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  1. I think there's the problem which we're talking about. Not every developer is in a position to choose a CMS, just by providing a prove / examples of it's advantages to the client. Some companies want to make their own decision, no matter what the developer has to offer. So it can't hurt to offer information for such people, just so they see, that processwire can easily be as good as some of the big ones (typo3 and so on). If there is no information stating: "This can be used for big enterprise sites", they just move another cms, which tells them to be the right and big business-cms. This doesn't have to be a big marketing campain, but one simple microsite, or a part of the already existing page should be enough. The already existing "What's unique?" and "Why ProcessWire?" seem to be very much catered to be read by developers or quite techsavvy people. A marketing member doesn't care about jquery-like api, but if it's easy to maintain for them, if it's extendable, maybe if it's "enterprice", because it has to work for "such a big" company. Honestly I think some even just want to read that everything is possible, because a friend once told them a bad story where something just couldn't be done by the developer. So they want to be in control. With one page, catered to their need in information in a well-written form, they can evaluate ProcessWire against other CMSes, if a developer aims for ProcessWire. If they need to search the page for the tiny bits of information they need, between the developer talk, they do harder to compare or even stop trying. That's what I think is missing on the current website. Nothing more.
    5 points
  2. CKEditor image styles in Processwire are set via a CSS class for frontent: class="align_center" class="align_left" class="align_right" so you have to setup some styles into your template CSS to fit your needs like for eg.: .align_left {float:left;margin: 5px;} .align_right{float:right;margin: 5px;} .align_center{margin: 0px auto; display:block;} Best regards mr-fan
    5 points
  3. Funny thing, I usually associate “Enterprise CMS” with something expensive and closed-source that consists of a weird combination of Java, Perl, XSLT and other outdated technologies which should not be used to build modern web sites or apps any longer. As for “Business CMS”, that's a term that I (just my 2 cents) find rather confusing. A lot of us make a living building more or less complex web sites and apps using ProcessWire. Judging from the Showcase forum, a lot of those web sites are for businesses. Besides, what would be a “non-business” CMS? Something for hobbyists? (Did I just hear someone say “Joomla”? ) In all seriousness, I don't think it's necessary to market PW for Enterprise/Business use. It (currently) is a CMS for developers. Devlopers who make/made an educated, informed decision to use this particular CMS. Developers who will (individually) market this wonderful CMS to their clients. I really liked the way Marc put it in the original thread – focus on building a smart, yet simple CMS that developers like. The rest will follow organically. No need to hurry it.
    5 points
  4. Hey Folks, I created a module that adds a publish_date field to every page. It basically is an extended version of the code the community came up with in this thread: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2448-show-date-published-on-a-page It's available on GitHub: https://github.com/kaesetoast/processwire-publish-date Let me know what you think of it
    4 points
  5. new german updates for actual PW dev 2.4.10 (04 August 2014). Zip contains only updated/added files (in comparison to the default 2.4 lang pack). updated files: wire--modules--process--processpageadd--processpageadd-module.json added files: wire--modules--languagesupport--languagetabs-module.json pw-lang-de-dev-update.zip
    4 points
  6. okay found a way myself : foreach(wire('templates') as $template){ $field->addOption($template->name, $template->name); } hint: i found it in AdminThemeDefualtHelpers.php if anyone needs this feel free to copy public static function getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data){ $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); //--Parent Template $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldSelect'); $field->attr('name', 'parent_template'); $field->label = __('Parent Template'); foreach(wire('templates') as $template){ $field->addOption($template->name, $template->name); } $field->attr('value', isset($data['parent_template']) ? $data['parent_template'] : ''); $inputfields->add($field); //--Child Template $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldSelect'); $field->attr('name', 'child_template'); $field->label = __('Child Template'); foreach(wire('templates') as $template){ $field->addOption('$template->name', $template->name); } $field->attr('value', isset($data['child_template']) ? $data['child_template'] : ''); $inputfields->add($field); //--Child Name $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText'); $field->attr('name', 'child_name'); $field->label = __('Child Name'); $field->attr('value', isset($data['child_name']) ? $data['child_name'] : ''); $inputfields->add($field); //--Children to Create $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldInteger'); $field->attr('name', 'child_number'); $field->label = __('Childs to Create'); $field->attr('value', isset($data['child_number']) ? $data['child_number'] : ''); $inputfields->add($field); return $inputfields; }
