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Found 9 results

  1. File Mover Allows the selection of files or images for moving or copying to a different field. The destination field can be on the same page as the source field or on a different page. Screencast For convenience in the screencast this demonstration shows moving and copying images and files between fields on the same page, but you can also move/copy between pages by following the same process. Usage In any Images or Files field, hover on the field label to show the File Mover icon. Clicking on the icon will reveal the File Mover buttons. If no items are yet selected you'll see a button labelled "Select items to later move or copy". Click the button to enter selection mode. While in selection mode, click one or more images/files to select them. When you have finished selecting items click the "Done" button. Note: you can only select from one Images and one Files field at a time before completing the move/copy step. In the Images or Files field that you want to move/copy the items to, hover the label to show the File Mover icon and click it to reveal the File Mover buttons. When you click the Move or Copy button the page will automatically be saved and the selected items will be moved or copied accordingly. There is also a button to clear the current selection if needed. If you hover on any of the buttons a tooltip shows the filenames of the currently selected items, in case you need a reminder. Configuration There is a field in the module config that defines which roles are allowed to use the File Mover module. If the field is left empty then all roles are allowed. https://github.com/Toutouwai/FileMover https://processwire.com/modules/file-mover/
  2. Page List Auto Expand Automatically expands the next adjacent page when moving a page in Page List. Usage As you are moving a page in Page List, if you position the yellow move placeholder above a Page List item for a configurable period of time (default is 1000 milliseconds) then that item will expand, allowing the moving page to be dropped as child page. Configuration In the module config you can set the delay before the Page List item adjacent to the move placeholder will be automatically expanded. Restricting the module to certain roles If you want to restrict the module functionality to only certain roles then create a new permission named page-list-auto-expand. If that permission exists then a user's role must have that permission or the module will not have an effect in Page List. https://github.com/Toutouwai/PageListAutoExpand https://processwire.com/modules/page-list-auto-expand/
  3. Summary: If I have a site sitting on a server called testing.com, then on the server change it to mycompany.com, do I have to modify any settings in ProcessWire? After building several processwire for clients, the one question that I haven't had is about moving a processwire site from an old (temporary) domain to a new domain. For instance, I typically setup development sites for clients and register a temporary domain (and lock with a password). For instance, thee client can go test.com and get all their content finalized, change wording, add news, swap out photos -- everything to make the site production read. Next, on my hosting account I can have testing.com renamed to theircompany.com - and change the nameservers. A simple question here. If I have a hosting company rename the account from testing.com to theircompany.com, change my nameservers whereas going to theircompany.com loads the production site, Is there anything I need to change in the processwire configuration or in the PW database? In the past, I've just manually copied the site, and fresh-installed PW, and imported the data. Seems like a lot of hassle. I have a second part question about updating the PW core, however, after consideration I'll post it as a new topic.
  4. Hello, I am using a media manager based on pages (1 file = 1 page). I would like to move the dummy file page "Dateityp" to the page folder "Jo!". In PW, I can move this file outside the current folder and into a folder, when there is at least one other file in it. I would like to have the feature of dragging a page onto another page (because my media manager does not really have folders, they are all pages) to be inside this dragged-on page. I think PW does not implement this because of some possible issues if the "Family" for these templates/pages isn't configured right (e.g. does not allow children). A ugly workaround is going to settings of this page and changing the "Parent". This works, but is not nice UX... I hope anyone can help me with that. Is this a bug or a feature?
  5. Allow easy move & change order with $page API Semething like: $page->moveAfter($page); $page->moveBefore($page); $page->move($parent); // at end of collection
  6. Hi, I'm currently working on an event website. Each event has 1 or more children containing among others a datetime field. (Each child is a different day in a different place) I would like to move the event page (with its children) to a folder called "past events" once they're history. Anybody have an idea of how to do this? I'm lost here. Thanks a lot.
  7. Good day, gentlemen! Can ProcessWire use an /assets/ folder form a different domain/subdomain, as recommended for static content (http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#cookie_free)? I looked into /index.php and it seems that the paths/URLs are stored as site root + folders (i.e /processwire/ + /site/assets/ for the assets url). The site root gets always prepended to the folders so I couldn't simply reassign the property.
  8. site works locally - I moved to remote server, homepage works! (database connected) - but no subpages, and no login page. No error logged. Only non existing page error... Could it be because installation is in a subdirectory, and in root another CMS (modX ;-) is running??
  9. First time using ProcessWire. As a developer I've been impressed so far. Having trouble sorting a series of pages that are children of a top level page. I've tried sorting them from the Pages page (/admin/page/) as well as from the Children tab of the parent page. I watch the network traffic in Chrome and see that when I move one of the pages there is a POST to /admin/page/sort/ with form data that includes sort= . But when I reload either admin page, or reload the site page that lists them, the order is unchanged. What am I missing here? Thanks!
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