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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2017 in all areas
ProcessWire 3.0.81 makes major improvements to the Role editor, simplifying the setup of access control in ProcessWire: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.81-upgrades-the-role-editor/13 points
Hello team PW! Here's another one, for the best Congress Centre in the world, in the most beautiful city in the world! http://www.ccalfandegaporto.com/en/ This site was initially developed in 2015 using a proprietary CMS from the previous agency. In late 2016 some changes were requested, new languages and a few tweaks, and I took the oportunity to migrate it in PW. Most of the frontend was kept, save for a smaller improvement here and there. As you'd probably guess, having used the proprietary CMS and jumping to PW, the client was blown away by the new admin area. Note that content translations are a work in progress.3 points
I forgot to add this one. Verride Santa Catarina is among the most upscale hotels in Lisbon, set in a historic townhouse in the heart of the city. http://verridesc.pt/ It's a modular design that allows pages to be built using a set of blocks the admin can customise.3 points
That's actually a different issue with a different cause. But I think I've found fixes for both issues. The new issue is here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/4193 points
Yesterday I was hoping for something like this! Really wonderful Update Thanks a lot Mr. @ryan ===> Just wondering if i can set permissions for Individual "Pages" ??2 points
Please edit your first post and then you can change the title to (for example): [solved] animated GIF upload fails when running php 5.3 It sounds like a useful bit of info, I do not think there is a need to delete it.2 points
Cool, thanks @SamC that's a good one to know. I ended up using the page field as @abdus suggested, so that each post can "choose" its own layout for the homepage. It's working well. o/2 points
you can't get past events, but you can try the forked version which has a few extra options... (date since, date until, reverse sort)... https://github.com/outflux3/processwire-facebookevents planned to do a PR but haven't gotten round to it yet..2 points
Tested your exact same code with ProcessWire 3.0.79 and PHP 5.6.25. It works as expected with all kinds of users. No entries in the logs or errors on the page. Are there any security or session related functions or modules installed?2 points
Hi, I see it on my (very) large screen (full height window) but only if the zoom is, for instance, 150% and with the development tools' panel opened - on chromium. Same on Firefox, Opera, and Vivaldi. All Linux. So apparently it depends on the height of the window, on the top space taken vertically by each browser, on the zoom %, and on the development tool or Firebug panel's height. Edit: adding max-height: 100%; to header .logo img {} could be a solution (works for different window widths). But the Palácio Santa Catarina part will still appear (very small).2 points
Hi guys! What do you think about something like this? Because I use this option regularly in the Windows File Explorer breadcrumb and it's very useful. The drop-down menu can display only published/visible child pages. I've tried to find how to do it as a module, but I'm not a coder with enough skills for that ... or I don't know if I can use hooks to do that ...1 point
I agree with @abdus that field rendering is the solution. But if you're just wanting a tidier way of doing what you are already doing then you can rewrite it as: <?php foreach($foos as $foo): ?> <div class="foo"> <h1 class="foo__title"> <a href="<?= $foo->url ?>"><?= $foo->title ?></a> </h1> <?php if($page->headline): ?> <h2 class="page__headline"><?= $page->headline ?></h2> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endforeach; ?>1 point
Check out field rendering https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.7-expands-field-rendering-page-path-history-and-more/#field-rendering-with-template-files1 point
Assuming _func.php is under templates folder, you need to include _func.php in your hanna code like this: <?php include_once $config->paths->templates . '_func.php'; echo "<div class=\"grid_xs-1\">"; foreach ($pages->find("template=property") as $properties) { // ...1 point
Wow, thanks for noticing that issue when manually entering and deleting a password - I had never come across that before. The reason that "before" hook doesn't work for is because the InputfieldPassword::render() method uses addClass('InputfieldPasswordComplexify'), so you are removing it before it's actually added. I have achieved the same thing though with a str_replace on an "after" hook - not as elegant, but works fine. You actually got me thinking about the whole approach to automatically generating the password and I thought it might be better to actually populate the fields when creating the user, rather than leaving them blank and populating when publishing the user. I am going to PM you my current dev version to take a look at as see what you think of this new approach. Thanks again for your help/feedback with this!1 point