    4 points
  7. In the famous "30 minutes" thread MadeMyDay somehow made a point by putting ProcessWire into context with TYPO3. Recently, I got an inquery for a multilingual website for a speaker agency. A customer looking for an Open Source solution. These speakers had meta data attached (topics, languages, speaking areas, gender) and this database would be the most essential part of the website. Also, a password protected area was needed where speakers could supply materials such as slides to an exclusive user group. Sounded like the perfect job for ProcessWire, unfortunately, after a while of internal consulting and decision-making, the customer chose TYPO3 instead. PW was totally new for them, they admitted to be fascinated by it, but went with the system they knew in the end. That, and Marc's above mentioned comment made me think. ProcessWire does a good job catering developers but still has room for improvement, in my opinion. Throughout the 30 Minutes / WP Tavern article I often read, "once the developers are on board, the rest will follow". I'm not so sure. It would not hurt to emphasize PW's abilities to serve as a business/enterprise CMS right now. Take the benefit teaser on typo3.org for example, a perfect intro. It states: Open Source Enterprise CMS Scalable Web Application Framework Large, active global community User friendly with unlimited extendability Integrated Development and Editing Workflows I guess most of these advantages do fit to ProcessWire as well or, in the case of continuous integration, are on the doorstep (at least that's how I read "Integrated Development"). And PW's community may not be large yet, but is damn active. Apart from that, the home page is full of, hm, let's say: trigger words that work on some business business owners: "enterprise", "professional", "web solutions" and "certificates". I'm not proposing to copy all this. But I have an idea: Since both TYPO3 and ProcessWire are relatively big here in Germany (each on their own scale) one could emphasize the "also a perfect business CMS" aspect on http://de.processwire.com. I guess this won't hurt "the brand" at all, but, possibly, create some insights on if and how such a communication strategy could work. /edit: These automated capitalized words in the thread title are really annoying :-/
    3 points
  8. This should help: $events = $pages->find("template=sectionItem, parent=1025|1066|1073|1069|1013|1247|1101, sort=startTime, start=10, limit=3"); $events_array = array(); foreach ($events as $event) { $start = "".date(strtotime($event->startTime)).""; $title = $event->title; $events_array[] = array( 'title' => $title, 'date' => $start ); } $events_json = json_encode($events_array, true); echo $events_json; The reason is because before, you are simply json_encoding one PHP array at a time into a native javascript object. This way, you are creating the eventual array of objects - first in PHP, and then asking json_encode to work on the whole collection of items.
    3 points
  9. Will single pw members get special vip access to your dating site ?
    3 points
  10. Maybe this module might help as a start. Login History
    3 points
  11. The word "Enterprise" gets used, abused and misused widely, and it is no help to anyone. To many developers/coders out there, Enterprise means it can scale up happily. But to the business community, Enterprise means it has a support structure in place that is able to relate to the large organisation, that it has a stable, long term support version and so on. I think if you release a business/enterprise version of anything, you must be in a position to speak to non-technical, business decision makers and be able to answer their needs I know from a cousin who is a decision maker in a large public company, that when they go for the Enterprise version of anything, it is not that they expect more bells and whistles than the community version, but they expect to be treated very differently. PW is not currently in the position to do that, unless someone can work out how to clone Ryan for free.
    3 points
  12. Hi, Something to share. I always wondered how those cool sites made it work with 2 different background pictures, one on the left and a second one on the right side of their webshop. It´s a cool way to show new products, slogans, or eyecatchers. I found this code working for me: background-image: url(../image/bg_left.jpg), url(../image/bg_right.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left top, right top; background-attachment: fixed; I found all the good code here where you can even see more examples to use more than 2 pictures on different background positions: http://www.css3.info/preview/multiple-backgrounds/ Have fun.
    3 points
  13. Also necessary, browser support for this: http://caniuse.com/#feat=multibackgrounds
    3 points
  14. Just thinking: Maybe you could even go further and create more then just the business microsite but something like "ProcessWire (features) for Developers", "ProcessWire (features) for Users", "ProcessWire (features) for Business" from which each is a microsite just highlighting the advantages.
