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  1. I get error when trying to install package. Deprecated: strrpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in E:\Wamp\www\Website\installer.php on line 709.
  2. Working great with the new version /thanks
  3. Not working! I installed the latest update 0.3.3 and then the option to paste url at the image field is gone??
  4. The first error was when i click on help under Migration Action. And the second error was when i created a new migration and hit save.
  5. Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in E:\Wamp\www\Test1\wire\core\PagesEditor.php on line 317 PagesEditor: Error saving field "Migration item" — Can’t save page (id=1070): /admin/repeaters/for-field-102/for-page-1067/1727216184-5518-1/: Call $page->of(false); before getting/setting values that will be modified and saved. [Page::statusCorrupted] fields: dbMigrateType, dbMigrateAction Bootstrap not fully installed - Attempting re-install.
  6. Migration Actions Help (link) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function bd() on null in E:\Wamp\www\Test1\site\modules\ProcessDbMigrate\DbMigrateHelp.php on line 3 ( ! ) Error: Call to a member function bd() on null in E:\Wamp\www\Test1\site\modules\ProcessDbMigrate\DbMigrateHelp.php on line 3. PagesEditor: Error saving field "Migration item" — Can’t save page (id=1065): /admin/repeaters/for-field-121/for-page-1062/1727215638-3146-1/: Call $page->of(false); before getting/setting values that will be modified and saved. [Page::statusCorrupted] fields: dbMigrateType, dbMigrateAction On Migration Actions i cant see "install migration". And also the DB backup, is that a separate module or should that be installed with this module? Its a bit confusing. I dont know how to migrate from one database to another, is there an upload or something?
  7. I did a new installation and now it installed correctly. Maybe there where corrupt files in the database or something.
  8. Not of my testsite no. I tried now to install to a clean testsite and it installed the module and the migrations link is under setup but on click Snapsicles… Compile Error: Class declarations may not be nested (line 9 of E:\Wamp\www\Test2\wire\core\WireDebugInfo.php) FYI I´m using the master version 3.0.229 on localhost/Wamp.
  9. I guess it did not installed correctly then.. Also when uninstall the module templates are still in the system and can´t be removed because its system templates.
  10. If installed correctly, should there be a link of sort in the left tree menu under setup for settings or similar? I tried to install the module again and there where a couple of errors but its in the module directory. But i dont see any link to the module besides in the module directory.
  11. When installing Bootstrap failed Missing parent or template for page "/Test1/processwire/dbmigrations/". Page not created/saved in this installation attempt (may be achieved later). Missing parent or template for page "/Test1/processwire/dbcomparisons/". Page not created/saved in this installation attempt (may be achieved later). After uninstall Fields: Fieldtype module 'FieldtypeDbMigrateRuntime' for field 'dbMigrateRuntimeReady' is missing (Can´t get rid of this error message in the top).
  12. Error installing module - ProcessDbMigrate ModulesInstaller: Unable to install module (ProcessDbMigrate): You must assign a template to the page before setting field values (dbM)
  13. When paste an image into the field and then resize it, it will remove the image? Also when i try to upload from the toolbar "image" from my computer it will just spin. Also if you try to upload from the "quickimage" then it will not place the image? Any fix?
  14. On install PW 3 ( ! ) Error: Call to undefined function ProcessWire\bd() in E:\Wamp\www\Test1\site\modules\ProcessDbMigrate\ProcessDbMigrate.module.php on line 693
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