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Everything posted by dragan

  1. What's the idea behind it? I don't think that's possible, and certainly not when you're using two completely different types of input fields... perhaps text/textarea might work, but I think it's just a dangerous / adventurous idea...
  2. Yeah, sadly I think it's time to say goodbye to AIOM. It created problems on a site I switched recently from dev to live (after de-activating development mode). The JS somehow got convoluted.
  3. I have a new favorite font: Inter Best of all, it's open-source ?
  4. Fields are tied to templates, not pages. You can re-use fields easily: Just clone a field and overwrite settings from within the template. It's also a good idea to tag fields and templates to have a better overview in the backend GUI. https://processwire.com/docs/fields/ https://processwire.com/docs/start/structure/
  5. Here are some minor glitches whenever you use <pre> for mixed HTML + PHP code: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/functional-fields/ html probably shouldn't be visible before <button> ...
  6. Today I came across a strange warning message (orange): I created a repeater, assigned a few fields. One field is a checkbox. Below that are a bunch of fields (text, image type). The fields below the checkbox were set to required only if checkbox=1. Which I have used a million times in one combination or another. But after saving the repeater field, I got an orange warning banner at the top: "required if conditions are not possible within repeaters". (translated from German, from the top of my head). Funny thing is: It all works, as expected. I searched the open issues on Github but found nothing. Anyone else seen something like this? Perhaps it's a legacy warning message that should have been removed by now? PW version: one of the last 1-2 (dev)
  7. Hello @monica and welcome to the PW forum. Is your field-name intro or introduction?
  8. @adrian do you ever sleep? ? The API explorer works like a charm. I also just discovered Adminer: Beautiful. I needed to use it just now to get rid of a stubborn module + fieldtype that wouldn't go away properly using the standard de-install routine. I have a small question re: Tracy file editor: on one PW installation you can't do "save". The page reloads, but the changes will never be saved. I see nothing in PW or Tracy logs. Do I need to modify server settings somewhere? (I don't remember having to do that for any other PW site yet). SERVER DETAILS ProcessWire: 3.0.124 PHP: 7.0.7 Webserver: Apache MySQL: 5.5.50-38.0-log Latest Tracy
  9. I was thinking in the backend, in a template. I know I can split up a template into several tabs, but that's not really how multi step forms usually work or look like. Usually you'd have a button at the bottom "next" and then onClick open up the next number of input fields and hide the previous one (sort of like an accordion). Using checkboxes instead of buttons (for the "next" or "previous" actions) would probably work with the existing PW inputfield dependency possibilities. However, from a UX point of view it would feel strange. Has someone ever thought of creating an inputfield button (for uses like this)? Perhaps I'll try to use RuntimeMarkup, together with some custom admin.js...
  10. I am generally interested, but I'm wondering: What's the advantage of using a service such as pushalert.co? Apparently there is a PHP library you could use: https://github.com/web-push-libs/web-push-php/blob/master/README.md I'm guessing the hard part about the whole setup is to create server keys? Guess I have to dig deeper into this whole topic...
  11. Did you try and change that PHP setting and restart the server? (link above)
  12. This has come up a couple of times already. You could try this. (always_populate_raw_post_data = -1)
  13. I can confirm this. Just stumbled over this today myself. @ryan I wonder if there's a central place where we can report such outdated links? (like a JIRA ticketing system) I pointed to a (probably forgotten) Hanna-Code in the docs a few days ago, which was supposed to load an iFrame or screenshot from somewhere (but nothing was rendered anymore), but I guess it was overlooked. On another doc page there is a TOC link which isn't valid anymore*; where can we post such issues and can make sure you will actually see it? I fully understand that a scattered bunch of forum posts is not the ideal way to handle such scenarios. * Example: https://processwire.com/docs/fields/dependencies/#themes - the corresponding chapter is not there anymore.