    3 points
  15. This sounds like a very easy thing to implement using the PW API. Do you want to log all the pages the logged in user visits, or just monitor one particular page? You could certainly make use of Profields table to create a user visit log. In fact I use it already for a similar purpose. Hopefully this will get you going. This assumes you have a page called visits and a Table field called visit_log with table sub-fields called date, user_id, and page_id $visits = wire('pages')->get("/visits/"); $visits->of(false); $visit = $visits->visit_log->makeBlankItem(); $visit->date = date("Y-m-d"); $visit->user_id = $user->id; $visit->page_id = $page->id; $visits->visit_log->add($visit); $visits->save("visit_log"); PS You might want to make this Table field not editable (locked), or maybe even hidden from the editor as it will likely become extremely long and might have issues when displayed in the PW admin. Something else to think about - you could add this field to a site-wide "visits" page like in my example, or have it attached to every page of interest on the site and then you wouldn't need the page_id subfield.
    2 points
  16. You could also change $u back to $user at the end of all that code above // present the login form and simply move the first line in your code to just after the closing of the if statement since you don't seem bothered about checking the role on line 1 if they're already logged in? But I think adrian has identified the problem: $u != $user
    2 points
  17. You could alternatively set up a template file for this (just the file, not in the admin) and pass variables to it like this: $t = new TemplateFile($config->paths->templates . "your-template.php"); $t->forename = "Bob"; $t->surname = "Bobness"; $mailbody = $t->render(); and that gives you a simple way to parse data from your page into a separate template file and send it via email. Essentially, $forename and $surname can then be used in that template file (or $this->forename and $this->surname if you're adding this code in a module and not in a template file). In the dev branch there is also an email class called WireMail, so for the sake of completeness, if you wanted to use the dev branch you could do something like this: $mail = wireMail(); $mail->to($customeremail)->from('sales@yoursote.com'); $mail->subject("Thank you for your order"); $t = new TemplateFile($config->paths->templates . "your-template.php"); $t->forename = "Bob"; $t->surname = "Bobness"; $mail->bodyHTML($t->render()); $mail->send();
    2 points
  18. Manfred, any interest updating the Finnish language pack also?
    2 points
  19. How about if they are called Emma and Tim, it still works?
    2 points
  20. So possibly "Enterprise CMS" is the wrong choice of words, since this term obviously has the notion of closed source Java monster or platinum 24/7 support. But that possible communicational opening towards decision makers (sub-large-public-company!) as well as developers, as mentioned by LostKobrakai, that's exactly what I meant. "How can PW help empowering my business website" vs. "Look no further - this CMS is able to even clean your company cars, daily!"
    2 points
  21. If you want to use max 3 backgrounds, maybe better to use pseudo elelemts :before & after... Those have support for IE8 and up. (but don't do fancy stuff with z-index, as IE8 won't respect those)
    2 points
  22. mr-fan, you forgot the .align_center .align_center { margin: 0 auto; display: block; }
    2 points
  23. I think anything that sees PW being marketed as Enterprise needs ryan's input as there have been discussions around enterprise support etc in the past and the last thing any of us want is to market it as enterprise without the infrastructure to back that up (for example if I was an enterprise customer seeing PW marketed as such, I'd go straight to the PW website to see if there was any official support from the core team in case things went wrong with the dev doing the work - it's only sensible to be cautious with large sums of money). I know marketing it as suitable for enterprise work and official support are two different things, and it's fine to discuss how to market it as such, I'm just saying that it's not as simple as putting up a page or mini-site.
    2 points
  24. In case anyone is interested in trying out some of the things I was talking about in previous posts here, the latest dev branch has a field import/export function. You'll see it in the lower right corner of Setup > Fields. It enables you to copy and paste any fields across any PW installations. Locally, I also have this working for templates (with fieldgroups), though that part needs a little more work so it's not yet committed. I also have fields, templates and fieldgroups mirroring every change to JSON files, as an option that can be enabled for those that want to version these things with Git and what not. That part also isn't yet committed to dev, but will be soon. However, I figured the copy/paste function probably had the largest use potential. It makes migrating field changes (or creation of new fields) quite a simple task. Next up on the commits will be the same thing for templates (with fieldgroups). (note I didn't take these screenshots together, so they aren't referencing the same fields).
