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  • 3 months later...

@tpr, could you please make the styles that AOS applies to Select2 more targeted so that it's possible to use Select2 separately in the PW admin without being affected by AOS styles?

At the moment there are AOS styles like this...

span.select2-dropdown {
  width: auto !important;
  min-width: 300px !important;
  max-width: 640px;

...which will apply to every Select2 instance and are impossible to override to get back the inline style that Select2 uses to set the dropdown width dynamically. It would be better if these could be something like:

span.select2-dropdown {
  width: auto !important;
  min-width: 300px !important;
  max-width: 640px;

See "dropdownCssClass" and "selectionCssClass" in the Select2 options. Thanks!

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  • 5 months later...

Hi there,

Thanks for an awesome module!

I only recently discovered AddNewChildFirst, before that I used @Horst's older module (Pagetree Add New Childs Reverse) to have new pages placed at the top of the page list. After uninstalling Horst's module, I tried to replace its functionality with AddNewChildFirst by enabling the submodule for the template I need it for. Unfortunately that didn't work. Has anyone managed to do this? Is it like with Horst's module that it doesn't work on pages that already have existing child pages? The docs don't say anything about it. Or is it that Horst's module modified my pages in a way that collides with AddNewChildFirst's workings?

Any hints are appreciated!

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@CalleRosa40 I use the AddNewChildFirst feature regularly and so can confirm that it works. Check that you have enabled it for the correct template: the template of the pages that will be added at the top, and not the template of the parent page. The configuration is different from Pagetree Add New Childs Reverse in this regard. And I assume you have uninstalled Pagetree Add New Childs Reverse - you wouldn't want to have this module and the AOS feature running at the same time. Edit: I see now you already said that you uninstalled Pagetree Add New Childs Reverse.

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14 hours ago, CalleRosa40 said:

Or is it that Horst's module modified my pages in a way that collides with AddNewChildFirst's workings?

You may have a look to the sort ids. With my old module they initially get setup to 9999999 for the first child. Maybe this is what interferes now. Simply uninstalling the module does not change this. Maybe you temporarily can change the sort order to something different then manually drag/drop, so the tree gets reordered and the sort ids also gets rebuild, (from 0 upcounting instead of the old downcountig from 99999999). And after that, set the sort order back to manually drag/drop.

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@Robin S, you were spot-on. Thanks! I configured AOS AddNewChildFirst for template of parent page. My bad. Now everything seems to work fine. However, name of submodule is kind of misleading IMHO ...

@horst, thanks to you, too! And thanks for your work, your module served me well for a long time.

P.S. Just realized that Privacy Bagder add-on prevents automatic "@user name" in Firefox ...

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One more tiny little thing. CKEditor's source view does not seem to work with AOS enabled. Entire screen (including modal) gets dimmed. Upon clicking OK to close modal, the page even "freezes", making it necessary to reload. Is anyone else experiencing this behavior? Sorry, forgot to do proper forum search first. Bug has been covered.

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  • 1 month later...

I've spotted an issue which I really hope can be solved for AoS...

Using Reno admin theme with AoS enabled and @ryan's ProDrafts module installed Reno hides the ProDrafts 'Live Preview' link in the admin header . The line in question is:

<a href="/admin/page/prodrafts/edit/?id=1">Live Preview</a>

See post here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/25498-solved-prodrafts-reno-admin-theme-admin-on-steroids/

PW: 3.0.165
AOS: 2.0.21
ProDrafts: 0.0.8

Without AoS enabled:






And with AoS Enabled



Like I say, I really hope this is solvable as it's a very powerful combination!



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  • 1 month later...

I noticed that there is an option to "Open Home/View site in new tab (topnav)", and i have that checked.

But when i select the menu item called "View Site" in the top nav, it doesn't open in a new window. So i wanted to report that as a possible bug. This is on UIKit admin theme.

Also it would be cool if we could have an option for view links on the page list open in a new tab, if that isn't already an option somewhere that i missed...


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm trying to style this for a dark theme using UIKit LESS... got a few overrides working but have run into a snag that debug tools isn't helping with.

For the life of me I can't figure out how the white background is appearing on the list elements in the InputfieldsCheckboxStacked ul.

I can alter the background of the entire block, and I understand opacity rules are dictating status behavior, but I can't seem to find the rule that dictates the white background. Nothing shows up in the inspectors, and I don't think I saw it in the jquery stuff.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good day!

