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Everything posted by pwired

  1. You are confusing Processwire beginners. They should know that Processwire automatically renames the selected installation profile to "site" and automatically removes the unused profiles.
  2. This is not a module but a site install profile The instructions are in the README.md file inside the pw-profile-editorial-master.zip ============================================================================================================= This is a complete ProcessWire site profile. It requires ProcessWire version >= 3.0.82. To install it, download a fresh copy of ProcessWire from https://processwire.com/download/ and extract it into your web server folder (either root or a subdirectory, though don't forget to edit your .htaccess after installation in the latter case). Download a zipped copy of this repository https://github.com/BitPoet/pw-profile-editorial/archive/master.zip and extract the site-blog-editorial folder into the ProcessWire installation's root folder. Point your web browser at the url of your installation and follow the wizard. Select "Strongly Typed Travel Blog Template (Responsive)" when prompted to select a profile. ============================================================================================================= Long story short: simply add this blog profile to the other install profiles before you install processwire. when you start to install processwire select this blog profile
  3. How would you make Processwire deal with the eu gpdr ? Have you seen how you must comply ? It will be a huge overhead. Besides that, many people don't like phoning home and will start to have second thoughts about Processwire.
  4. Processwire phones home . . . click here If you agree . . . don't worry . . . no personal data will be collected . . . . . good luck with eu gdpr
  5. Processwire lets you make websites not the way how processwire works, but the way how you work. Processwire has no system restrictions and does not impose any system rules, it gets completely out of the way how you make websites. This is what Processwire sets apart from so many other systems out there and the reason why we love it so much. Frameworks like Uikit are a set of pre-styled and themeable components. If you want to build a design, that stands out, you end up fighting with default styles and undoing things. This in contrary to Processwire. So, why not chose a system that gets out of the way how you make a design that stands out, in the first place ? Yes I know, Uikit is great for working in a team on the accepted format for CSS, but I am sure that there are systems out there that both get out of the design way and are good for working in a team. Think about systems out there with a configurable set of utility CSS classes. Some of them even have the tools to quickly build your own. I rest my case.
  6. Hi Tom, Thanks for picking up my question and answering it first in the light of Processwire, and not Uikit3. This was exactly what I was hoping for someone would be able to do. Very good example of bringing things together in a much more efficient way. Exactly my point and also, such an architecture has the same spirit to pair with Processwire. Thanks for sharing all this.
  7. Hi, AndZyk Thanks for sharing your post and perspective No it's ok. My post was not about Uikit3 it self, but more about why Uikit is going to be used in the new Processwire website. I always loved to experience Processwire as a system that stays as close as possible to the core of things. Take a look at this thread that is going on about designing responsive: Edit: replaced wrong link with the correct one: (sorry Horst) https://processwire.com/talk/topic/19964-building-a-reusable-function-to-generate-responsive-images/ That is much more in the spirit of Processwire instead of using things like Uikit.
  8. Thanks for sharing this. This opens up a better way than the usual sandwich responsive style. Until now I used this css padding-bottom a lot to keep images truly responsive on all devices. .your class { background-image: url(/site/assets/files/1014/background.jpg); background-size: 100%; padding-bottom: x%; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
  9. Yes I know that Gridlex is not a framework, and that the Uikit framework can do 95% more than Gridlex also means that you are talking about uikit.min.css = 243 kB and uikit.min.js = 128 kB with gridlex.min.css only 35 kB. Do you really need that 95% more for every new project, or simply leave it untouched ? Unless of course you are going to recompile Uikit for every new project. How many people are really going to do that and figure out what can be left out and tweak compile Uikit for the next project ? The other way around is much more effective: use only libs needed for your project the same way you use your own snippets. Besides that, I noticed that every new project you do with Uikit (bootstrap and the others the same) starts to look the same like your other projects you did before. Problem is you are using same styles as so many other web sites out there made with Uikit. Not a good thing for brand awareness. Maybe I can make my point more clear with this article: https://dev.to/bitersen/case-against-premade-css-frameworks--3jn
  10. Great to hear about the rebuilding plans. Will there be a place on the new site for a vertical news ticker ? Something like a vertical ticker that shows: latest post by . . . . . . . I know that the Uikit 3 framework is favorite for some reason, but why exactly ? Is it because it is a bit less bloat than Bootstrap ? When I look at the number of uikit3 classes that has to be written on a single line to get something accomplished, you need just as many and they look just as cryptic as the Bootstrap classes. Take a look at the Gridlex framework: it is so lightly without the need for writing x, y, z classes on a single line , and yet it is so complete. If someone can lighten me up what Uikit3 can do what Gridlex cannot do, that is of course for 90% of what is most of the time needed. Is the complete Uikit3 going to be used, or a compiled down version ?
  11. I am glad that I found this thread. BitPoet´s examples of how to use a page for css is working really great. It let´s me change specific css attributes on the fly on any template file. Also another great example of Processwire's flexibility with "everything is a page".
