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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi all, it has taken ages, but finally I managed to relaunch my own studio website www.christophlieck.com The site used to be a desktop only site running on Contao and is now both mobile friendly and based on a real CMS (PW btw). I decided not to change the site design much to much as I still like it (it was first designed back in 2007) but made it a bit bigger (screenshot of old site with 800px width attached, new size is 960 px max.). There is still a lot of work to do (don't mind the blog section!) - but it's online! Modules: ProCache Email Obfuscator Image Extra Markup Sitemap XML Page List Show Page Id Redirects Batcher Database Backups Image Tags I still don't like WYSIWYG-editors, so no CKEditor involved. I prefer Markdown - and PW supports it! The responsive grid is based on Gridset, which I can strongly recommend as both, extremely flexible and time saving. Comments welcome, many thanks!
    8 points
  2. The secret is to create a nice selector and use the API correctly. $pages->get() returns a single page, whereas $pages->find() returns a page array. /** * has_parent=1016 selects all children and grandchildren of the page with id = 1016 * parent!=1016 excludes the children (first generation) **/ $articles = $pages->find("has_parent=1016,parent!=1016,sort=title");
    4 points
  3. I have done before using this walk-through: http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/importing-apache-modrewrite-rules Here is the old post which has discussion on how to use URL Write for PW Windows. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/766-isapi-rewrite-3-on-iis/?p=18486
    3 points
  4. PW works fine on IIS versions 7 and 8 in conjunction with Microsoft's free URL Rewrite module. I just went live with a large intranet site on IIS 8. URL Rewrite even has an option to import htaccess files, and tweaking those rules (if necessary at all) is quite straight forward.
    3 points
  5. I just added a couple of new options to this module that allow for automatic protection of unpublished and hidden pages and their children. I am finding the unpublished protection very handy as I can set the parent of a branch to unpublished while it is being developed. With this option enabled, I can send the link to this page direct to clients and they will be presented with the custom login form so they login and then immediately view the page - no need to go via the backend admin panel (just like the normal way this module works), and they won't get the 404 page if they attempt to visit when logged out. Because children can also be protected there is no worry about someone guessing the URL to subpages, the entire branch is protected based on the publication status of the parent. Once the branch is ready to be published, simply publish and it will be live and the protection is removed - no need to give clients access to the control of this module on the settings tab and explain how they work. Hope you all find it useful!
    3 points
  6. Hi just reading this. Glad to help you with this. With pocketgrid you can easily setup columns in a row (class blocks in a block group) that will hold your menu. All you have to do is to set up percentages for your class blocks (columns). This will define how many columns you will have and the width of them. A good workflow is to setup boxes as class blocks. Then with media queries you can re-arrange your columns to have different layouts to make it responsive for different screen sizes. On top of that with media queries you can what is inside your columns (e.g. text and pics in your menu) make responsive by changing fonts, size, auto resize pics, colors, percentages, whatever, etc. etc. You can css target any class, id, tag, etc. through it's block-group id so you will never have css collisions with other css in your css style. Plus it gives you a logical way of setting it up, easy for maintenance.
    2 points
  7. On mobile so just a quick one -https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10448-css-only-responsive-multi-level-menu/
    2 points
  8. Not saying that multiple branch support wouldn't be a cool feature for Admin Restrict Branch, but in case visibility is not an issue and you're looking into ways to restrict permissions per branch, I would also suggest taking a look at UserGroups and Dynamic Roles. The approaches are slightly different, but both modules already provide support for this.
    2 points
  9. From the first link I gave you: You may also apply multiple text formatters at once. Simply select more than one, and drag them to the order you want them to process the text. This doesn't necessarily mean that you should add more than one though. For instance, if you added both "entity encoder" and "Markdown" you'd end up with double encoding, since Markdown already does it's own entity encoding (as do most lightweight markup languages). An example of where you might want to apply two text formatters would be to combine Markdown with Smartypants. These two are designed to run together. According to the author, Smartypants is meant to run after Markdown, so we'd drag Smartypants to be below Markdown.
