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  1. I was just curious if anyone has tried installing this lately and ran into any problems regarding "Module requirements are not fulfilled so installing may cause problems.".. The module page lists that the required versions is >= 3.0.62 but when I go to install the module it is saying >= 3.0.210 is required. I am currently running 3.0.98 and if I go through with the install I get a warning regarding that I am not meeting the processwire requirements. It seems to install just fine, but I was just worried of creating other issues if I proceeded.
  2. That is a good question! I have the ProcessWireUpgrade module installed as mentioned before, but I dont think I have ever upgraded the database when upgrading to different versions. Is there a module for this, or did you mean just backing up the databse/files with a module like Duplicator?
  3. Thanks everyone! I think I missed a few tweaks I had done in my previous .htaccess file when I replaced it. If my memory serves me correct, I never really had an issue upgrading in the past. As far as the "Upgrades" module, I do have it installed, but when I tried to go down this route I kept running into errors. It would download the necessary files (htaccess, config, and wire) but then error out on my me regarding the admin "theme". I just checked my logs and cant find the specific error that I got, but it had something to do with the "admin theme" and FieldTypeTextAreas. I know it isnt a lot to go on, but I will keep digging through my logs. The one that does keep popping up in the logs is: 2023-10-11 16:35:41 guest https://demo.com/processwire/login/ Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Class 'FieldtypeTextarea' not found in /mnt/stor17-wc1-ord1/949814/demo.com/web/content/site/modules/FieldtypeTextareas/FieldtypeTextareas.module:20 Stack trace: #0 /mnt/stor17-wc1-ord1/949814/demo.com/web/content/wire/core/ModulesFiles.php(324): include_once() #1 /mnt/stor17-wc1-ord1/949814/demo.com/web/content/wire/core/ModulesLoader.php(723): ProcessWire\ModulesFiles->includeModuleFile('/mnt/stor17-wc1...', 'FieldtypeTextar...') #2 /mnt/stor17-wc1-ord1/949814/demo.com/web/content/wire/core/Modules.php(667): ProcessWire\ModulesLoader->includeModule(Object(ProcessWire\ModulePlaceholder), '') #3 /mnt/stor17-wc1-ord1/949814/demo.com/web/content/wire/core/WireClassLoader.php(283): ProcessWire\Modules->includeModule('FieldtypeTextar...') #4 [internal function]: ProcessWire\WireClassLoader->loadClass('ProcessWire\\Fie...') #5 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('ProcessWire\\Fie...') #6 /mnt/stor17-wc1-ord1/949814/demo.com/web/content/ (line 20 of /mnt/stor17-wc1-ord1/949814/demo.com/web/content/site/modules/FieldtypeTextareas/FieldtypeTextareas.module)
  4. We have a Processwire (3.0.98) project that has been happily trundling along for around 4 years (give or take) without fail. I have tried to stay on top of maintenance and upgrades over the years, but some other projects got in the way and it got a bit neglected. I got the itch to upgrade the textarea yesterday (for a new template), so I went down the path of updating processwire. I downloaded the latest stable version 3.0.229 Renamed the index, htaccess.txt, and wire folder to new_* Uploaded the new files via ftp Renamed the old index, htaccess, and folder to start with .HOLD. (just in case) Renamed the new files to take their place When I went to refresh the site, I just got a 500 server error, and unfortunately setting config->debug to true didnt show any helpful information. I am sure I am making quite a large jump in versions, but have I happened to miss something in the update process? I thought I would be fine since I was still in version 3.x.x territory.
  5. I have been using tabnine and it has been great. They seem very similar, but I will check out copilot for sure.
  6. I have been avoiding developing this section of our website for a day now as it looks horrendous in my opinion. The general layout of the section is to have our 4 main services with their titles on the left hand side. When you click on one, an entire blocks swings in from the top (animate.css) with the title, brief snippet, cta, and a youtube video "explaining" the service with plenty of buzz words. The entire section is quite tall and the video sticks out like a sore thumb. I have been racking my brain on perhaps a "better solution", but I am all out of ideas. I was tasked to revamp the site (was on processwire, now in gridsome/graphcms just to try out something new), but the mockup is a bit out of date (just feels old tech for a marketing agency). Thankfully, I have a bit of wiggle room to make changes, as long as I can show something interesting. I was just wanting to hear some of your feedback/ideas on how you would go about tackling this section to make it feel a bit more interesting/clean. I have included a very basic "mockup" of the section in question (left = service titles | right = content regarding service => title, snippet, cta, video). The section is also the full width of the browser, so in my dev enviornment atm it is 1825px x 850px.
  7. I know you are trying to stay away from js, but https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick is the easiest solution i have used.
  8. Windows defender? ..I am sorry, I shouldnt carry this thread to a place it didnt need to go. Thank you Ryan for working on PW and modules!
  9. I dont think that is possible as a page needs to be saved once created for the id. However, you can change the name before you first create it.
  10. I can confirm on my end with v2. We really didnt get much spam for a while, but probably about mid 2020 it started to ramp up. Since then, I have moved everything to v3.
  11. I have not really done any hooks on page load, but from my understanding there are 2 that might suit your needs: Page::render (before) of ProcessPageView::execute . However, someone please correct me if I have my information mixed up.
  12. Sure thing! Here you go: var gulp = require("gulp"); var sass = require("gulp-sass"); var browserSync = require("browser-sync").create(); var autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer"); var rename = require("gulp-rename"); var cssnano = require("cssnano"); var postcss = require("gulp-postcss"); var minify = require("gulp-minify"); //var bourbon = require("bourbon").includePaths; //var neat = require("bourbon-neat").includePaths; // Put this after including our dependencies var paths = { styles: { // By using styles/**/*.sass we're telling gulp to check all folders for any sass file src: "./src/scss/*.scss", // Compiled files will end up in whichever folder it's found in (partials are not compiled) dest: "./dist/css/" },php: { src: './*.html', }, scripts: { src: "./src/js/*.js", dest: "./dist/js/" } // Easily add additional paths // ,html: { // src: '...', // dest: '...' // } }; function style() { return gulp .src(paths.styles.src) .pipe(sass({ outputStyle: "expanded" })) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.styles.dest)) .pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" })) .pipe(postcss([autoprefixer({ browsers: ['> 1%', 'last 3 versions', 'Firefox >= 20', 'iOS >=7'] }), cssnano()])) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.styles.dest)) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) } exports.style = style; function php() { return gulp .src(paths.php.src) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) } exports.php = php; function script() { return gulp .src(paths.scripts.src) .pipe(minify({noSource: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.scripts.dest)) .pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" })) } exports.script = script; function watch() { browserSync.init({ // You can tell browserSync to use this directory and serve it as a mini-server port: 8181, proxy: "http://localhost:8888/project-folder/" // If you are already serving your website locally using something like apache // You can use the proxy setting to proxy that instead // proxy: "yourlocal.dev" }); //I usually run the compile task when the watch task starts as well style(); script(); gulp.watch(paths.styles.src, style); gulp.watch(paths.scripts.src, script); gulp.watch(paths.php.src, php); } exports.watch = watch
  13. To be honest, it also took me a while to get it all working. Apparently I started using it with an outdated syntax of gulp (1 version behind) and when I went to add some new node modules, everything just blew up in my face. If you are interested, I would be more than happy to share my gulp file with you or anyone.
  14. I use gulp with browser-sync in my current workflow. I really like it as I can specify what files extensions (php, css, etc etc) to watch for changes and once it detects a file change, it automatically reloads the page. I also will be using gulp-cache for cache busting (for changes with my scss/css). So far I have been very happy with the results.
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