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Gideon So

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Everything posted by Gideon So

  1. Hi all, Just come up to this need. Is it possible to find a page or pages by pagefile uploadName? Seems this is not working: $pages->find("file_field.uploadName%=sometext") Error: Exception: Property 'uploadName' not recognized in file_field Gideon
  2. @Robin S Wow!! What can I say. How great is this community and how helpful everyone here is. Thanks Robin. I can wait longer until the final solution comes. Gideon
  3. This is really impressive. A very nicely done piece of art work. Great job, @bernhard. Gideon
  4. Hi @Murray https://processwire.com/modules/wire-mail-smtp/ Try this module.
  5. Hi @Boost What is the setting of the author field in the current psge. I suppose it is a page reference field. How do you set up the field? Single select or asm select? Gideon
  6. Hi @ties You don't have the right to add any field / template. Do you know the username which is a superuser or you need to contact your system administrator of the website. Gideon
  7. @szabesz Can't wait to see your work with unpoly. Gideon
  8. Hi @Stefanowitsch I think it is safe to delete the one in /site/modules. If you want to be more cautious, you can move /site/modules/InputfieldTinyMCE to another location first to see if there is any side effects. Gideon
  9. unpoly is good! I used it in some of my project and I really love it. The tailwindcss standalone CLI is another wonderful tool, too. Gideon
  10. Hi @clsource I think this is a good idea. Gideon
  11. Hi @Boost, It is very obvious that the site is failed to connect to the database. Pleaae check the database username and password and then change them in config.php accordingly. Gideon
  12. @cpx3 Just out of curiousity, how do you embed the formbuilder form?? Gideon
  13. Hi @Roadwolf Which site profile did you install?? Gideon
  14. Hi @Neue Rituale I will give your suggestion a try. Will report back. Gideon
  15. Hi @Neue Rituale Got this error when install the module. I am using PHP 7.1. Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) (line 37 of site/modules/FieldtypeOembed/FieldtypeOembed.module) How can I fix it? Gideon
  16. Hi @franciccio-ITALIANO What is the field type of texturl_background? What do you see when you view the page source? Gideon
  17. @joer80 I know it is weird but you can give it a try. Rotate the image twice. Gideon
  18. Hi @700ml Have you added $config->dbCharset = 'utf8mb4'; to the config.php?? Gideon
  19. @eydun You have answered yourself. No. It is not possible to display lister or lister pro on the frontend. They are both backend modules. Gideon
  20. Hi @Boost Take a look at the family tab in the template config page. And check the "Can this template be used for new pages." Select "No" and save then voila. Gideon
  21. Hi @franciccio-ITALIANO I suppose url_bg and box_url_img_SX both are image field. If it is the case, your code should be like <script src="<?= $page->url_bg->url ?>"></script> or: <img style="padding-left: 15px;" src="<?=$page->box_url_img_SX->url ?>" alt="<?=$page->box_img_alt1?>"> Gideon
  22. Hi Boost, Yes. You can enable multi-language later. Gideon
  23. Hi @millipedia This is much faster than Ryan's one. One thing though, line 13, 14 of TextformatterLiteVideoEmbed.js should be modified as the following. Otherwise it doesn't work in pages other than the home page. const LiteYTEmbed = await import(tflve_script_path + '/lite-youtube.js'); const LiteVimeoEmbed = await import(tflve_script_path + '/lite-vimeo.js'); Gideon
  24. Hi @eydun No. I don't think there is such a module. You can add Deny from into the .htaccess file to block specific IPs. Gideon
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