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Variations Released 29 May 2017 Variations is a simple yet powerful commercial ProcessWire module that allows website editors to create attributes and their values and from those generate variations of any entity, most notably products. The module consists of FieldtypeVariations and InputfieldVariations as well as a ProcessVariations for managing variations configurations and attributes. Setting up the field is quite easy. First, create a field of type Variations. Define some custom inputs that will need to be directly edited on the page containing the field, for instance a product price, SKU, etc. Secondly, via the Inputfield, create a couple of attributes. Thirdly, create a variations configuration and add the attributes and values you want in the configuration. Link that variations configuration to your page and the module will automatically generate all possible combinations (variations) of the attribute values in that configuration. These, together with the custom inputs you created when setting up the field will be displayed on the page (e.g. a product page), ready for editing. This makes this module quite unique; variations are defined at the page-level rather than at the field level. This presents lots of possibilities such as infinitely reusable attributes and variations configurations. For those using Padloper, integration with the e-commerce platform is quite simple as demonstrated in this tutorial. The module consists of 4 modules ProcessVariations FieldtypeVariations InputfieldVariations VariationsCustomTableManager (autoload module, working behind the scenes) Video Demo: https://youtu.be/T93nn96UL8o Documentation: https://variations.kongondo.com/ Shop: https://processwireshop.pw/plugins/variations/ Requires: ProcessWire 2.5 or newer Features Easily create variations of anything, including products for e-commerce websites, etc Create an attribute once, use it everywhere, multiple times, picking and choosing all or only the attribute values you want Bulk editing of variations configurations and attributes Reusable variations configurations Works with Padloper out-of-the-box with minimal coding User-friendly, intuitive and easy to set up8 points
Hello, I want to showcase my website made in processwire. https://chrysemys.nl/ Goal of the website There are quit some websites with information about turtles. Most of them are very limited in information. This website main goal is to be very complete in information. Information about turtles, there natural behaviour, detailed descriptions. Next is also associations ( (bi-)directional links) with caresheets, books, food, illnesses, etc... Second goal is to learn PHP as I started an education for application engineering 4 months ago. Setup It is build on the latest version (3.0.61) and makes use of the latest template strategy. I use the pw-append, pw-replace classes in combination with _main.php and several template files. Most of the rendering is done from custom functions in _functions.php. In the back-end the pages are styled with the options for visibility and group in logical blocks. This is a very nice feature with processwire and makes the pages easier to fill. Next to the core modules I have used the following extra modules: AIOM+ - obviously Connect Page Fields - This module is very important. The whole site is considered a relational database. The base is the enity turtle. This entity has bidirectional associations with books, caresheets, locations (voor google maps), regions (to group locations), the different classifications of the animal taxonomy, food, etc. To make these kind of associations it greatly simplified the output on the other templates. This module was a mandatory feature for being able to create a site as I wanted to. Otherwise it would it would be very inefficient to keep everything up to date. Now I can add a new book and connect it to one ore more turtles. After the save you can see the book also on the turtle page. This goes for all the bidrectional links. This page is about a species - https://chrysemys.nl/schildpadden/emys-orbicularis/ This species has several sub species (basicly the same turtle but live in another country/region and has some different charasteristics). I have decided to make no distinction between species and sub species (on a template level) and use this module to connect them to each other. One reason was that this way the url would not be too long. This turtle lives in several different habitats. These are also bidirectional associations. The same goed for food, books, food to mention some. The biological taxonomy is also build this way as entities that have no parent/child relation. They are connected to each other with page reference (in this case). Both methods (page reference or parent/child) have their pro's and cons, in the end this setup seemed to work best for me. Map Marker - This is used for the map marker field for the locations (verspreiding). Everyt turtle can live in one ore more locations and the will show up on the google map. Also I have the possibility to add location specific information about the climat on the pages (missing on almost all other websites). Map Markup (Google Maps) - For the output of the google map. The js script for this is only outputted on the pages where it is used (template strategy). Markup Sitemap XML - obviously Social Share Buttons - Added this as it is recommended for a better SEO score. Get Video Thumbnails - The blog story can have a youtube link. This module automatically grabs an image and places it as the image for the blog. No more extra steps needed. Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo - I slight changed the output for this module so it always is placed under the body. Datamaps.js - Also I had some very important help from @adrian with help of using datamaps.js. This page is a datamaps script that read all turtles that live in the US and shows them in the correct state. https://chrysemys.nl/kaart-verenigde-staten/ A php function renders the output for the script and fills the variables. These are added to te script on rendering the page. The website is not finished and probably never will be as new information and functionality will be added all the time. But it is finished enough to serve as a showcase. Roadmap There are several things I want to add in the future: A find selector for overview pages (select by size, region, family, etc). Worked on this but, could not get it working. Datamaps.js for all regions (also with a selector to select another region). Optimize the queries to make the site faster. Several front-end improvements (marging/padding/font-size, etc...)7 points
