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Everything posted by pwired

  1. Can you reproduce the error ? If not most probably a database record got wrong written or wrong saved.
  2. Not only services such as grammerly, but also internet providers inject css code in your browser, once you are on mobile or tablet.
  3. Nginx ? Why not take the overengineering to the next level and compile PW to c++
  4. pwired


    Inside the forum: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/21003-website-free-template/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17425-where-will-i-find-more-themestemplates-for-processwire/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17953-free-processwire-template/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8097-where-do-i-get-premium-themes-for-processwire/ Outside the forum: http://html5up.net/ http://www.opendesigns.org/website-templates/ https://www.free-css.com/free-css-templates https://templated.co/
  5. I also ended up using Windows + Laragon. For even more convenience I edited the index.php file in the www folder. When clicking on the Web button in the Laragon interface it shows me all websites and shops I am working on in a nice organized table.
  6. Hi, I have been using Laragon for a while with good success. Today all of a sudden it starts to connect with the internet when I am opening a website in localhost. So for example I start Laragon, and open http://localhost/mywebsite before it opened immediately and never connected with the internet. However now it connects with the internet and it takes halve a minute before the website shows up for editing. Does anybody know how this new behaviour could happen ?
  7. I think this is correct, or at least the worldwide part. I had the 502 bad gateway error a week long on other forums as well. https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-outage/
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=48&v=POVOTrGhaDA ? wbmnfktr just beat me halve a minute
  9. I will never understand how people can live with Win10 bricking updates, privacy breaking telemetry, and a desktop maze.
  10. I tried a lot of them before: Ampps, EasyPHP, Fenix, HFS, UniForm, USB, Laragon, UWamp, Wamp and ZWamp. For me Laragon came definitely out as the best in: 1) easy interface 2) simple switching between php versions 3) auto virtual hosts 4) speed 5) stability
  11. Agreed. Seems that the over-engineering is now spreading from processwire into the forum.
  12. Yes I use also Laragon but don't see Quick app, I guess in my version it is called Quick create . . .
  13. I don't think Processwire api has functions for this. Try the api cheatsheet: https://cheatsheet.processwire.com/ But there are plenty of libraries out there that can call on GD and Imagick: http://image.intervention.io/
  14. Hi franciccio, Did you develop that site locally and now moved it online ? First check your config.php file inside the site folder. Look for this line: $config->httpHosts = array('....... '); It should look like this: $config->httpHosts = array('permaculturaorganica.info', 'www.permaculturaorganica.info');
  15. Since the day of forced p tags ckeditor is still haunting never getting it's settings the way a client really wants it. TinyMCE isn't the answer either. A client doesn't need hundreds of settings anyway. Just a simple editor would do fine.
  16. Yes, invisible format characters can mess up your website and drive you nuts because you can't trace the cause in a logical way. Coding with the right editor is crucial. For example the bluefish editor does not reveal invisible format characters but notepad++ does !!
  17. Have you made projects before with processwire api and sql queries ? Did you prototype your new project with processwire ? I don't know of any other cms that has a better api, so please give us some more details what your new project is about.
  18. Beautiful color contrasts and switching between them Responsive made with proportional resizing Pictures going out of focus into the background The first not irritating popups I have ever seen -- Einfach WoW --
  19. You must be the first one confusing post content with post title. Please tell us something about your server environment, php version and used processwire modules so we can help you in a better way. Did you put processwire debug mode on ? Please install Tracy Debugger as it will give you valuable debug information.
  20. Here you go, pwired's super language switcher: <ul> <?php $i = 1; foreach($languages as $language) { $var[$i] = $page->localUrl($language); $i++; } echo "<li>" . "<a href=" . '"' . $var[3] . '"' . ">" . "Deutsch" . "</a>" . "</li>"; echo "<li>" . "<a href=" . '"' . $var[2] . '"' . ">" . "English" . "</a>" . "</li>"; echo "<li>" . "<a href=" . '"' . $var[1] . '"' . ">" . "Español" . "</a>" . "</li>"; ?> </ul> Feel free to modify for your own needs, and beautify <ul>, <li> and <a> with your own custom css Here is a recommended read not to fall into unexpected not working language urls: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/19356-language-switcher-do-i-need-to-update-all-urls-in-the-api/
  21. Hi Franciccio, The only part in Processwire you need to do is to uncomment 2 lines in the .htaccess file: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 9. If you only want to allow HTTPS, uncomment the RewriteCond and RewriteRule lines below. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] The rest is done on your hosting server. Many Hosters these days have an easy Let's Encrypt setup in their CPanel. Unless your Hosting is Godaddy. I had a hard time not so long ago with Godaddy's support. They conduct a very demotivational policy to let you setup Let's Encrypt.
  22. I love tools close to the core. They get so much more done easily.
  23. I just compared and turns out that the pclzip library is vastly superior, so it doesn't matter much anymore.
  24. Hi, I downloaded the script and tested the included test.php on my hoster and it is working very well with single files. I would like to modify the included test.php script to zip a directory. At the bottom of the included test.php it looks like this: //$zipFile = new \zipFly\zipFly64(GTEST_DIR.'onfly'.$nr.'.zip'); $zipFile = new \zipFly\zipFly64(); $zipFile->setDebugMode(false); $zipFile->setZipFeature(true, false); $zipFile->create(GTEST_DIR.'onfly'.$nr.'.zip'); $zipFile->addFile(GTEST_DIR."zipFly/zipFly64.php", "zipFly64.php", \zipFly\zipFly64::METHOD_BZIP2); $zipFile->addFile(GTEST_DIR."zipFly/parts/headers.php", "parts/headers.php", \zipFly\zipFly64::METHOD_DEFLATE); $zipFile->addFromString("Zip64\nTest\n", 'test.txt'); $zipFile->close(); As you see it only uses $zipFile->addFile . . . . Maybe something like this would do it. // let's iterate foreach ($files as $name => $file) { $filePath = $file->getRealPath(); $zip->addFile($filePath); }
  25. pwired

    PW Review

    Amazing how Processwire, through time turns us into more professional people. Great work Charles.
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