all? I've seen a few other PW threads that had similar error messages... could be plenty of stuff involved o_O
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