    2 points
  25. Hi forum, I got a new one online last week: www.ecotec.de A fully responsive website for a German consulting firm specialized in cost-cutting strategies for industries with high energy consumption. Again based on my - evolved - Unsemantic Site Profile which allows for responsive sites compatible down to IE7. The site incorporates a former stand-alone WP blog which has been integrated into the new site. For this I used the new Migrator and Wordpess Migrator modules and got grandiose personal support from adrian and nico. Thank you guys, you were extremely helpful and patient. Other modules used: Admin Save Actions AIOM+ Email Obfuscator Markup Simple Navigation and Superfish flyout navigation (not a PW module) However, though I learned a lot from this project and improved my coding skills, I didn't fall in love with the site. In particular I'm unhappy with the purple/gray color scheme. Originally the project scope included a - soft - redesign of the brand appearance. But while the process was ongoing, my client somehow realized that he was still in love with his logo, his Futura font (buh!) and his purple primary color (buh, buh!). We had some very tough discussions about this in the middle of the project, but what can you do? At the end, here we are: in a purple dream. I hope I made the best out of it. One last thing (no, not what you think): The front page doesn't validate. The validator claims open elements in the blog posts section of the front page. For heaven's sake, I can't find an error in my code. So, if someone finds out why, please let me know. Cheers
    1 point
  26. Thank you both. I'm still fair new to the api I sometimes take the examples I see 'literally'.
    1 point
  27. Hi davo, Do you want $user->hasRole or $u->hasRole ? It looks like you are redirecting to the agent-portal page if the user is logged in already and the hasRole check is for the user you are logging in via the posted username and password, which is for $u
    1 point
  28. A page field can store unlimited pages, so All your friends Obviously all it does is store pages and not their status, but you could store them in another page field called "friend request" or something first, then move them to the friend field after.
    1 point
  29. I think 4 or 5 should be pretty simple to implement. It's fair to say there's no plug-and-play way of making this happening but then that isn't really what PW is about. You will be surprised the first time you build something like this yourself from scratch will be a big "Aha!" moment. It was for me and I think for many others too. It's almost always simpler than you think, and it has the advantage of being exactly how you want it. You could for instance create a "messages" and "message" template, each new "message" would have a sender and recipient (both "page" fields), perhaps also a send time. When someone fills in a message, it uses the $user variable for the sender. Essentially each new message could be a new page.
    1 point
  30. You are using ProcessWire 2.4.0 (probably the master version) and you need the latest dev version (2.4.7+ or something). If you don't want to use a dev (which is not a stable version) you'll have to wait until 2.5 is released. You can easily switch branches with git on the command line: git checkout dev Or download the dev version and replace the /wire/, index.php and htaccess.txt -> .htaccess files.
    1 point
  31. I didn't even know you could do this. Since I mostly seem to shop on or visit sites that are fixed width I thought they were just using one large background image and a transparent gif over the top to make the clickable so this is all pretty interesting
    1 point
  32. You can build your custom admin pages very easily with Process Module and attach required permission to it. Only users with role where this permission is enabled (along with superusers) will see the admin page. Here's Ryans example to get you started: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-hello/
    1 point
  33. On the 2.4 dev branch: 1. Edit template 2. Go to family tab 3. Choose single (1) template as Allowed template(s) for children 4. New section becomes visibly on the same Family tab, called "Name format for children" No modules needed.
    1 point
  34. Yes, you could set the preferred class names here: /processwire/module/edit?name=ProcessPageEditImageSelect
    1 point
  35. some smaller solution: http://www.innovativephp.com/how-to-get-the-last-visited-page-url-in-php/ best regards mr-fan
    1 point
  36. Just as an idea - couldn't this field be called "published" just to match "created" ? Or is "published" a reserved word?
