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Everything posted by dragan

  1. Did you check your server error logs? Or PW's own warning/error logs? Is this running in ready.php or your own module? Are you in debug mode? Perhaps also install Tracy Debugger to get more clues. Are you sure that otherwise wiremail is working OK? Sorry, not a very helpful post, but I haven't use this module myself yet.
  2. Simple and nice. Caught a little typo there ? Also, you might want to match the height of the bottom contact form elements, or re-arrange them. The msg textarea is quite small...
  3. You can also use some function like substr / str_replace or rtrim. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5592994/remove-the-last-character-from-string You would have to build up a variable instead of echo-ing instantly to achieve this. i.e. use something like $output .= .... inside the foreach loop, then do the str_replace() and finally echo() it.
  4. I think you simply miss a comma before (ID={$placepage->country} in your selector string... sorry - didn't properly read/understand the post... pls disregard, or some admin can delete my post entirely.
  5. Seems like ImageMagick has problems maintaining all the frames, it just takes the first one and disregards the rest. https://davidwalsh.name/resize-animated-gif
  6. I can confirm this behaviour, also with the latest PW version. All API-generated (resized) versions are not animated anymore. PHP Version 5.6.36. Reminds me... I should update this instance to v. 7.x as well ?
  7. This is probably one of the most amazing PW modules I've ever seen. I have pondered about a way to implement a feature where you have a table that automatically calculates totals. And then also: if you have several such "sub-tables", to generate a grand-total table from the "sub-tables". I thought about using JS to do this on the fly, or with hooks (checking td/th CSS classes and :nth-child selectors), or using Google Spreadsheet's API... maybe using your module would solve all this. What's a good starting point for getting my feet wet with Docker?
  8. I don't see any page->save() in your code...
  9. I haven't used AMPPS in a while. I used to prefer XAMPP, but I switched to Laragon recently. Less bloat, and switching to another PHP version is easier.
  10. Perhaps they're spending $$$ on AdWords? On a related note: https://searchengineland.com/need-speed-google-dedicates-engineering-team-accelerate-development-wordpress-ecosystem-291214
  11. I guess you simply need more horsepower / CPU / RAM, according to the error message... Do you have some sort of control panel @ your hosting company? You can export the database manually with phpMyAdmin or some other tool (or with CLI). And you can make a ZIP archive of the files yourself. If you can't add some ini_set() rules to temporary add more memory, I can post a few scripts for manually triggered backups (or cron-based).
  12. It's there: https://github.com/trk/FieldtypeFontIconPicker/blob/master/Icons/FontAwesome5.php can't you select it?
  13. Here's some emotional support for you: WP_Query Don't get me started... If you want to get anything done which is not just a blog, you have to install ACF Pro (for custom fields). The actual query syntax/options you have at your disposal, is a nightmare. Same goes for the documentation. There's nothing "pro" in it, or about it. I was once forced to do a site with WP, where it would have been simple to display/write relationship-based pages/queries in WP, and it turned out a mess. Did it work in the end? - yes. Did I get gastric ulcer? Probably.
  14. Yes, WP is the bestest!!! (if you want to ruin your nerves) Funny thing is: there's already a similar thread with a similar title like yours somewhere here ?
  15. Did you google the error msg?
  16. re: hooks https://processwire.com/api/hooks/ re: "flow" I guess you could install Tracy Debugger and use one of the tools to get an idea what gets executed and when.
  17. That depends on your CSS. I have a setup with a flyout menu that goes 3 levels down and all active parents are indeed red, e.g. #primary-menu ul li.parent > a { color: #e31231; }
  18. I wouldn't worry about that. Seriously, such a setup is potentially very dangerous. It's against everything PW stands for: Security first.
  19. Wow, that was fast ? Thank you. However, when I upgraded AoS today, I saw something a bit off: collapsed: The dropdown shouldn't be visible. open: depending on the number of selected items, the counter and field-name almost overlap.
  20. Interesting! Will certainly try that as well tomorrow. Thanks for your suggestion. And no, I don't mind "dirty" at all ? I knew about CSS counter, but have never used it that way.
  21. I second @bernhard's suggestions: There are some very handy tools out there (both core config options + methods, and 3rd-party modules) which will enable you to create customized, fine-grained access controls / roles / permissions. I have access to a PW site where I have editor rights - I can create my own events, upload my images/files, edit my company profile etc. - without seeing any of the other stuff that's up there. (well, actually I see them in the tree, but I can't edit them - I guess even that could be configured).
  22. Thanks for both of your inputs. Yeah, I already tried something with JS, and it looks like I would have to do window.load() -> get and show initial count on change selects -> when adding stuff on click remove anchor -> when deleting stuff The thing with simply doing a jQuery append() is that you end up with Label (4) (3) (2) when you add or remove several times in one page-load instance ? I guess what I'll try tomorrow is: First of all add addtl. markup with https://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-runtime-markup/ to generate an empty span or div with a certain CSS class. In that case, I could just update this particular HTML container's text instead of the whole label. I'll see how that goes and report back.
  23. Oh, and also read @heldercervantes's comment at the very bottom of the link I posted above. It seems to be related to your issue.
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