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Module: AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML

David Karich

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  On 2/26/2015 at 6:08 PM, Rajesh Khanna said:

                   I have used AIOM on all website which have been developed by us on processwire. Recently one of our site started to throw error and it was working fine tilll few days ago.Error is

                  " Error:     Exception: The combined js file can not be written. Check if the script has sufficient permissions ".

                   We tried allowing the module  permission with 777 and also changed the permission in the config file and have failed.AIOM is able to create file but is not able to write anything in that file.

                   We are using AIOM version 3.2.1 on Processwire 2.5.3.



Had a strange and horrific experience on Thursday when a site i was working on suddenly could no longer create the new cache files...;

i made a change to 1 line of a CSS file on the live site, and then that's when things went sideways.

The CSS minify script started to fail and causing PHP timeouts, and then this took the whole site down, every page, and the admin. 

this is the error:

2015-05-09 18:49:28    guest    **site-name**    Error:     Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded (line 87 of /home/public_html/site/modules/AllInOneMinify/lib/cssmin.php)

How I fixed it (for the moment):

1.) uninstall AIOM+

2.) Replace with new copy

3.) Re-install it, and set on dev mode, no HTML minify.

this thankfully fixed the issue, but all in all the site was down for quite a while during this, and it made me realize that this part of the chain in my websites is a weak link, especially if it can fail, in that the site cannot run without the css and js files.

Typically I would always have $minifyCSS and $minifyJS vars in my _init.php which in this case i could have simply set to false and then no problem, i could have gone and fixed the AIOM+ issue while the site ran.

But for this site I hadn't set that up yet and also I am using conditional loading and hadn't worked out the script to load the individual assets if one of those vars is false.

After looking a bit at the module, i came up with this solution for disabling AIOM+ based on a boolean var in your init:

if($minifyJS == true) {
	echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . AIOM::JS($jsfiles) . '"></script>';
} else { 	
} // END IF

this is the function (may not be 100% perfect, still testing, but works ok so far):

// use this to echo the assets in the AOIM+ array
function listAssets($asset_files) {

	$templates		= wire('config')->urls->templates;
        $current_page   = wire('page');
	// testing
	//$current_page	= wire('pages')->get(1023);
        foreach ($asset_files as $asset_file) {

            if ( is_array($asset_file) AND isset($asset_file['loadOn']) AND isset($asset_file['files']) ) {

				$selector = $asset_file['loadOn'];
				if(!$current_page->is($selector)) continue;

                if(is_array($asset_file['files'])) {
                    foreach ($asset_file['files'] as $_asset_file) {
                            echo "<script src='{$templates}{$_asset_file}'></script>\n";

                    } else {
                        echo "<script src='{$templates}{$asset_file}'></script>\n";

            } else {
                echo "<script src='{$templates}{$asset_file}'></script>\n";


In summary, i think that maybe there should be an emergency shut off in AIOM+, because without the method described above, how would you keep a site online say if AIOM+ was just totally failing?

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In summary, i think that maybe there should be an emergency shut off in AIOM+, because without the method described above, how would you keep a site online say if AIOM+ was just totally failing?

Yes, I have also experienced a few weeks back exactly the same as you describe here, and resolved it essentially the same way. As with you I had unwanted downtime while I sorted the issue. As a result I've also implemented a system similar to yours, which makes me think others are probably doing the same also. If this is something that is being repeated on multiple sites then ideally it should become part of the AIOM module.

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yes, it seems undeniable that AIOM+, which is otherwise a godsend plugin, has the possible side effect of tanking an entire website, front and backend, without warning. The cause is probably some change in the permissions, or who knows what; in my case the css minify was timing out in php, but had worked fine for a year before that.

The module would seem to leave no recourse in the event that it fails and the developer has not taken steps as described above and in use by @muzzer and myself to provide an alternate way of outputting the assets.

I think the module should come with instructions and warnings about these possible consequences, and that function i posted or one that does the same thing, should be part of the module so that if the user sets emergency shut off, it just lists the files in the arrays that have been passed into the class as single assets...

it would also make sense for there to be a simple api for the module in the event that a site has tanked, to enable emergency shutoff; the api could also possibly allow for cache clearing, enable/disable dev mode and enable/disable html minify (this could also allow one to minify html or not on a per template basis, per horst's request..)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I think I fixed the Maximum Execution Time Error by fixing an unclosed comment tag within a CSS file.

At least on my local machine it's working, should work live, too but haven't tested it yet..

And I ran into an issue with JS minification "Error JSMin: unterminated byte.."

Fixed it by renaming already minified files to NAME.min.js, seems to work for now :)

Why isn't AIOM clearing cached files when creating new once, like replacing them. I had quite a long expiration time and had sometimes over 80 cached files in cache..?

Maybe my fault^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the domain sharding option of AIOM. I even grab this setting in my templates to deliver all images from a cookiless domain (usually in combination with minimize.pw). It looks something like this:

// cache cookieless domain for static content as set in AllInOneMinify configuration
$my_static_domain_setting_source = wire('modules')->getModuleConfigData('AllInOneMinify');
$my_static_domain = $my_static_domain_setting_source['domain_sharding'];

// use static domain in the template like this
echo '<img src="' . $my_static_domain . $page->image->minimize()->url . '" />';

While this works, it’s a bit laborious.