    1 point
  37. Yes I have the same Issue running the lastest dev branch. My vagrant box was running apache as www-data (Ubuntu trusty 32) so I changed to the current user (vagrant in my case) in this file sudo nano /etc/apache2/envvars changed these two lines from this export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data to this export APACHE_RUN_USER=vagrant export APACHE_RUN_USER=vagrant then reloaded apache config with sudo service apache2 restart and I could log in
    1 point
  38. I want to like this post multiple times but the forum software doesn't allow me to do that. So: Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Honestly: It's comparing apples to oranges. PW is strong. It is the most intuitive, the best designed (in terms of API and UI) CMS out there with the smallest footprint possible. I recently used again the multi language support. I mean, look at the API. Look at the solution for a problem each CMS has. It is just beautiful. You have several ways to solve that problem (as always with PW). But it is there, written in the core, well documented on one(!) API page, because it just works intuitively, it is just simple. Every addition to the core is an addition which solves general problems and the way Ryan solves them is just genius. There is no addition you have to scratch your head when reading the new API. You always think: "wow, clever". And this is the way to go with the core. Make it simple, make it smart, make it beautiful! Regarding themes, profiles and such: It is already possible. It is out there. Provide a custom profile for a real estate agent: Give him a set of modules, fields and templates to handle his offers. This is no problem! This is even easier and more flexible than it ever will be in WordPress, because it goes way beyond a custom theme and can be installed with one click. But: Nobody will care at the moment, because ProcessWire has no own category in theme/template websites, because ProcessWire has not the attention of other plug&play systems. And this is totally okay! Think of TYPO3, a widely spread system, mostly used in enterprise environments and even on small sites (dunno why), but the point is: Everyone (at least in Europe) knows it, it is one of the most used systems in the business sector (not on private children soccer club websites). But: this is the goal! Be the system developers use. Don't be the system every idiot wants to use. Concentrate on performance, flexibility and most of all: beauty of the API! The rest will follow.
    1 point
  39. Wow! Thanks for the links and your post! Always try to learn. Kind Regards mr-fan
    1 point
  40. @LostKobrakai: You are right, but only to, maybe 80 - 90%. I also can understand pwired a bit. Just imagine the client from your example chooses PW one day because it supports 1-click theme-switching for those who are willing to use it. Additionally to that he can import a whole WP-blogsite content by using the WP-migrator with only clicking two or three buttons. What do you think does this do to him if he later on want to extend his site with a cool shopping cart, a newsletter system and some other shiny things he has read from here? I bet he think that this can be done with just clicking some buttons, because he has changed to PW because he has heard this is better than XY before. Also his first steps really only needed some simple clicks. So why should he think that this cannot be done that easy? Also the community is so friendly and helpful. - If he has only little or no HTML/CSS skills and no PHP/JS skills, (and maybe he also has no interest in learning this), I only can say: good luck and a lot of patience with such new users. So, it will be different with those who are able and willing to understand the differences of application modules. We should do it in a relaxed manner. One of the best goods here (besides PW itself) is the helpful and kind community. And it takes time to "assimilate" new users from that spectrum. Also I think it only could be a small amount at a time. - The worst case would be if they try to assimilate us
    1 point
  41. I won't tell to much but I'm currently working on a theme module anyway. Website is already kind of ready: http://processthemes.com/ But I think we all should agree on at least one thing: ProcessWire should never integrate a real theme engine in it's core. never.
    1 point
  42. I strongly agree with apeisa here and, to be honest, I really don't understand this discussion about WP and PW. How could one compare this two systems? Imho PW targets a completely different group of users. Trying to move significant market share from WP to PW would mean to give up what makes PW unique. PW is a high precision instrument meant for experienced surgeons while WP is part of the medicine chest found in an average household. The have very few in common. I'm glad that it is like this and that PW can't be evaluated in 30 minutes (wait: it can. If you are experienced with web development you will discover its potential within 30 minutes while it takes some time to understand how to make use of it).