@Mustafa-Online - I haven't tried it, but you might try http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-edit-per-user/1 point
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Hey @adrian. Thanks for your quick reply No they did not show even when the option was checked. Switching the init function to a ready function fixes the problem. I also thought of doing this, but didn't do it. Now it is working fine I use the latest version from github = 1.0.5 and if I open the file in a texteditor or in my IDE then line 54 is the correct line. EDIT: Weird, on github it is line 55. Must be something in my editors. Regarding the output of line 72 (that was something that I added): bd($event->object->attributes["class"]); There is a problem with removing the required attribute from password fields. It gets removed, but if you accidentally enter something in the password field and then delete it, you can not submit the form, because the required attribute gets added back in. This is coming from the InputfieldPassword.js which gets added to the page. Starting in line 120 it reads $input.on('change', function() { var val = $(this).val(); if(val.length > 0) { $input.attr('required', 'required'); $confirm.attr('required', 'required'); } else if(!$(this).closest('.InputfieldStateRequired').length) { $input.removeAttr('required'); $confirm.removeAttr('required'); } }); So if the "Generate Password" Option is set, the script should not be executed or loaded. One approach would be, to remove the CSS class "InputfieldPasswordComplexify" so the script does not react to it. I tried to make a hook for this, but it does not work yet. Maybe you have some suggestions? Here is my hook in the ready function: $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldPassword::render', $this, 'removeComplexify'); and here the function protected function removeComplexify(HookEvent $event) { $f = $event->object; bd($f); $f->removeClass('InputfieldPasswordComplexify'); } I don't know what is wrong or if this is the right approach. I even tried to use addHookAfter, which also did not work. Maybe you have an idea?!1 point
You could use pw-append on sidebar in template when it is needed instead of putting it inside _main.php. In _main.php <div id="main"> FULL WIDTH OR SIDEBAR IN HERE </div> Inside some-template.php <div id='sidebar' pw-append='main'></div>1 point
Hi @jmartsch - glad you are finding it useful. I can't seem to reproduce any of the problems you are having What version of the module are you running? Line #54 isn't that line in the current version, although it's only one off, so maybe it's a misreporting? Do the various fields show when you have the automatic option check in the module config settings? Also, what is it that you are dumping on line 72 that is returning "FieldtypePassword" ? One thing to try here - can you change the: public function init() { on line 48 to: public function init() { } public function ready() { Yes, it is making the init function empty and converting the current init() function into a ready() function. Please let me know if that helps.1 point
This reminds of something I did a while back. There's another way of grabbing the first item: Possibly a bit late to the party here but knowing an extra method can't hurt. http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/pagearray-wirearray/sorting-and-filtering/a-not-selector/ Nice mockup btw @mike621 point
Hi @adrian thanks for this great module. I want to always show the "Send welcome message" field/checkbox for new users, that I create in the admin. But this checkbox never shows. I filled out the email-address but it still does not show up. I unchecked the option "Automatic Email Send" in the modules settings, because I want to choose if a user should get a welcome email or not. Could this be because of the core version of PW that I am using? I am using 3.0.71 right now. I turned on ProcessWire debug now, and EmailNewUser triggers an error: Trying to get property of non-object in K:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\src\site\assets\cache\FileCompiler\site\modules\EmailNewUser\EmailNewUser.module on line 54 That line reads if ($this->wire('page')->process == "ProcessUser") $this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent', $this, 'addEmailFields'); I think the problem is $this->wire('page')->process == "ProcessUser" but I am not sure. Any suggestions?1 point
Good point about usability, maybe something like a outlined button could work. I would not like to replace the current link with a dropdown menu because it would be better to preserve the function of the current link and add the new function. The theme is the regular Reno that comes with PW installation, you can access it in the admin profile.1 point