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to add an additional checkbox in the module’s settings to set an option “deliver all images from cookiless domain”?

Hooking into the page rendering process and replacing every relative image source (= not starting with "http") or image source starting with “http://” and the site’s default domain as set in config.php should do the trick – if I’m not too naive.

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Hi there,

I've just copied a new site from development to a server and when I tried to run from the server, there was no styling or javascript. After doing some digging about, I noticed that the AllInOneMinify .css and .js files were both empty (zero file length).

All is fine on the local machine. Any idea what might be causing this?

The module seems to be running OK because if you delete the files, it recreates them when you try and load the site. It's just that they are empty?

Any suggestions much appreciated! :)

Many thanks.

Edited by LostKobrakai
Moved to AIOM support topic
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hy there,

Great Module! I use "AIOM" in conjunction with "Template Engine Factory". The HTML minify function ist not working, if i have both modules installed. Maybe it it because the minify process is hooked to Page::render and not to Templatefile::render?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Thank you for this module!

I have a string "../modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet/leaflet.css" in my styles array.

But AIOM cannot read it. I get

Warning: file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty

But it should be the correct relative path to leaflet.css seen from site/templates/_main.php.

I don't understand why it is not working. Passing in "css/styles.css" is working fine.

I read Soma's post and agree that it should be possible to pass in files from outside /templates. I already tried his proposed fix in conjunction with passing in "/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet/leaflet.css" but that didn't work either for me.

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  On 11/16/2015 at 3:23 PM, Can said:

I guess you enabled "directory traversal" in AIOMs module settings?

Thank you for the hint. I had not enabled that option. After enabling it, all is fine now. Should have looked at the module settings more carefully  :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  On 2/8/2016 at 12:31 PM, arjen said:

Hi Tom.,

Could you specify what kind of security issue there is?

Here is the security issue - https://github.com/conclurer/ProcessWire-AIOM-All-In-One-Minify/issues/44

  On 2/8/2016 at 12:02 PM, kongondo said:

@Tom...404 returned at the link you've provided

How strange, I get a 404 when clicking the link, however if I focus the URL bar and press enter it works. Here is a link to the pull request - https://github.com/conclurer/ProcessWire-AIOM-All-In-One-Minify/pull/53

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I couldn't get the AIOM Module running and received error warnings. Now I came across the warning on the Modules page about not using it until the problems are solved.

So I tried to uninstall the module, but with no success. I got this error:


The cache folder (/home/httpd/vhosts/…/dev/site/assets/aiom/) and files could not be removed.

So I cannot uninstall the module.

Is there a way to uninstall it manually?

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File could not be removed or module could not be removed? If file, then just delete it manually. If module, then you can remove it via phpMyAdmin or similar. Find the table called 'modules' in your ProcessWire database, then find the row with this module's class name, i.e .AllInOneMinify  (check in the column class) and delete that row. You might want to first backup your db just in case :-)

Edited by kongondo
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The module could not be removed.

So I deleted the row in the "modules" table, and also the files from the "site->modules" folder and the "aiom" folder from "site->assets".

No I get this error, when I call the frontend:


The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Error has been logged.

But there is nothing in the pw log, nor in the servers log.

I can login in the backend. When logged in, I can view the site.


I just became aware that it could have been because of the site cache. I now safed the home page again and now the frontend works again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys,

I have just released an update to version 3.2.2 on Github. It fixes the security issue with the CHMOD, the problem with many files and has a better detection of changes to files.

Sorry that it took so long. But we currently have a lot to do. The module will continue maintained. AIOM4 is on the to-do list.

Best regards,


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Line 713 typo: $_timespamp

    private static function _getCacheName($files, $prefix = 'css_', $ext = '.css') {
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Initialize timestamp variable.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $_timestamp = '';

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Calculate timestamp of all files
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $_timestamp = ($_timespamp + $file['last_modified']);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create a unique MD5 file name with the specified prefix.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        return (self::$developmentMode !== true) ? $prefix.md5($_timestamp).$ext : $prefix.md5($_timestamp).'_dev'.$ext;
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  On 2/25/2016 at 3:31 AM, SteveB said:

Line 713 typo: $_timespamp

    private static function _getCacheName($files, $prefix = 'css_', $ext = '.css') {
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Initialize timestamp variable.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $_timestamp = '';

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Calculate timestamp of all files
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $_timestamp = ($_timespamp + $file['last_modified']);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create a unique MD5 file name with the specified prefix.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        return (self::$developmentMode !== true) ? $prefix.md5($_timestamp).$ext : $prefix.md5($_timestamp).'_dev'.$ext;

Thanks Steve, I've fixed the problem in version 3.2.3. It was late at night. :-[ The update is available on Github.

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After updating to 3.2.3 I get the an error 500 and cannot login to backend. Debugging shows the following error message:

Cannot redeclare class AIOM (line 1021 of /home/.sites/......../web/site/modules/AllInOneMinify/AllInOneMinify.module)

This is the code on line 1021:

class AIOM extends AllInOneMinify {}


Edit: Solved! I had 2 instances of AIOM with different file names so the class was 2 times declared. Now it works!!

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