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Gideon So

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Everything posted by Gideon So

  1. Hi @Neue Rituale Got this error when install the module. I am using PHP 7.1. Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) (line 37 of site/modules/FieldtypeOembed/FieldtypeOembed.module) How can I fix it? Gideon
  2. Hi @franciccio-ITALIANO What is the field type of texturl_background? What do you see when you view the page source? Gideon
  3. @joer80 I know it is weird but you can give it a try. Rotate the image twice. Gideon
  4. Hi @700ml Have you added $config->dbCharset = 'utf8mb4'; to the config.php?? Gideon
  5. @eydun You have answered yourself. No. It is not possible to display lister or lister pro on the frontend. They are both backend modules. Gideon
  6. Hi @Boost Take a look at the family tab in the template config page. And check the "Can this template be used for new pages." Select "No" and save then voila. Gideon
  7. Hi @franciccio-ITALIANO I suppose url_bg and box_url_img_SX both are image field. If it is the case, your code should be like <script src="<?= $page->url_bg->url ?>"></script> or: <img style="padding-left: 15px;" src="<?=$page->box_url_img_SX->url ?>" alt="<?=$page->box_img_alt1?>"> Gideon
  8. Hi Boost, Yes. You can enable multi-language later. Gideon
  9. Hi @millipedia This is much faster than Ryan's one. One thing though, line 13, 14 of TextformatterLiteVideoEmbed.js should be modified as the following. Otherwise it doesn't work in pages other than the home page. const LiteYTEmbed = await import(tflve_script_path + '/lite-youtube.js'); const LiteVimeoEmbed = await import(tflve_script_path + '/lite-vimeo.js'); Gideon
  10. Hi @eydun No. I don't think there is such a module. You can add Deny from into the .htaccess file to block specific IPs. Gideon
  11. Hi @AAD Web Team I think maybe it is because there are two file fields in the latter form. Try remove the document field and try again. If it works then I think you should contact Ryan for help. Gideon
  12. Hi @Pip May be there is a extra curly bracket in a line just under CTA section. <?php } } ?> <!-- Stocks Rating--> <section class="section section-md bg-default"> Gideon
  13. Hi @Pip Did you check the template setting to see if another file is append to the template? Gideon
  14. Hi @jploch After a few tries. I still stuck on the usage of the slider block in the theme. How can I add image to the slider? I took a look at the template file of the slider block. There should be a children under the slider but I cannot add any children to the block. Any direction? Gideon
  15. Hi @rooofl I think you need to use the dot (.) sub field notation in your selector string. something like $page->font_style.type = somevalue The font_style is the repeater field and the 'type' is the field in the repeater field. Gideon
  16. Hi @DrQuincy Add check_access=0 to your selector string. Gideon
  17. Hi @Roych You add the JS script within the foreach loop. That means the same script include jn the page many times. I think the JS script should reside outside the foreach loop. Maybe place the script just before the closing body tag </body>. Gideon
  18. Hi @Jim Bailie I think you can use the Page Reference field. And then loop the page reference field to show the content of the selected page. For example, I add a Page Reference field named other-page-content. I can add the following code to my main template <?php foreach($page->other-page-content as $other-page) { echo "<div>"; echo $other-page->your-content-field; echo "</iv>"; } Hope this help. Gideon
  19. Hi @Flashmaster82 How about this: <?php $userloggedinname = $user->name; $pagename = $page->name; $redirecturl = $pages->get(1)->httpUrl . "medlemmar/" . $userloggedinname; { $session->redirect( $redirecturl ); } ?> Gideon
  20. Hi @johnners 1. Create a new template whatever name you think fit, such as update-home-body. 2. Create a page and assign the template created above to it. 3. Create a new template php file named the same name as the template created in step 1 such as update-home-body.php in the site/template folder. 4. Put the following code in the template file. <?php $home = $pages->get(1); $home->of(false); $content = "whatever you want or read it from somewhere"; $home->body = $content; $home->save(); 5. Create a cron job to access the page at the designated time. Hope this helps. Gideon ?>
  21. @bernhard WOW!! What an answer!! This is why this community is the best I have ever met. Gideon
  22. Hi @Arcturus On the road, this just comes out of my head. Try adding target='_blank' to the a tag link to the pdf file Gideon
  23. Hi @joe_g $pages->addHookAfter('added', function(HookEvent $event) { $pages = $event->object; // The page that is being added $page = $event->arguments(0); // If the page passes some kind of test if($page->template == 'your-template-name') { // Set the sort value for the new page to zero (sibling sort will be automatically adjusted) $pages->sort($page, 0); } }); Put this piece of code into the ready.php. Hope this help. Gideon
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