  14. Disclaimer: I have never set up a multi-domain PW site myself. However, I guess if you want to take a test-run yourself (without having to buy 4 new domains ?), you could do the following: Install PW locally. Do the necessary steps as outlined by @Soma, and then edit your .hosts file with 4 dummy-domains. Configure your local Apache setup for the domains, then play around with different roles / users / permissions and multilanguage features. I guess you'll need modules such as AdminRestrictBranch as well.
  15. Is there a way to use field dependencies like myfieldset=0/1 or myfieldset=open/closed ? This would be awesome for large, complex forms. Instead of classical multi-page forms, or building something entirely custom with Vue/React/YourFavoriteFrameworkThisYearAround... So, e.g. if the user has completed step 1 (= fieldset 1), he could go to the next step 2, and fieldset 1 automatically closes. Perhaps there's already something similar around to achieve the same thing? (core or extra modules)
  16. I just had a very weird issue today... I'll try and describe it as best as I can: I have a frontend search form (text search and filters), which used to work fine before I have installed and used the RTMU module. Today the following fatal error appeared: PW basically tripped over these lines: public function getMatchQuery($query, $table, $subfield, $operator, $value) { // we don't allow this field to be queried throw new WireException("Field '{$query->field->name}' is runtime and not queryable"); } Now, the strange thing is: I am carefully constructing my selector (only pages within parent 1041, with template 'project' etc.etc.). The only template that used the RTMU inputfield was NOT the template I was querying. I have used it in another template, along with a page-reference field. Now this page-reference field was configured to show template 'project' pages, and children of page 1041. Now that I have deleted the inpufields / removed them from my other template, everything works fine again. How can it happen that this inputfield is somehow interferring a PW selector / search? For a second, I thought I could also just comment this line: // throw new WireException("Field '{$query->field->name}' is runtime and not queryable"); but then again, I don't know what else I could possibly break somewhere else by accident. @kongondo Do you have any idea? Did you ever run into similar issues? SERVER DETAILS ProcessWire: 3.0.124 PHP: 7.2.14 Webserver: Apache/2.4 MySQL: 10.1.35-MariaDB InputfieldRuntimeMarkup: 0.0.2 TracyDebugger: 4.15.8 PS The module worked fine for me otherwise! I have used it to add a link which opens a frontend-page in a modal: return '<a class="pw-panel pw-panel-reload ui-corner-all ui-button ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default" href="https://dev.webapp.mysite.com/somepage/" data-tab-text="Choose x y z" data-tab-icon="eye" id="proj_chooser" role="menuitem"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-search"></i> search / choose</a>';
  17. https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/troubleshooting/ You should take care of the fatal error first, to get it running again. size() is used for images. Make sure that all your files were transferred when you moved to another server. Make sure the CHMOD settings are valid/identical. Can you at least login to the backend? If so, install Tracy Debugger, which will give you further infos + tools for debugging.
  18. Yet another solution: use AdminOnSteroids See the bottom of this screenshot: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4adc7e92ce6a8323b0d29dcd8b888a48e7eb3820/68747470733a2f2f726f6c616e64746f74682e68752f7069632f616f732f616f733136342e706e67
  19. From a usability POV, I'd actually try to remember every visitor's cart. You never know if they come back and want to finalize that purchase. It would also be good business sense I guess. You could use cookies or local storage or whatnot (it ain't rocket science). Perhaps one major tool in your toolset would be SSO. Why has it become so popular? Exactly for such scenarios that you mention (and much much more). Start using a service quickly without the hassle of registering (and then waiting for that confirmation mail...), right away. And remember my choices that way.
  20. That's more or less what I suggested (vaguely) above:
  21. It basically means: Does that page (and hence, its template) has this field or not? I guess it's like a shortcut for page->template->hasField()
  22. I don't know your setup / scenario, but if you need to make sure each page-type needs to have a certain field, you can configure your templates, i.e. don't allow pages with template x to be moved (change parent), or only allow children of 'abteilungen' to use template x.
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