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Gideon So

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Everything posted by Gideon So

  1. @Roych , Use hanna code and hanna code dialog in a ckeditor field may fits your need. Gideon
  2. Hi @fruid Try to validate your page with https://validator.w3.org/. Gideon
  3. Hi @PawelGIX Sorry. Wrong answer. Gideon
  4. Hi @mikeindee, You may try commenting out all the lines in section 8A of the .htaccess file. Gideon
  5. Hi @howsoonisnow90, I have updated the code. Please try the updated one. Gideon
  6. Hi @kongondo, Thanks for checking my code. Have just updated it. Gideon
  7. Hi @howsoonisnow90 <?php $root = $pages->get(1); $children = $root->children; echo "<ul>"; foreach($children as $child) { if($child->id == 0108) { echo "<li>$child->title"; echo "<ul>"; foreach($child->children as $grandchild) { echo "<li>$grandchild->title</li>"; echo "</ul>"; echo "</li>"; } else { echo "<li>$child->title</li>"; } } } echo "</ul>"; Hope this helps. Gideon
  8. Hi @nozero, Seems that the variable $indicator is not declared before lline 70. May be it should be $child->indicator? Just a guess. Gideon
  9. Hi @nozero I believe the only file you need to modify is config.php. You need to modify the following: 1. $config->httpHosts I wonder if your hosting company allow remote access to the DB server. Gideon
  10. Hi, The module works well so far but I have just found that it is not working when it is place in the home template. I get the following error message in the browser console. Uncaught TypeError: ProcessWire.config.InputfieldCKEditor is undefined I tried to place the field to other template and it works normally. Any hints?? Gideon
  11. Hi @li181 Sorry for my late reply. Seems that your code in the template tries to prepend something that is not a page object to a page array. Would you mind post the code in your template? Gideon
  12. Hi @li181 I think you can check Setup -> Logs -> Errors to have more info and then come back for further assist. Gideon
  13. Try put $page->children into the custom PHP code field. Gideon
  14. Maybe just $page->children in the custom selector field? Gideon
  15. Yes. It is OK to add any fields to the user template. I have built a project with this method and see no draw backs so far. Gideon
  16. Hi @BillH Thanks for you kind hint. It was the file permission of the assets and modules folder causes the error. It is fixed now. Gideon
  17. I migrated a site to a hosting company which provides cPanel to manage the domain. I have some errors like the following: 2021-07-09 05:09:32.453548 [ERROR] [5674] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/misfmorg/public_html/site/.htaccess]: Permission denied 2021-07-09 05:09:28.141643 [ERROR] [5674] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/misfmorg/public_html/site/assets/files/1058/.htaccess]: Permission denied 2021-07-09 05:09:27.067796 [ERROR] [5674] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/misfmorg/public_html/site/assets/files/1093/.htaccess]: Permission denied 2021-07-09 05:09:26.775691 [ERROR] [5674] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/misfmorg/public_html/site/assets/files/1091/.htaccess]: Permission denied 2021-07-09 05:09:26.672877 [ERROR] [5674] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/misfmorg/public_html/site/assets/files/1099/.htaccess]: Permission denied 2021-07-09 05:09:26.471388 [ERROR] [5674] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/misfmorg/public_html/site/assets/files/1092/.htaccess]: Permission denied 2021-07-09 05:09:26.086949 [ERROR] [5674] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/misfmorg/public_html/site/assets/files/1053/.htaccess]: Permission denied I checked the permission if the .htaccess file is correct and I wonder why the web server keep searching .htaccess file in every folder in the site assets folder. Any hint is welcome. Gideon
  18. Hi @Krlos Can you post your code here? Gideon
  19. Hi @Krlos You can set currentItemClass = 'active'. https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/markup-pager-nav/ Gideon
  20. Hi @OrinTerry, I think it is the problem of Windows 7 rather than the CMS system. I am afraid that the problem may still persist after you migrate to ProcessWire. Gideon
  21. Hi @picarica, Welcome to the forum. size() method only applicable to image field but not file field. Gideon
  22. I edited my original post. Please take a look. Gideon
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