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As stated in the module readme, FieldtypeYaml uses a namespaced version of Spyc. And the examples for Spyc show how to dump an array to YAML: https://github.com/mustangostang/spyc/blob/master/examples/yaml-dump.php So to reproduce that example using the namespaced Spyc bundled with FieldtypeYaml: // Init the module so Spyc gets loaded $modules->get('FieldtypeYaml'); // Some array data $array[] = 'Sequence item'; $array['The Key'] = 'Mapped value'; $array[] = array('A sequence','of a sequence'); $array[] = array('first' => 'A sequence','second' => 'of mapped values'); $array['Mapped'] = array('A sequence','which is mapped'); $array['A Note'] = 'What if your text is too long?'; $array['Another Note'] = 'If that is the case, the dumper will probably fold your text by using a block. Kinda like this.'; $array['The trick?'] = 'The trick is that we overrode the default indent, 2, to 4 and the default wordwrap, 40, to 60.'; $array['Old Dog'] = "And if you want\n to preserve line breaks, \ngo ahead!"; $array['key:withcolon'] = "Should support this to"; // Dump to YAML with some (optional) custom indent and wordwrap settings $yaml = \owzim\FieldtypeYaml\Vendor\Spyc::YAMLDump($array,4,60); // See the result in a Tracy dump bdb($yaml, 'yaml'); You can convert a WireArray to a plain array with getArray().4 points
3 other options among many others: https://leoeditor.com https://leoeditor.com/installing.html https://kaleguy.github.io/leovue/#/t/2 https://jupyter.org (and the new JupyterLab) https://rednotebook.sourceforge.io I'll perhaps add other ones when I find them again in my bookmarks or elsewhere.2 points
I use mostly google keep for taking notes because it's really convenient, but I use Typora for writing on my mac. If all you want is to have your notes on a directory and have them searchable, Typora is actually perfect. I can also attest that nvALT is a great option, especially if you use it with simplenote to keep the notes synchronized through devices.2 points
If it‘s more for quick dumps of things on your mind and less the super structured kind give nvALT a try. It‘s super fast, keyboard driven and iirc has a great search.2 points
I don't use a Mac but I've heard great things about Quiver: https://happenapps.com/2 points
For simple markdown/plain text notes with tagging, I use https://simplenote.com/ made by http://automattic.com/. It also has a mobile app. For more complex notes with images and tagging, I use Evernote.2 points
I have enjoyed Notion over the last few weeks. However, I do use ClickUp for project management etc, and it has a built in note feature which I use more often (simply because you can convert a note to a task).2 points
Definitely, I would recommend PW. In my case, the client didn't like the tree structure of pages, so I had to create separate Process modules for managing news, tags, banners, categories. I have found that it's much easier to control permissions and workflow via custom modules.2 points
I stumbled across Zettlr a few days ago. https://itsfoss.com/zettlr-markdown-editor/ https://www.zettlr.com/ Update: At the end I started playing around with Emacs orgmode. But I guess you will need a solution right away.2 points
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Just added a small feature that fixes a big pain point for me. When editing a page, there is a new button in the AdminTools panel to change the "collapsed" status of all fields to fully open and editable. This is great for those fields that you don't want available regularly (especially for non-superusers), but occasionally need to view or edit. Fields will remain like this until you click this alternate button, or the site cookies are cleared. Hope you find it useful!1 point
That's weird. Re-ordering images shouldn't do anything besides.... re-ordering and nothing else. I don't get it. Is that text (This is intentionally invalid image data) displayed in the browser? Look in the page's asset folder. Are all your images still there? Also, check server- and PW error logs, and your browser JS console for suspicious stuff.1 point
Just double checking, you added your host(s) to the following array: $config->httpHosts = array('123.456.78.9:8888', '123.456.78.9');1 point
Actually… I was. Doh. Can't believe I oversaw that. ? Thanks a lot1 point
It's working as expected for me. You're not including the quote marks around the value by any chance are you? If -10:+10 is actually the value you want you can leave the setting empty because that is the default.1 point
I really hate dealing with comments - due to GDPR and such - but maybe I should give it a try. (Kind of) Glad you pushed me into this direction with your question.1 point
For other's and my reference: Sorting pages by stars requires the comment field name prefix, eg: // From previous post... $pc = $p->children('sort=-comments.stars, limit=12'); // Returns pages with 5 stars, then 4.5 stars, etc. I must have mistyped the comment field name before. My apologies. Thanks for your help @dragan.1 point
Like to see how the module is growing! There is a little mistake with the logo in the uikit theme. And the order of the elements i added to "Items displayed in the admin bar" is not adopting the right way.1 point
no it isn't. What makes you say that? Perhaps you should spend some time "learning the ropes" instead, before declaring an entire decades-long tried and tested scripting language as "awful".1 point
@wbmnfktr, that is what people are "claiming". If I had a surface/pencil combo, I would definitely use it. I have found though that just being able to use "cmd + tab" to quickly go to my not app without lifting off the keyboard is really useful for me. A lot of times I do just keep an empty txt doc open in text edit and "word vomit" into just for quick ideas/thoughts, and then just add them into notion later at the end of the day.1 point