Thanks for the great module, @tpr! I've never installed it myself, but now got acquainted with it on a customer site, and see how much goodness does it bring! 

I think I spotted a little bug. I've got "Add language switcher to the admin" option from the Misc section turned on. It works great in general. But the multilang tab labels do not get selected the right way, when I switch the language. The contents of the field itself changes according to the selected language as it should, but the tab label does not (see the screenshot). 2021-07-15--13-45-41--firefox.thumb.png.e10d04a553261cbce08c067d57b327cd.png

The selected lang is Deutsch, the content of the "Titel" field is Uber (in German), but the field label is still English. Could you please take a look?

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On a ML site I couldn't reproduce this (PW 3.0.123). I have no idea what could cause this and unfortunately I haven't touched AOS recently and unfortunately I have no time to investigate ? Perhaps it's because of a newer PW version or perhaps something in your languages setup (naming?), but that's only shooting in the dark.

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  • 9 months later...
On 3/25/2019 at 1:21 AM, tpr said:

This has something to do that the markup is different here, there is a span.label_title around the page title's text. This has came up earlier too but I couldn't figure out why.

I googled around and found a WebKit bug that could cause this. Could you try applying this CSS? If it works via devtools, please try adding this to aos.min.css (just append to the end):

.PageList .PageListItem {
    transform: scale3d(1,1,1);

Or if no joy, by adding backface-visibilty: hidden. Unfortunately because I can't reproduce I can't check.

While trying to style the Page Tree and Lister in an attempt to make them look more similar to each other,  I noticed that the color of the text in the lists of page titles didn't match. It turned out that the css above causes the Page Tree page list text to use monochromatic antialiasing (while everywhere else was using subpixel). This was happening in Chrome/Edge on Win10. Firefox on Win10 and Safari in a VM weren't affected by the issue.


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  • 7 months later...

Getting a strange error on PHP 8 fresh install, v 3.0.207

Module version is the latest.

Looks like $configData['CKEaddons_plugins'] is not getting initialized properly? It's coming across as NULL even though the defaultConfig array defines the default as an array. Not sure if this has anything to do with the transition to TinyMCE?



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/28/2022 at 12:33 PM, szabesz said:

It is surely not "actively" maintained. The question is, will it ever be maintained at all?

To ask differently - is someone caring it remains up-to-date with PHP and PW? (This is one of my favourite modules I use)

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5 hours ago, ceberlin said:

To ask differently - is someone caring it remains up-to-date with PHP and PW? (This is one of my favourite modules I use)

It's essential to my PW work as well so would definitely love to see it maintained, or at least some of its key features incorporated into the PW core which is probably the better approach. Maybe we should start a list of the features we all need and put together PRs for Ryan to get them into the core?

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1 hour ago, adrian said:

Maybe we should start a list of the features we all need and put together PRs for Ryan to get them into the core?

I'm in!

Maintaining AOS would be just too much work for even the most experienced, I think, so no wonder @tpr is no longer interested in it, especially that he no longer uses ProcessWire. Also, AOS mostly supports the Default or Reno admin themes which we should deprecate, IMHO.

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3 hours ago, adrian said:

Maybe we should start a list of the features we all need and put together PRs for Ryan to get them into the core?

I also brought this up before as a wishlist request UX improvements · Issue #392 · processwire/processwire-requests (github.com), because I use these features of AoS in EVERY PW instance.

But there are also always voices against integrating useful things into the core, to keep it "lean". For example integrating migrations into the core, which I see as crucial, but others say that migrations are not needed for everyone, and so they should stay out of the core. One feature might be useful for one person, but not for the others, so I am always in favor of "providing options" (turning features on or off).

I'm also at a point where I find the admin or UIkit theme stale and not really functional. There are a lot of things missing for me. Reactivity like vue.js or alpinejs or react offer. Better usability of dropdowns in the main menu and other things, but I digress. Several times I started to develop a new admin theme based on vuejs, but also noticed how complicated for example the pagetree is built and moreover I lacked the time. Furthermore, with such a big undertaking, it's also always a question of how many people would really use it, or if I (or WE) are just developing it for fun. Because I don't want to develop anything for &>/dev/null. 