6 points
Note: this functionality is now built into AdminOnSteroids. I'd hate to know how much accumulated time I have spent and how much eye-strain I have experienced over the last couple of years, hunting through the 675 icons in the "all icons" view for the one I want. Today I finally got around to doing something about it. IconsFilter Allows the "all icons" view in InputfieldIcon to be filtered by name. Usage Install the IconsFilter module. When viewing "all icons" in InputfieldIcon (Advanced tab of field/template settings) you can filter the icons by name using the filter input at top right. https://github.com/Toutouwai/IconsFilter @tpr, something that could be merged into AdminOnSteroids?5 points
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3 points
Here are the latest "official" notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating from prior versions: Updating from Croppable Image 3 with versions prior to 1.1.7, please do this as a one time step: In the PW Admin, go to side -> modules -> new, use "install via ClassName" and use CroppableImage3 for the Module Class Name. This will update your existing CroppableImage3 module sub directory, even if it is called a new install. After that, the module will be recogniced by the PW updater module, what makes it a lot easier on further updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sticking with a PW legacy 2.8.20+ Version (none namespaced)? - I have created a CroppableImage2 snapshot, which you can get from the github repo branch: CroppableImage2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------3 points
2 points
A. If we stay in our separate installation per site realm we still have a number of options to do what you want: Use multi-instance mode from the main site. Get data from chapter sites via web service, REST, ... GraphQL... or maybe just RSS or Atom. B. You can always go for putting everything in one installation and configuring access rights for editors with something like this or this too, but probably that'll make it only more complicated. C. Finally you can go for writing a custom frontend admin for you chapter site editors while staying in the comfort of a single installation)) But that will take some time and sweat to do. I do not know the scope and budget of your project. Might be a decision worth considering.2 points
It's the small, convenient things like this makes me love the processwire community even more. I tend to create some placeholder pages while developing, so this will save me a lot of clicks. Thanks!2 points
2 points
This module helps you dynamically create schemas for improved SEO & SERP listings from within your templates. Each schema can be configured to meet your requirements. You can even add your own ProcessWire schema classes to the module. Read about the module on github: https://github.com/clipmagic/MarkupJsonLDSchema Download from github: https://github.com/clipmagic/MarkupJsonLDSchema/zipball/master Download from ProcessWire modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-json-ldschema/1 point
Hi guys, I just found out about Page Table module, which i'm currently using as a replacement for repeater module. Is there any way I can add pagination, and numbering for better and easier administration. Thanks1 point
PageTableExtraActions A module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF. Allows PageTable items to be published/unpublished and hidden/unhidden directly from the inputfield. Usage Install the PageTableExtraActions module. Use the icons in the "Actions" column of a PageTable field to publish/unpublish or hide/unhide an item. https://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-table-extra-actions/ https://github.com/Toutouwai/PageTableExtraActions/1 point
Client-side image resizing has been on our roadmap for awhile, and this week we've got it ready on the dev branch in version 3.0.63. People expressed interest in this feature in the comments to last week's post, and I promised to give it a closer look sooner rather than later. After getting that closer look, and doing some research, I realized we could get in this week's version. After using it now for a couple of days this week, I think people are really going to like this feature, and it works a lot better than I had originally guessed it could. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.63-adds-client-side-image-resizing/1 point
Maybe I am missing something, which is quite possibly the case. So please educate me. There are two protocols, http and https, for a single domain, but including the extraneous www, gives four combinations. As previously mentioned, www can be defined at the Address record level (or CNAME depending on provider) at your hosting provider. This in effect allows users to type or link to www.yourdomain.com and yourdomain.com resulting in the same hosting server doc root destination. So that leaves the two protocols remaining. Are you serving content specific to a non secure site that is not available through the secure site? If there is no specific content unique to one site, then you can use https://yourdomain.com (better google results), and also set the ProcessWire templates to https only (Although that last part is optional). In my non-secure site conf file, I redirect non-secure requests to the secure site by the following: <VirtualHost x.x.x.x:80> ServerName domain.com Redirect permanent / https://domain.com/ </VirtualHost> This is my exact setup, and using the ProcessWire generated htaccess file. Google's page speed reports, "In our test, your server responded in 0.28 seconds." There were no re-direct incidents, and visitors can access my secure site using any of the four combinations. Like I said, if I am missing something, then please let me know. I'm always open to learning something new.1 point
Hi @Gazley I think that it is not mainly related to CMS, but how you implement your front-end. There is markup src set module that you will probably find useful https://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-src-set/1 point