I use FSNotes on MacOS - and it's open-source ? : https://github.com/glushchenko/fsnotes1 point
I'm quite happy with https://keep.google.com/u/0/ - use it across devices etc.1 point
I used EverNote for a few years, however as the company grew they seemed more interested in additional users than fixing existing features (in my opinion). I left that app and used OneNote for awhile. I never had issues with OneNote, however I soon just stopped using it. In the last 6 months, I have been using Drafts https://getdrafts.com/mac/ on iOS and on MacOs. I've use this app along with Ulysses https://ulysses.app basically for writing, jotting down ideas and note taking. I like the Drafts app for how easy it is to create different categories of text that i can update on any device at a later time. Honestly, you most likely can sync things with the other apps also. Good luck on your search.1 point
Also quite helpful in such scenarios is PW's page-edit-created permission that prevents editors from editing each others articles.1 point
Had two calls last week from people who wanted to know if I can help re-animate their dead sites. They had issues with plugins during an update in their WP sites which locked them in a maintenance mode or something. Still weird but at least it was kind of easy to fix. So this seems to be a real issue in some circumstances. But back to the topic... As @szabesz and @elabx already mentioned... the workflow can quite easily be implemented. Maybe you just setup a small site and test the user and publishing workflow. In terms of upgrade issues and performance ProcessWire is way ahead and the better choice - in everything else as well.1 point
No, it's still not an exaggeration (and probably never will be...). If one can get be paid for maintenance works, then WP is a "perfect" platform; a great time killer in this area.1 point
The validation/publishing is easily setup with users that can create and edit, but not publish permissions. About Jetpack, that I don't know, maybe just Google Analytics? I'd use AdminOnSteroids adjustments for CKEditor. I have a magazine project with some friends running around a 1,000 articles for a couple years, 30k visits a months or more, and the only maintenance I give is new features, in a Wordpress site you'd have to be updating everything like every couple weeks or less and praying nothing dies (maybe it's an exaggeration by this point? but has happened to me when I still used WP for a couple project. )1 point
Hello, It all depends on your experience, but naturally I would recommend ProcessWire ? If you pick PW, ProDrafts is worth considering: https://processwire.com/store/pro-drafts/ Quote: "With ProDrafts installed, such users can now edit a draft of the published page, even if they can't publish the draft. This provides some very useful workflow potential for sites having multiple editors and access levels." There are some (one or two, perhaps?) basic free modules for basic analytics, and they can be used as the bases of further development, or you can integrate Matomo with PW, for example. Until you get more answers to this question, you might want to browse these sources: https://processwire.com/talk/forum/9-showcase/ https://processwire.com/talk/forum/16-case-studies/ https://processwire.com/sites/ Hope this helps.1 point
Hi Jeevanish, For the most point some of these are just buzz words. Headless CMS is basically the CMS exists away from the website and talks via an API such as JSON / XML / GraphQL (This allows you to use the data anywhere on the web or an internet connected drive, lets say for an APP) Hybrid CMS is something that seems relatively new, and it seems to be that Headless CMS doesn't have great editor functionality, hybrid seems to be a buzz word around it's a great easy to use CMS with Headless functionality, I guess if you installed GraphQL to ProcessWire it would be considered hybrid. Digital Experience Platform seems to be a platform that all talks to each other using different mediums. Lets say you have a train station, that system lets you book a ticket, that then updates a message board letting them know how many tickets are left, which updates their website and also sends to the ticket attendents which shows that the ticket is for that train. This is just an example. This system can be accomplished with Headless or Hybrid.1 point
H i@Manuel good point! I recalled get() to return NULL. But this happens only when field is not found (doubled checked in the API) ! So you are right, the variable is set but empty. I think @BitPoet is right, for this purpose ?: is the right operator: $a ?: $b Testing Conditional Function $a ?: $b {Null}: b $a ?: $b {Empty String}: b $a ?: $b {0 Integer}: b $a ?: $b {0 String}: b $a ?: $b {False}: b $a ?: $b {True}: 1 $a ?: $b {Full String}: a1 point
I'd use ?: instead of ??. At least if you can trust the truthy-ness of the field's value if set (which should be okay for keywords and description). And... though not necessarily better, I sometimes add a generic method to the Page class to abstract away logic from the template. // in site/ready.php: wire()->addHook("Page::getWithDefault", null, function(HookEvent $event) use($pages) { $page = $event->object; $property = $event->arguments(0); return $page->get($property) ?: $pages->get(1)->get($property); }); Then your template code boils down to <?= $page->getWithDefault("meta_description") ?>1 point
If you wanted it to automatically bypass the _main.php template during an ajax request, you could also do something like this in your _init.php: $useMain = !$config->ajax;1 point