    1 point
  43. We can take criticism here, it's always helpful. It's true that 30 minutes really isn't enough to understand or evaluate ProcessWire, but I do like hearing the 30 minute perspective because I can see that is something we need to work on. While I think our audience is currently a bit different than WordPress, WP is the largest CMS platform by far and so we always have to pay attention as to how we're perceived by the WordPress community. I would like that perception to be one where people that enjoy WordPress would consider ProcessWire when they have needs to develop something beyond what WordPress specializes in. Not that WordPress couldn't handle it (it's powering some quite large and comprehensive sites) but that ProcessWire can accommodate more custom, complex and larger sites quite a bit more easily and efficiently, at least once you know ProcessWire. WP and PW are both useful tools for any developer to keep in their pocket. While you can develop quite a nice blog in PW, you may save yourself time to do it in WP. Likewise, you can develop quite large and complex sites in WP, but you would save your save quite a bit of time to do it in PW instead. That's an oversimplification of differences, but just saying that these tools aren't mutually exclusive. We're both on the LAMP and GNU teams too. As a side note, ProcessWire is here in part because of WordPress, or at least the founder. I didn't even know about WordPress at the time (beyond hearing it was something like Moveable Type), but was really inspired by Matt Mullenweg's speech at SXSW (I think it was 2006, it's been a few years), and that led me into open source. The way he spoke about open source struck a chord. We exchanged a couple of emails afterwards and I thanked him and told him I was going to develop ProcessWire as an open source project because his speech was such an inspiration. Prior to that it had been in development, but as a closed source project. It took more than 4 years and 2-rewrites before it was released, but that's where PW started as an open source project.
    1 point
  44. Hi Jeff The first thing is about the young bit. Ryan first developed PW as a commercial system quite some years ago (he can give you the history if you are interested). He then made it open source in more recent years. Consequently, the core of ProcessWire (the Wire bit, if you like) is very stable and very developed. However, quite a few of the users on this forum are very experienced developers and coders, and this has helped speed up the development. I should point out, though, that this has not been at a break neck speed; Ryan is very much in control here and development is carefully undertaken. There are many differences between systems like PW and others like WP. The main difference between PW and WP is about the design philosophy. ProcessWire does not have any templating engine or system, it simply has a templates directory where you do most of your playing. The default install does have files in there, but to be honest, you could chuck most of them away (with the exception of admin.php) if you wanted to. Most of us do. So, if I want to design a site using, for instance, the Bootstrap CSS Framework, I simply shove it into the Templates directory as I would if it were going to be a static site. I can now create my file structure as I would normally. Perhaps a header and footer file, for instance. Maybe call these into a main template that I am using for a bunch of pages as I would do any other PHP structured website by using includes. Once I have done that, I just need to add the PW API to retrieve the information. Okay, so there is a little more to it than that, but the point is that anyone who has used Bootstrap would look at the templates and recognise just about everything that is going on there. That is incredibly powerful - it makes it accessible to many different levels of designers and developers very quickly. And that is important too - to a greater extent these are people trying to make a living; they need a system that works for them and does not force them down a particular route. More structured CMSs like WordPress need you to work in their way with their methods. That is great if that is what you want, but if you need to break out of that, you either have to get very imaginative or hope someone has done "a plugin for that." There is no doubt that you can get a fully featured WP site up faster than a PW site - but the PW site will be a lot more specific and tailored to the brief, and for most of us, that is far more important.
    1 point
  45. I think this approach is reasonable: if(wire('user')->roles->has("name=".implode("|",$this->data['allowedRoles']))) { I think a little cleaner than array_intersect in this situation.
    1 point
  46. Finally was able to solve my issue. It was related to user/permissions on my vagrant box. apache was running as the wrong user. After changing that I can now login
    1 point
  47. Just wanted to mention that neither of these are necessary. The CKEditor module already handles both of these settings. The enterMode is already hard-coded for ENTER_P. And you can disable ACF (i.e. allowedContent=true) by unchecking the "Use ACF" box in the field settings, which applies this.
    1 point
  48. Järjestelmä - System Epäjärjestelmä - Unsystem Epäjärjestelmällisyys - Unsystematicality Epäjärjestelmällisyydellinen - Something that is seen as unsystematicality Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttää - To make something/-one be seen as unsystematicality Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämätön - One that hasn't made something be seen as unsystematicality / Something that hasn't been made be seen as unsystematicality Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyys - The act of not having made something be seen as unsystematicality Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyydellä - With the act of not having made something be seen as unsystematicality Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyydellänsä - With his/her act of not having made something be seen as unsystematicality. Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyydellänsäkään - Not even with his act of not having made something be seen as unsystematicality. Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänkö - Is it not even with his act of not having made something be seen as unsystematicality. Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän - I wonder if it's not with his act of not having made something be seen as unsystematicality. source: http://www.finlandforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9172
    1 point
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