jets looks great! The icon selector's markup seems a bit overkill to me. The spans are unnecessary and the JS hover events could be replaced with a few lines of CSS. The markup for the .InputfieldIconAll div is 100+ kbytes which could be easily cut by half. I know it's not a big deal but still. Perhaps a facelift PR could be put together containing a filter update?1 point
http://fontawesome.io/icons/ have this using the Argolia search engine.. maybe we can have something similar using this https://jets.js.org/ .. is very easy to use with html/data tags and really fast1 point
For each filter you have, you create a field and add it to the product template. You also add the filters page field. Now you set up each filter field to only show if it was selected in the filters page field. http://processwire.com/api/selectors/inputfield-dependencies/#example-page You can automated the creation of the fields by hooking the page save and creating a filter field when a filter page is added.1 point
1 point
Once again I make an ass of myself For starters, I was testing the frontend part on the server and looking at the CMS locally. It was all downhill from there. This to say of course setting it to false unchecks the box. Sorry for wasting your time. Now excuse me while I go reflect on life.1 point
This is great, thanks! May I have a suggestion too? Searching by name is one thing, but what if we could search by "tags"? I mean lots of icons can be used in different contexts, and most of the time I cannot even guess the name. For example I use "Car" for the article excerpt/ledes (in a "leading the way" sense). More examples I use: Trophy => bagde, Fire => effects, Compass => sku, etc... These associations could be (hard?) wired into the module, so that you can make search possible this way too. I would be happy to contribute, or even better, you could somehow make it possible for everyone to contribute.1 point
The site now uses bootstrap 4 with a fixed with. I have seen a lot of increase in speed by resizing the images to there possible max within the bootstrap columns. The images will only be decreased of on a mobile device. All images use something like $item->images->first()->size()->url. Works like a charm. Also only loading needed assest when needed, specially heavy javascripts help a lot with the speed. I also try to keep the queries to a minimum. Every querie does add some additional time to the loading of the page. Tracybugger helped a lot with this.1 point
That is good to hear @rick specially since you are on the other side of the world ;). I will adapt the speed of menu animation. Thanks.1 point
Hi @DarsVaeda You should specify GET or POST variables in cache settings for this template ( there is an input for this at the bottom of cache settings screen.) Or specify * for all parameters.1 point
Update: I downloaded/installed a fresh copy of 3.0.62 and the same thing is happening, although only when using Inline mode. Regular mode works fine. I've submitted an issue on Github: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/279 Cheers, Chris1 point
I'm not sure about this error, but just a correction to the code that is triggering it - line 204 in PW 2.8.35 is: $inputfield = $field->getInputfield($this->page); The legacy branch has been updated to 2.8.62 (despite what is says on the "Download" page) and the code in InputfieldRepeater.module has changed in this version. So you could try updating to 2.8.62 and see if that resolves the issue.1 point
It seems like chapter sites are to be rather independent, though alike. So you probably would like to have them each in separate installation (with different databases). [Relatively simple stuff] To speed up the creation of a new chapter site you can develop a site profile and start each new one with it rather than from one of the default ones. But this way you will still have each site with non-connnected-to-other-sites files and will have to handle the updates to the site files separately. [More advanced further...] You can run the sites from the common core though (see here, option 1), so you will have to update the core only once for all of the chapter sites. [Try at your own risk] If the chapter site will have really the same template structure and will differ only with the database-stores content you could symlink all site/templates and probably site/modules folders to one common place. But you will still have to manage changes made in admin area one by one... [That is only for the record. Never done it myself] Or use something like this or this.1 point
@Robin S, please can you test an update from an installed version prior to 1.1.0? I have updated the github repo to 1.1.7. The first "update" has to be done by installing via ClassName in side -> modules -> new: Module Class Name = CroppableImage3 It has worked for me this way. Existing directory was changed / updated with all new files, old unused files were removed. And now, after that, it is recognized by the updater module! Yeah!1 point
Simply edit your web server config file to point yourdomain.com to the directory that your subdomain.yourdomain.com reside. Then edit the config.php file in the sub-domain directory to change config.httpHost to yourdomain.com. Restart your web server. Done. Hope this helps. Gideon So1 point
1 point
For a slider UI check out the new Jquery Ion Rangeslider module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/jquery-ion-range-slider/ Or the earlier Range Slider module: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/range-slider/1 point
In recent PW3 versions you can prepend "http" and get absolute urls like this: $config->urls->httpTemplates1 point
1 point
So, just before the weekend, I've uploaded a new version (3.1.1) that supports a new feature: Conditional loading. You can now assign CSS, LESS or JS files with an API-selector a condition at which they should be loaded. For example: <?php $stylesheets = array('css/reset.css', 'css/main.less', array('loadOn' => 'id|template=1002|1004|sitemap', // PW API selector 'files' => array('css/special.css', 'css/special-theme.less'))); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo AIOM::CSS($stylesheets); ?>" />1 point
The module soma is talking about is included in the core, but not installed, so go to the modules page and install "Session Handler Database" which will also install the required "Sessions" module. Let us know if you are still having problems finding this.1 point