    2 points
  10. Visual Page Selector Released 31 March 2016 https://processwireshop.pw/plugins/visual-page-selector/ As of 04 January 2018 ProcessWire versions earlier than 3.x are not supported ******************************************************* ORIGINAL POST ******************************************************* Introducing VPS, a commercial visual page field selector. This is a pre-sale closed-beta version. This post is WIP and will be updated now and then. ############################ Many ProcessWire users use the 'one image per page' principle to manage and reuse images across their sites. This works fine. However, for site editors who mainly work with images, especially for larger sites, it is sometimes difficult to remember the pages where particular images reside. This module helps to solve this challenge. Harnessing the awesomeness that is ProcessWire, VPS provides a rich editing experience, enabling editors to search for, view, select, add, remove and delete page-images easily, in an easy to use and friendly interface. ProcessWire Lister is the workhorse behind the lightning-fast searches. Editors will be able to search for images by their descriptions, names, partial names, page names, templates, etc. Current Features Single-image mode Full search Batch add/Remove/Delete Image/Delete Page in page fields Image Browser Selectable pages as per page field settings + Lister filters Grid and List View Draggable sorting Responsive (almost fully ..iframes!) Planned Features Multi-image mode (there are times you want to group similar images in multi-image field in one page; e.g. the back, front and side of a car photo) Configurable CSS on the fly resizing vs real image resizing (image resizing can quickly hog memory) Other as per feedback from beta testing FAQs When will this be available? Soon. How much will it cost? Reasonably priced. Announcement soon. Where will I be able to buy this from? At all fine stores that stock quality ProcessWire products Do we really need another page field/inputfield select? See links below. What type of licenses will be available? Soon to be announced. Can I beta test this? Thanks for the interest but all available slots have been taken. Video (excuse the video quality please - too many takes....) Screens Previous Discussions https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10927-wishlist-select-pages-by-thumbnail/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4330-get-image-from-other-pages-via-images-field/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/417-extending-image-field/?p=6982 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7073-profield-table-and-gallery/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3200-image-management-concerns-is-processwire-suitable-for-me/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/425-file-manager/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10763-asset-manager-asset-selector/
    1 point
  11. Oops sorry, I had a get where it should be a find.
    1 point
  12. As far as I know it's been around for a long time - certainly since 2.3
    1 point
  13. It uses it out of the box, mean: you haven't to do anything in regard of SCF. SCF uses wiremail(), - and if you have installed and setup wiremailSMTP, it is used instead of the basic wiremail, which uses the PHP mail function.
    1 point
  14. Phew! Thanks all. I'll let you know when it's online.
    1 point
  15. @alan: Did you check that CSRF token validation works? If you load the form (frontend) there should be a hidden input containing a generated name and value: <input type="hidden" id="_post_token" name="TOKEN1234567891X1234567891" value="A1B2c3d4efgHIj5klLmno6pQrstUVwxy" /> As said above, the name and value are generated, make sure it's not hardcoded. Also have a look at your log file (simplecontactform-log), all errors are displayed there. I've never used WireMailSMTP – if you've figured out how to use it, please let me know!
    1 point
  16. The problem's here: <?php echo date("Y/m/d h:s", $note->modified); ?> You're outputting seconds instead of minutes. Use "Y/m/d h:i" instead.
    1 point
  17. See if this topic helps https://processwire.com/talk/topic/268-processwire-on-windows72008-server-with-iis-webserver/ Edit: Beaten to 3rd place
    1 point
  18. mr-fan u should have the latest stable version. So feel free to use it
    1 point
  19. A few things to check: Make sure the MySQL user has the correct permissions/privileges. Some hosts don't allow localhost to be used, so you may need to use the actual hostname or IP address You may have to use the standard MySQL port number (3306) after the hostname. Also check with your host to see if they are using an alternate port number
    1 point
  20. Thanks Christophe! I finally managed to solve the dark theme problem, it as a missing "echo" so, if one of the data attributes that facebook uses for displaying their comments plugin is declared but not assigned, apparently the thing broke. I just spent a lot of time tweaking facebook stuff, meta tags all around, debugging with their tools, etc. I'll move on to improving the select boxes. Also added credit for Processwire
    1 point
  21. Hi, It would be great to have non alphabet page name and non alphabet urls. Gideon
    1 point
  22. Hi Teppo, I read the thread serveral times and always thinking about writing here. I know this is a big issue but worth the effort to implement it. Gideon
    1 point
  23. There's nothing more processwirey in it than in your code. It's more about clean code structure.
    1 point
  24. Wow, I make it always to complicated, and in processwire, it's always so compact. This works perfectly, Thx LostKobrakai for your excellent en very quck reaction
    1 point
  25. As of 2.6.16 there is a 'published' property. Could it somehow be related to that, if you already had a 'published' field in your 2.6.1 site? https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.16-core-updates-more-on-prodrafts/#new-system-published-date-time-property-now-available-on-all-pages
    1 point
  26. This is a valid suggestion. Here's a bit more about the same subject: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3000-non-alphabetic-page-name/. I'm pretty sure that there is/was a GitHub issue about this too, but can't seem to find it right now.