Back to AdminOnSteroids: Right now it's not modular and uses jQuery under the hood. It's not a bad thing because the PW core also relies on jQuery, but would rather suggest a rewrite here where every feature is a javascript module. These modules could be loaded on demand (conditionally based if a specific DOM element exists or not) at runtime. This keeps the core lean, and also the javascript load and execution time and memory consumption low.

Maybe such an update (or the integration into the core) could be developed by crowdfunding.

I am also in favor of ditching support for Default or Reno theme, because I think that most people would use AdminThemeUikit, but I might be wrong?

Upgrading the PHP part, would not be that difficult, if we drop support for PHP versions < 8.

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6 hours ago, dotnetic said:

Your list is exactly what I wish for as well, I have nothing to add. I gave it a thumbs-up.

6 hours ago, dotnetic said:

voices against integrating useful things into the core

Ryan's time to work on ProcessWire is limited and being the only one to stear the boat, naturally, he needs to prioritize.

6 hours ago, dotnetic said:

migrations are not needed for everyone

I think the most important issue with implementing and maintaining migrations is that it is a HUGE effort, and Ryan would need to add support for his Pro modules as well. Again, he only has 24 hours a day.

6 hours ago, dotnetic said:

the admin or UIkit theme

I cannot even imagine who would have the time to rewrite the admin theme from scratch. However, if Ryan ever wants to move it forward to the next level, he needs to move his mindset to the reactive era, probably HTMX + Alpine.js.

6 hours ago, dotnetic said:

I am also in favor of ditching support for Default or Reno theme, because I think that most people would use AdminThemeUikit...

If we drop support for the others, people would surely use AdminThemeUikit  :P

Edited by szabesz
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16 hours ago, adrian said:

some of its key features incorporated into the PW core which is probably the better approach. Maybe we should start a list of the features we all need and put together PRs for Ryan to get them into the core?

Yes, please! That's what I've been saying for a long time...

12 hours ago, dotnetic said:

but would rather suggest a rewrite here where every feature is a javascript module.

Yes, please! That's the part that made me move away from AOS. I'm very happy without it btw - it hurt a little in the beginning but I'm not missing anything any more. For field/template edit links we have the great https://processwire.com/talk/topic/26537-adminhelperlinks-shortcut-links-to-edit-fields-and-template-directly-from-page-edit/ that has not caused a single issue in all of my pw instances. AOS on the other hand has cost me hours in finding bugs in my modules that turned out to be bugs in AOS.

RockMigrations has the concept of "tweaks" where we can add micro-modules via single php files (https://github.com/baumrock/RockMigrations/tree/main/tweaks) and enable/disable them via GUI in the module's settings:


12 hours ago, dotnetic said:

These modules could be loaded on demand (conditionally based if a specific DOM element exists or not) at runtime. This keeps the core lean, and also the javascript load and execution time and memory consumption low.

Agreed, but don't forget that some features also need several hooks in place, so we need a combination of PHP/CSS/JS. I've also built https://github.com/baumrock/RockAdminTweaks some time ago which had the idea of making it possible to have all those little tweaks organised in a modular and manageable way.

12 hours ago, dotnetic said:

I am also in favor of ditching support for Default or Reno theme, because I think that most people would use AdminThemeUikit, but I might be wrong?

I don't see any reason why we would need support for 3 admin themes that all do the same and just look a little different. We have now the possibility to create custom styles of the backend without the need of creating a new theme (see https://github.com/baumrock/AdminStyleRock#wording-theme-vs-style )

5 hours ago, szabesz said:

I think the most important issue with implementing and maintaining migrations is that it is a HUGE effort

I disagree ? Why do you think that or what exactly do you mean? But it's a little offtopic so if it's not easy to answer just ignore it.

5 hours ago, szabesz said:

I cannot even imagine who would have the time to rewrite the admin theme from scratch.

I agree ? 

Thx for making the list @dotnetic and pushing that topic forward!

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  • 1 month later...


11 hours ago, BenSlayers said:

Do you have a fix for this?

Please note:

On 12/29/2022 at 10:57 PM, szabesz said:

so no wonder @tpr is no longer interested in it, especially that he no longer uses ProcessWire.

Also, CKE is going to be retired in the not so distant future, TinyMCE is taking its place. Back then, tpr put countles hours of work into AOS. I can be wrong, but I'd bet he can no longer support it due to lack of free time, especially anything CKE related.

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