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  1. @ryanThanks for the incredible job you do! Merry Christmas to you and the whole Processwire community. Bernhard
  2. As wrote more than a year ago there seems to be a very annoying bug with the fieldset visibility. When I try to save a fieldset as closed on a per template basis, it seems to get saved but the next time I open it is shown as open again. What am I doing wrong?
  3. @Ryan, ok thanks! I just would need access to ProCache forum to ask a question... Get healthy, all the best!
  4. @ryan Five days ago I paid for an update for the ProCache module, the money left my bank-account and overview shows that it is paid. The only result of the payment was that I now am blocked not only for the ProCache forum (where I need to put a question because the module seems to block the Facebook image preview) but the same my access to the active ProField forum is blocked. I wrote Ryan five days ago but till now he ignored my messages. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Ber
  5. Did you finally solve the problem? I come on a white page...
  6. Yesterday I paid an update to ProCache for which I received a receipt and the money left my bank account. Now not only I cannot access ProCache but my forum access for Profields, which are active till 2025, is blocked, too. My message to Ryan remains unread and I would need access to the paid items. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
  7. The problem with Admin Actions is that they do not work. They leave you with a blank screen or an error message.
  8. Oh, that is an unexpected explication, I did not know this! I copied the database via PHPMyAdmin dumb, what usually works perfectly...
  9. I suppose that there is a mistake in the database. But where does PW get the information from that this field exists?
  10. For whatever reason not in the database but in the fieldlist and in the template. I can edit it but when I save it, it produces an error.
  11. Hi all, I copied my database from one site to the other and everything seems to work fine. But I have an issue with some fields that are editable in the backend but as soon I try to save the page give me the error message: FieldtypePage: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'usr_p624065_1.field_select_hidden_categories' doesn't exist. I tried to delete and readd them to the page but with no success. (This happens at least with two fields). What am I doing wrong?
  12. A million thanks, that is indeed much easier!
  13. @Teppo: How would you do a shopping cart if not with the session_id?
  14. Thanks, but I already had that idea myself. The most important page, https://padloper.pw/documentation/installing-padloper/, is not in the archive (it was apparently also deleted from Google Cache with Code 302)...
  15. Hi everybody, just wanted to ask if by chance anyone has a documentation for the old Padloper module? I bought the module by then but it came without a documentation and the the website is down... A million thanks in advance. Bernhard
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