    1 point
  27. Why not create a copy and remove the encoding functionality from smartypants? As long as you make sure everything is encoded afterwards there shouldn't be any concerns with that.
    1 point
  28. Just the foreach loop: foreach ($page->children as $child){ $link = "<a href='#panel_$child->id'>$child->title</a>"; // Only one content div per accordion $body = "<div id='panel_$child->id' class='content'>"; foreach ($child->children as $childsub){ $body .= "<div>"; // div per content row $body .= " <img src='{$childsub->icon->url}'>"; $body .= " $childsub->title $childsub->uitleg"; $body .= "</div>"; } $body .= "</div>"; $content .= "<li class='accordion-navigation'>{$link}{$body}</li>"; }
    1 point
  29. Nice and clean! A few things... (isn't that what you are after ) 1) On mobile hamburger menu on-hover cursor should be pointer. 2) On the blog page there is no current state for pagination.
    1 point
  30. Markdown and Smartypants are meant to work together. They are designed to work together. Markdown does it own "entity encoding" so there is no need to use HTML Entity Encoder with Smartypants. Use Markdown first then have Smartypants apply. That's what I got from the information that I linked to.
    1 point
  31. @BernhardB - just thinking about this a little - what method for matching users to the parents of multiple branches would you want? I think that likely the only option that would work would be the 'Specified Branch Parent' option. I guess you could assign multiple roles with names that match branch parent names, or perhaps the custom php code option could match branch parent names with partial name matching or something, but these two are sounding a bit more convoluted. Would you mind having a think about how'd like to see this matching work. I am a little worried about overcomplicating this module, but I think the Specified Branch Parent might be an OK option - what would best fit into your workflow / requirements?
    1 point
  32. The CRM part some highly specific stuff, certainly not helpful for anybody else. The modules I'll focus on getting into publishable state will be OpenSearchServerSearch (including the schema for OSS), PagePublishPerLanguage, ArticleIDLinks and ActiveDirectory/LDAP integration. If there's time left (I'm a bit cautious with promises atm, as I'm going to be rather involved in switching our ERP system next year), I'll see if I can change the translation TextFormatter into something generic and configurable and bundle everything together with the notice board into an Intranet site profile.
    1 point
  33. sorry for the delay of my answer - i'm a little sick at the moment... i would provide some help to get this running. I don't think there should be much to maintain / support more prodive the app as download to learn build own stuff from it like a really professional usecase demonstration. How far i remember it is based on a 2.3/2.2 PW Version so @Luis have you the latest binaries from your project and send me a link. I've bought it last year to learn from a real life example app - but i don't now if this was the latest version? Next step could be update the PW version to actual stable and export it as a site profile so it would be more flexible to setup - further we could ask the guys from lightning.pw if we can setup a demo site...all done. regards mr-fan
    1 point
  34. I like it so far, well i´ve been working here since 6 years Ok guys, if anyone would like to manage the suite on GitHub I will gift the source to the community.