  12. Hi, I wouldn't include all the themes, I think 135 kB is already too much to add to the TracyDebugger. Like I said it was only a case of changing a few color combinations to take away the harsh look of it for someone's set of eyes. Tweaking the theme-tomorrow_night.js was all I needed and I am happy with it. (maybe a hint where I can change the font-size ?) I agree, I would leave out showing comments about code documentation. A 2 Mb payload is way too much and besides I don`t see it will add effectively to the coding learn process. I guess it will only be consulted for some details. I reckon that effective resources for a coding learn process will always be snippets, the forum, http://processwire.com/docs/----- and http://php.net/manual/en/------ Remember that some time ago there was a discussion in the forum what strategy is being used for keeping an online website in sync with your local laptop copy ? All kinds of strategies were discussed and one of them is editing the online website parallel with the local copy on your laptop. So when something is edited in the local copy, all that is needed is to copy and paste your edits into the editor of TracyDebugger. I think that is still one of the fastest ways of keeping a website in sync.
  13. 240 images are too many to show on a single webpage and can choke the browser and eat away too many resources. Try 40 or 60 images per webpage and use pagination.
  14. I played around with the parameters I found inside the theme-tomorrow_night.js file. I managed to change the background color, string color and operator color. .ace-tomorrow-night {background-color: #DCDCDC;color: #C5C8C6} .ace_keyword.ace_operator {color: #000000} .ace-tomorrow-night .ace_string {color: #66CD00} This is definitely a bloat free solution. I am already happy so far. I guess I will find the rest also.
  15. I think Kongondo has a point there. To prevent bloat creeping in, maybe it would be an idea to leave it up to the user which theme to get inside the ace-editor folder ? In the ace-editor folder I noticed the file: theme-tomorrow_night.js Just the possibility to let users change this file manually into another one e.g. theme-iplastic.js, and also manually edit font size, maybe that would be a bloat free solution ?
  16. The TracyDebugger editor can sticky float anywhere and has a full screen toggle which makes it very practical, so I guess more people are going to pick it up. Would be nice to have a few themes because everybody experiences different colors as hard colors for the eyes to work with. Is it difficult to port an Ace theme to TracyDebugger ? Maybe I can help with something ?
  17. Hi, I have been fiddling around in the ace-editor folder inside the TracyDebugger module folder to find a way to change the theme and font size, but without success. In the kitchen-sink, for the TracyDebugger editor, how can I change the theme-tomorrow_night into IPlastic with font-size 17 ?
  18. The question raises for who ? For the developer ? For the website owner/administrator ? For both ? As a website developer you only need to dump the automatic <p> tag generation and add some extra tags and attributes in the body field like div, span, id, and bring them under your external style sheet. With that you have your CKEditor body field text full style controlled. I have never met a website owner/admin/end-user who needed more than font-size, color, background-color and inserting images. Therefore I think it would be even better to use a stripped down version of the CKEditor. It would make the use of CKEditor in Processwire also more safe.
  19. I agree with Bernhard there. The editor should focus on basic and speed. I think that is what is most loved when editing code. I noticed that this editor has much lesser lag compared to other editors I use who update edited code through ftp. I like the update speed of this editor when you click on save. I also like that it shows hidden formats like empty space and new line to spot any other format that might got in when copying and pasting code from your own snippets. The Increase: CTRL + works very nice to increase editors font size. Also like it a lot that the editors window can sticky float anywhere in the backend window. I saw it in action when I was editing some css. I even noticed a little red box with a white cross that indicates typos made when editing. That is just great. I have been looking a bit for the css where I could change the background of the editor. I assume it is inside the style.css in the module folder. Would also like to style <?php and ?> in blue and bold.
  20. Hi Pixrael, Thanks for stepping in on this. We´ll, with this line $counter = $homepage->homepagehits; on both the _init.php and home.php I now already have the value of $counter globally available. No need to query for it anymore. Great way for storing values also for other cases and make them globally available. Not sure how $config-> homepagehits could be more efficient.
  21. Just tried it, and yes I can confirm, it is working. Like Kongondo suggested, I have now put this line $counter = $homepage->homepagehits; on both the _init.php prepend file and on the home.php template file Now <php echo $counter ?> shows the correct value on all the other pages as well. I can use this way of storing values for other cases as well. Thanks
  22. Thanks for your tips. I have $homepage already defined in the _init.php. Never thought it would work to put the value of $counter there too. I will try and see if it works.
  23. Hi, I have a simple counter on my home page template file, home.php, that simply counts how many times the home web page is loaded. $page->homepagehits += 1; $page->of(false); $page->save('homepagehits'); $page->of(true); If I want to echo the value of this counter not only on the home page but on other pages as well, I know that I can simply do it like this: On the template file of the other page I put this: $homepage = $pages->get('/'); $counter = $homepage->homepagehits; and then on this other page I simpy do <?php echo $counter ?> Besides doing it this way, my question is, is there another way to make the value of $counter globally available on all other pages ? Maybe with an $Data array or something ?
  24. Spot on. You made me aware of it that, that was my motivation to write the post I did. So in the end, yes, politics. Sorry for that.
  25. Hi szabesz, Reading your post only shows your interpretation of rule 4, borrowed from "New Oxford American Dictionary, politics:" rule 4 is open to other interpretations as well. Suggestion: Pete could edit rule 4 to prevent it from being open to interpretations.
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