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Everything posted by pwired

  1. Page not found (july 17 - 17:00 gmt) - - tried with 3 different browsers https://imperavi.com/article Edit: link is working
  2. makes you wonder if they can make up for it with the same level of payment ...
  3. New search engine on the block .... will their business model work ? yep.com ******************
  4. You need to get out of habitual thinking when comparing Processwire with Wordpress. From the beginning, Wordpress was never made for 1) websites 2) safety. And so, all through the years tons of spaghetti plugins were made for Wordpress to make things work. Processwire has a completely different Architecture because it is made both a cms and a cmf with safety in mind to make websites and apps without the need for essential plugins.
  5. Hi and welcome to Processwire and the Forum. This returning question has already been asked many times. You can find all your answers posted for this question in the forum. Did you search the forum already ?
  6. Yes I fully agree with that. The CKEditor is used by many in Processwire - and keeps having returning questions about cumbersome to find configurations - we should setup a central place to first collect the useful configuration finds that are now spread over the forum, and then make them for all easy available. For the love of processwire I will start with this in the coming weekend.
  7. I found it with old school nightly searching with google .... and lots of coffee Can't remember the source webpage anymore, can try to look it up again.
  8. Like it or not but when reading both posts, to me Ryan clears it objective and Moritz brings it subjective. Processwire can hardly be labeled or compared with established cms systems out there because Processwire gives almost unlimited -never seen before- freedom in how to use it. Only recognizing this unlimited freedom to a certain level, because of habitual coding and thinking learned from other systems can bring up such comparisons.
  9. Who needs Craft when there is Processwire ?
  10. During development, just add the following to your <head>: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://livejs.com/live.js"></script> More information: https://livejs.com/
  11. I use Laragon all the time. Never have any such problems. I simply work with 2 different browsers: Slimjet Browser for the Backend and PaleMoon Browser for the Front end. The PaleMoon Browser lets me best develop responsive design on smartphones (It lets you even go down to the 50px !!)
  12. https://processwire.com/modules/site-simple-blog-multilanguage/ link doesn't work (25feb 21:10 gmt)
  13. Is SSG not mostly being used by coders, git-users, documentation, etc. ? Is SSG really something to use for a client website ?
  14. With all respect to the beautiful website .... but the domain name ? I have seen a lot of domain names but never something like this. Think of Visitors outside of Brazil and who is going to memorize something like arbynatashamarques ? Even on a business card it would look kind of absurd. A domain name should be short, easy to memorize and recognizable for a brand, a service, a product, etc. etc. But maybe this is just me.
  15. pwired

    WordPress compromise

    We have given Wordpress enough advantage of the doubt ...... Here it goes again: https://www.zdnet.com/article/php-everywhere-wordpress-plugin-code-execution-bug-impacts-thousands-of-websites/ Give the Client a WebSite that he really deserves ... with Processwire !
  16. I feel real good about this scalability and speed tuning with the fields and templates. Big thanks fly out to the tuning spoon and ryan.
  17. Remember the years before and after the evo exodus to processwire ? The forum was vibrant and full with starting-coders and beginners and for a long time the forum was praised for fast replying and helping them out. Processwire has already lost almost all starting-coders and beginners like we used to have them in the past. I asked the forum a few times if there is interest in getting them back but without any reaction. A clear indication. Processwire is already a fantastic and full grown product so spend less time with adding weekly new xyz features and instead start spending more time with Marketing the potential of this great product. No secret that this is not going to happen because with Processwire, Ryan is only interested in coding and is followed by a lot of coders a like in the forum. Another suggestion to make the community grow is to split Processwire up in 2 versions: 1) a version for starting coders and beginners like it was in the beginning 2) a version for experienced coders like we have today Last but not least: maybe I should not complain about anything and just take Processwire for what it is and be happy with it.
  18. Here you have another post with some good links in it https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12881-processwire-on-iis-in-2016/
  19. pwired

    WordPress compromise

    Don't give them too much attention ... ?
  20. Finally an authority that stands up and no longer follows main stream and established behavior. Trying not to be a sheep doesn't get much support or likes Matomo is not like it used to be anymore https://matomo.org/pricing/ My 5cts for an alternative, I use bbclone a lot as it gives just enough in most cases https://www.bbclone.de/features.php
  21. Hi Jan Romero, Thanks for posting about swiper.js - really stands out from the usual carousel/sliders
  22. Bumping this thread If you cannot add extra input fields and labels to the core Comments Form to expand on it, for example Surname, Country, Month, Year, or any other custom field/label, etc etc then what is the use of having it in this limited way in the core ? Would like to know who is using the core Comments fieldtype in Processwire and in what way, purpose ?
  23. With fbg13's jump start code, now it is easy to add some extra code and formatting and make a working form example out of it. 1) Add <?php namespace ProcessWire; on the top of your template to prevent error Class "Page" not found 2) Add action="./" to the form 3) Add labels and a <textarea> section to the form 4) Change the default named submit button into something custom e.g. Send <?php namespace ProcessWire; if($input->post->submit) { $p = new Page(); $p->of(false); $p->template = "test"; // template_to_save_form $p->parent = $pages->get("/test/"); $p->title = $input->post->name . " - " . date("Y-m-d"); $p->fullname_txt = $input->post->name; $p->message_txa = $input->post->message; $p->save(); } ?> And the form <form action="./" method="post"> <label for="fname">Full name:</label><br> <input type="text" name="name"><br> <label for="message">Message:</label><br> <textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="20"></textarea><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send"> </form> Enter a name, a message and hit the send button a few times and see magically grow the number of child pages holding the entered form data. Now you can further process the form data like showing a success page and emailing the form data.
  24. Things that I came across about creating/editing pages with the api: 1) Set output formatting state off, for page manipulation $page->of(false); 2) First save page in preparation for adding files e.g. an image $p->save(); So allow me to add 1) here to improve the above example code: <?php if($input->post->submit) { $p = new Page(); $p->of(false); $p->template = "template_to_save_form"; $p->parent = $pages->get("/parent-page/"); $p->title = $input->post->name . " - " . date("Y-m-d"); $p->submitted_by = $input->post->name; $p->message = $input->post->message; $p->save(); }
  25. @fbg13 This is exactly what is needed to know when starting to use $page api with a html form Big thanks for posting this.
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