    1 point
  35. Hey Guys, sorry for not responding or being active in any PW related topic for some time now. First of all, yes I closed the shop and shut down my servers. I had some major trouble in the past related to my personal situation which made it impossible to work on my projects or to maintain them. Active development of the office suite would not continue, sorry for that. During the last 12 months I changed my work live completly, I am now hired as Product Manager in a company and dont do freelancing stuff anymore. I would overthink your wish to make the suite OS and share my decision on this the next few days with u if there is still interest in it, just let me know. Luis
    1 point
  36. I'm hoping in time for this Christmas
    1 point
  37. without looking into the code, - maybe it will work when you select the array of items as formatted return value, under FIELDS -> images -> Details -> Formatted Value. (?) BTW, this module is in alpha state. ;-)
    1 point
  38. For me this was a goal, too since my former cms works with pages _and_ blocks on that pages very simple so i've searched for a simple solution with PW on this topic. You could take a look at the Blue VR Site Profile it's a great place to learn how to build variable content und flexible global blocks with repeaters, pages and pagefields... https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6647-blue-vr-processwire-site-profile/ second important "block builder" is PageTableExtended module....with this you could create different templates and let the user choose what kind of content he needs next...and resort them in the backend with the extended version you could render the output in the backend to fit the frontend view better. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7459-module-pagetableextended/ since it is a little bit hard to setup the first time this post may help a lot: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7459-module-pagetableextended/#entry71972 third thing to look is this module that let the user choose a template file to render the output...my this could be exented with some kind of previewimage like shown in your post.. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6377-fieldtypeselectfile-inputfieldselectfile/ options are all there, but nothing out of the box i think. i'm very comfortable with pagetableextended on such things...combined with some optionfields it is quit powerful. regards mr-fan
    1 point
  39. Since admin themes are modules, the templates-admin serves as a fallback in case no AdminTheme modules are able to be loaded for one reason or another. That admin theme is there so that you can still login and fix your system if everything goes haywire for whatever reason… though I don't know of many scenarios where that would be the case, but consider it an insurance plan. Since it's there, it also serves as a good location for files that must be shared among all admin themes (whether the AdminTheme modules, or the fallback theme, or an older /site/templates-admin/). For example, the inputfields.js file, the debug.inc file, font-awesome, and possibly more in the future. It serves this purpose well and I don't see any reason to get rid of it. We may update it at some point to change the look of it, but also don't see it as much of a priority since nobody ever sees it except in rare development situations. Lastly, it's the only thing that enables use of older /site/templates-admin/ themes, for those that need to use the older system of admin themes for one reason or another (like folks that have company-customized admin themes from long ago, but still want to use a newer PW version).
    1 point
  40. Hi icreation Actually, this should not be a problem at all. The PW resizing actually creates a new image, it does not just change it with CSS, so you do not end up with any css conflicts. However, with Bootstrap 3, for the image to be responsive you need to add the class img-responsive to the img tag - unlike Bootstrap 2, it is not responsive by default. If you are just allowing them to upload an image, then you can simply add this to the image output on the template. If, you are allowing them to add an image via one of the RTEs then you can still add this using a bit of jquery to add the class.
    1 point
  41. Microdata is always good to have, thanks for sharing this! Personally I wouldn't depend too much on data-vocabulary.org though. Their home page makes it pretty obvious that schema.org is the new toast of the town. With schema.org vocabulary breadcrumbs could be implemented like this: <body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WebPage"> ... <div itemprop="breadcrumb"> <?php foreach($page->parents as $parent) { $end = ($parent === $page->parent) ? "" : " > "; echo "<a href='{$parent->url}'>{$parent->title}</a>{$end}"; } ?> </div> <!-- this follows strictly schema.org example --> Or with markup matching above example: <body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WebPage"> ... <div class='breadcrumb' itemprop='breadcrumb'> <?php foreach($page->parents as $parent): ?> <li> <a href='<?php echo $parent->url; ?>'> <span><?php echo $parent->title; ?></span> </a> <span class='divider'>›</span> </li> <?php endforeach ?> <li> <?php echo $page->title; ?> </li> </ul> <!-- this isn't exactly what schema.org describes but should still be valid.. --> There's quite a bit of discussion floating around whether schema.org version of breadcrumbs is actually useful, but it is what their example currently suggests. Note also that breadcrumb is a property of WebPage, ie. you'll have to be in that context in order to use this properly.
    1 point
  42. There's not much value to be added to answers above, just wanted to point out that currently URLs (and page names, which URLs are based on) ProcessWire allows follow generic URI syntax as defined by RFC 3986 -- mostly, as you can see from this excerpt from said RFC: Only difference here is that the spec for URL doesn't say anything about tilde "~" having to be at the beginning of an URL, but ProcessWire seems to only allow it that way and thus prevents it from being used in page names. I'm not 100% sure if I'm reading the specification correctly, though.. Anyway, in order to use Asian characters in URLs you'd need to follow IRI specification (RFC 3987) which is simply international version of URI. According to HTML5 specification that's not a problem, since URL is valid if it's either valid URI reference or valid IRI and certain other conditions are met. So, I guess my point here is that currently PW doesn't allow out-of-the-box what was asked in the original post, but who knows -- perhaps at some point it will
    1 point
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