I fixed this by changing the PHP version. It was running PHP 5.3 before.. This can be deleted/closed1 point
Welcome to the Forum! I think these discussions should give you some hints where to get started: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15453-pw-based-form-centric-website-recommendations-please/?tab=comments#comment-138395 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11499-admin-restrict-branch/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3543-register-users-and-add-page-same-as-username/ This is just a quick and short sample. You will definitely need more to achieve what you need. It is because your requirements are unique in a sense that there is no out-of-a-box solution. Hope this helps.1 point
Hi! I'm just wondering if any other members of the PW community are attending the Web Directions Summit conference in Sydney on November 9 & 10? If so feel free to PM me and maybe we can say hi. http://www.webdirections.org/wds/ Margaret1 point
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I tested with the core Checkbox fieldtype. You can check the fieldtype by opening the field (Setup > Fields > Your field) and looking in the Type dropdown. Not sure why it wouldn't work for you, but there is no real harm in just sticking with what you are doing (combining two PageArrays together) unless you have a huge number of children.1 point
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You should check out the keyword search feature in your browser. https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95426 http://kb.mozillazine.org/Using_keyword_searches1 point
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Turn them into links. Make sure to have no spaces in the phone number (inside href) <a href="tel:05345345345">Call Us!</a> To remove the spaces from a given phone number you can use: $spaced = ' 345 345 234 '; $clean = preg_replace('!\s+!', '', $spaced); $telUrl = "tel:$clean";1 point
Thanks I get it's in case for use in a php template? I need it for backend, in the selection input. Melanie1 point
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Wouldn't mind having this feature in the core either. Just saying Admittedly my first impression was "oh man, not again". Some sites (Basecamp, Dropbox) have recently implemented their own flavors of "breadcrumb dropdowns", and in my opinion both get it wrong. In Basecamp clicking what seems like a link to the previous item actually opens a dropdown with that item and its children, while in Dropbox deeper down all but the last two levels are removed from the breadcrumbs and the first item turns into a dropdown. Both make sense in their own ways, but a) break the "open this link in a new tab" feature and b) are totally unexpected and confusing, at least to me. Your approach makes use of the spacer items, which not only makes more sense in this context, but also doesn't break the familiar breadcrumb pattern. Thumbs up for this1 point
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New Search ProcessWire website feature in the ProcessWire Info Panel. For updates to old Tracy installs, you will need to manually enable this feature in the module settings. It is on by default in new installs. Any term you type in the box will take you to a Google site search for the PW website, eg a search for Tracy will take you to the results for a site:processwire.com/ tracy Hopefully you guys find this useful!1 point
Actually, that's quite similar to the breadcrumb dropdown I built for our new intranet layout, so I totally agree . I don't think there's a good place to hook into, but making AdminThemeUikit::renderBreadcrumb hookable shouldn't be too expensive. It might be worth adding a feature request in the issue tracker.1 point
I'm already looking forward to seeing this!1 point
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Best of luck with the project Margie! If you happen to need any help from a marine scientist come web developer who speaks Strayan, just let me know ?1 point
Sorry to resurrect an older post, but I just had to provide an update. This is Margaret (also known as Margie, the one who started this thread - that's my personal account), as we got the go ahead to replace our current CMS with ProcessWire! This is our new AAD web team account. The web team is comprised of Warwick (web manager), myself (web developer) and Narelle (web developer). AAD = Australian Antarctic Division. We're just getting started at the moment, testing out some modules and so forth, but I expect you'll be seeing some more of us around the forums as we get further into moving all our sites across to ProcessWire!1 point
Optionally, you can create a select field, or better, a page field and select flavors for each post while editing and render items depending on that https://processwire.com/blog/posts/making-efficient-use-of-fields-in-processwire/#use-page-fields-rather-than-individual-checkboxes if($item->flavors->get("name=hoverable")) { // this page has the "hoverable" flavor set }1 point