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Gideon So

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Everything posted by Gideon So

  1. Hi @milo695, <?php foreach ($homepage->children as $item): ?> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" href="<?php echo $item->url; ?>"<?php if ($item->id == $page->rootParent->id): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?> title="<?php echo $item->title; ?>"> <?php echo $item->title; ?> </a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> This piece of code only loop through the children page of the home page. Therefore only first level menu items are shown. You need to loop through the sub page of each $item to show all the subitems. <?php foreach ($homepage->children as $item): ?> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" href="<?php echo $item->url; ?>"<?php if ($item->id == $page->rootParent->id): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?> title="<?php echo $item->title; ?>"> <?php echo $item->title; ?> </a> <?php if($item->children->count()): // if there is a child page, loop through all the child page ?> <ul> <?php foreach($item->children as $subitem): //loop through all the sub-page of the current $item ?> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" href="<?php echo $subitem->url; ?>"<?php if ($subitem->id == $page->rootParent->id): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?> title="<?php echo $subitem->title; ?>"> <?php echo $subitem->title; ?> </a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> You can modify it to suit your theme to make the dropdown work, Gideon
  2. Hi @Jan Romero, Thanks for your reply. It works. Thanks. Gideon
  3. For now, if a site needs non ascii page name, there are two setting needed to be set: $config->pageNameCharset = "UTF8" This is OK. $config->pageNameWhitelist = "A very long Chinese Character List" It is very hard to put all the Chinese character there. I always get complaint from my client that they find missing character in the url. Then I have to add that character manual. This is very painful and troublesome. If there is another way to whitelist all the non-ascii character would be a big plus to ProcessWire multi-language support. Forum thread: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12776-pw-3012-support-for-extended-utf8-page-namesurls/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-146652 Feature request: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/393 If you think this feature is essential to you, please consider to up-vote the request to draw attention to Ryan. Thanks. Gideon
  4. Hi, Have this error this error this morning. Failed to init module: AllInOneMinify - The permissions (chmod) to delete old cache files could not be changed. ***** Solved by changing wrongly changed file permission of the minified css file. ***** Gideon
  5. I third that. It can be very helpful for ProcessWire long term development. Gideon
  6. Hi @cyberderf, Welcome to the forum. It seems like a url rewrite problem. Please check the following: 1. Does .htacccess file exist in your web root folder. You need to rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess. 2. Check your apache conf file and see if mod_rewrite is enabled. Gideon
  7. Hi @tcnet, New version works fine. Thanks. Gideon
  8. Hi, I got this error too. PHP 7.1 MariaDB 10 ProcessWire 3.0.149 Gideon
  9. Hi, Just installed this amazing module. All works fine but I am not able to embed FB videos. I get this error on the page: Video Unavailable This video may no longer exist, or you don't have permission to view it. Is there a solution for this? Thanks. Gideon
  10. @cb2004, As usual, can you post us some code then we can try to give some suggestion. Gideon
  11. Glad that you sorted it out yourself and I learn a lesson today. That is good. Gideon
  12. Hi @spercy16, First of all, Please be kind to someone who just want to help you out even his answer is not that you want or need. Generally speaking the ProcessWire community is very kind and willing to help. I am sure you will have your help if you are kind and patient enough. For the code, @ottogal is right. You call the listChildrenTree function inside itself. This is a fatal error and your code will never work until you fix it. You cannot use $page here. $page is the reserved variable that represents the current page object. You may use $child instead. foreach ($children as $page) { Like I said above, don't call the same function within itself. if ($page->numChildren) listChildrenTree($page->children); The complete code: echo "<ul class='w-full text-white lg:block lg:float-left'>"; foreach ($children as $child) { echo "<li class='relative w-full lg:w-auto'> <a href='{$child->url}'> <div onclick='showSub()' class='block pt-2 pb-3 pl-6 lg:pr-6 button'> {$child->title} </div> </a> "; if ($child->numChildren) { echo "<ul>"; foreach ($child->children as $grandchild) { echo "<li class='relative w-full lg:w-auto'> <a href='{$grandchild->url}'> <div onclick='showSub()' class='block pt-2 pb-3 pl-6 lg:pr-6 button'> {$grandchild->title} </div> </a> "; echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; Hope this helps or someone can improve the answer. Gideon
  13. Hi @antpre, I think the way this module store data does not support a multi language site. Gideon
  14. @aComAdi Add $config->pageNumUrlPrefix = Seite; to your config.php. Gideon
  15. dbHost is the mysql server. Mostly is localhost. dbPass is your DB password that your mysql server host provide to you. dbName is the DB name that your host provide to you. dbUser is the username thst can use the database server. It should be provided by your host. httpHosts is the domain of your site like www.yourdomain.com Gideon
  16. I run many sites in sub-directory in my development server. No problem at all.
  17. I would say you can do anything with ProcessWire. You need to have proper knowledge and skills but the guys here really helpful that makes life much easier. Gideon
  18. Hi @fruid, What is your image field settings? If you don't set the field limit to single image, you need to do like $entry->logo->first()->url. Gideo
  19. Please show us this line of code. Then we can give you some help. Gideon
  20. Hi @fruid, Welcome to the forum. ProcesszWire doesn't write anything into your template file. Please go through the tutorisls first and come back for help later. https://processwire.com/docs/start/templates/ Gideon
  21. I started working with VS code live server a few weeks ago. From what I learn from the video you posted here, both works more less the same. I have just found that there's a browser sync extension which support php, jsp and asp in proxy mode. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jasonlhy.vscode-browser-sync Gideon
  22. What is the differences between Browser Sync and VS Code live server?? Gideon
  23. Hi @alexpad, You can do it with adding inline css rules like style="background-image: url("<?php $slide->yourImageField->url; ?>") " Gideon
  24. Hi @shogun, Welcome to the forum. There is no global field as far as I know. Gideon
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