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Just wrote the same... ? Sadly the ProFields description currently miss screenshots, so its probably little difficult to get an idea about how RepeaterMatrix works. https://processwire.com/store/pro-fields/repeater-matrix/ With the RepeaterMatrix you basically define a sequence of elements producing content for your page. Each element has one or more field(s) containing stuff like images, text or whatsoever. Items may also have a "depth", which could map to div containers, for example. Here are two screenshots how this may look in the backend: : The second one generates this page: https://www.team-tofahrn.de/en/projects/organ-story/6 points
Fields can only be used once per page, this is mainly by design. But your template may have multiple fields from the same fieldtype (like image1 and image2). If you need multiple instance of the same field(s), you may use a repeater (or Table, Multiplier or RepeaterMatrix from the ProFields).5 points
You also can check out several grouping options in this post. And in particular FieldsetPage.4 points
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2 points
Why didn't you call me? That's what everyone else I know does when they get printer trouble. Besides, a PW contributor like you gets free lifetime phone support from me. Regarding trying new distros, it should be possible to install the printer-related packages to a live system running from a USB stick and thus test without the hurdle of an actual OS installation. Anyway, that pink bug sounds fascinating!2 points
If you want proper 503 maintenance mode headers sent, then use: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/protected-mode/2 points
So what is $page actually? Is it a category or subcategory (which does not have children)? As I pointed out, the or operator only must be specified when on a category. You may need to code like this: $pageSelect = "$page"; // page ID as a string if($page->hasChildren()) $pageSelect .= "|{$page->children}"; $selector = "template=product, limit=10, categories=$pageSelect, sort=$sort_results"; So $pageSelect would either look like "1234", if $page refers to a subcategory or "1456|1701|1702|1703" if its a category.2 points
@jmartsch - @tpr has just added support for the UserSwitcher panel to filterbox and made lots of other improvements. We all owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his work on this lately - maybe even send him a donation for his hard work on this: https://www.paypal.me/rolandtothpal/5 - it's such a huge improvement especially for the API Explorer and Captain Hook panels! Let us know how you find it with your 800 users - hopefully this will work well and there won't be a need for an ajax approach to loading users just yet, although if I do that, I think I'll probably just code something up myself - no real need for a library for this.2 points
For the record, there is also Choices which is also a good one: https://github.com/jshjohnson/Choices2 points
An alternative avenue of promoting Processwire to more users is to write a review about it on Capterra. I think Processwire deserves more than 2 reviews! https://www.capterra.com.au/software/161666/processwire Edit : To leave a review, you need to go to this link https://reviews.capterra.com/new/1616662 points
1 point
Just tried and it's working here: Maybe a namespace issue?1 point
1 point
Hi @kongondo, I'm also using Intelephense and the only thing I added to my VSCode settings is this: "files.associations": { "*.module": "php" },1 point
Ask your hosting provider to see if a mod_security rule is being hit.1 point
1 point
Guess this is the result from the lazyload which simply copies the data-srcset into srcset. Did you check the page source (as received from server) or DOM tree in inspector?1 point
Repeater Matrix sounds like a good fit for this. Believe me, the Pro Fields module is worth every cent.1 point
No, you can't use the same field multiple times on a template... There are repeatable fields, like Profields Multiplier, Repeater, PageTable, or even Profields Textareas, etc, for when you need to have multiple iterations of a field on the same template...1 point
Cheers @Autofahrn, that put me on the right track. {$page->children} didn't work as expected, but in the PHP file in question, I did loop through all categories to generate a clickable list, so I simply populated $pageSelect with the ID of every item as it looped through them. I then fed the variable into the selector and that did the trick! Thanks again for the help, everyone.1 point
But in contrast to some modern fancy buzzword JS-framework developers out there you are still able to build websites that work. Take those developers their frameworks and you end up with nothing. Had this experience a few times by now and it's frustrating.1 point
@OrganizedFellow This is the craziest coincidence ever! I was gonna post here later today. Just this Monday, I have had to go back to my trusty Windows. Reason? printing! For some reason, suddenly, my printouts were all washed out in a strange hue of pink! I decided to try print from a Windows in a VM machine but it wouldn't see the printer. I let that go, but then I needed to scan some things. It took me a little while to find an app for that. I tried it (I can't remember its name) and the previews looked fine. Scanning it though, the scans came out in the same hue of pink! That was the last straw. I suppose some update messed up my printer settings. I didn't have the energy to switch to another distro and hoped it worked. My Linux days are over, probably for good now. So now I am back to my beloved Windows...viruses, ready or not, here I come! ?. I better stop now; I am still running updates! sigh! I am back on Laragon as well, which is great! Cheers.1 point
The domain could be saved separately and probably not even be considered PII. What would be lost by using encryption is any kind of db powered fuzzy search for email addresses.1 point
I was of kindred spirit like yourself regarding JS, but I think I've put it off as long as I could. Not have skilled up on the latest JS technologies is now hurting my chances rather than helping in the roles I'm going for, so I haven't really got much of a choice in this matter. Hell exists everywhere in the dev world, but I agree ... JS Hell is a special kind of hell1 point
I don't know much about encryption, but if the email address is the entirety of the field value (i.e. there is a dedicated field that holds the email address and nothing but the email address) then couldn't you encrypt the search value and then match that encrypted value in the DB to find subscribers who have that exact email address? Of course this wouldn't be a solution if you wanted to match a part value (e.g. all subscribers with somedomain.com in their email address) but it would be something at least.1 point
Solved! Was because I used "AIOM::JS()" for the js files.1 point
Yes, there is a minimal noticable delay I think, but it loads very quickly. As far as I know Select2 is good but depends on jQuery. Some vanilla JavaScript alternatives are https://leaverou.github.io/awesomplete/ (from the famous Lea Verou, only 2KB gzipped) https://github.com/kraaden/autocomplete (Only 1KB gzipped) https://github.com/TarekRaafat/autoComplete.js1 point
I can confirm that this fixed the problem for me, when I typed check_access=0 by hand into the selector field instead of copying and pasting it from Adrian's message. Thank you @adrian, for identifying the solution! And thank you, @Robin S for figuring out where I went wrong!1 point
Not a completly serious tip for listening during developing, but maybe a good one for listening before starting. ? or1 point
If all of this is correct, I personally think that the stakes are too high for sending any kind of email in a place where anyone can accuse another of emailing them and subject them to thousands in penalties from a single email sent by accident. It seems like that creates a dark market for people to pursue receipt of email as a litigation model. It seems like sending any email at all is huge risk where one accidental email could bankrupt you (reminds me of the US healthcare system). Personally, I wouldn't have the ability to pay a lawyer to even respond to such a complaint, so would be inclined to play it safe and simply remove email as a communications method from my business entirely. I don't think you could safely run a software like this one (IP.Board) with those kinds of restrictions. But as far as ProMailer goes, if people subject to those kinds of laws still want to use it, I do think I can support much of what's been mentioned so far. Actually I think it's a good opportunity for ProMailer as a product to provide answers for these kinds of needs, and would enjoy implementing solutions for them. But I consider everyone here my friends, and with the stakes being so high, I would prefer that friends dealing with such laws stay far away from any software or service involved in sending email. Sending email sounds like a death trap as dangerous as swimming with crocodiles. I understand some will take the risk anyway, so I'll do my best to make sure ProMailer has answers for these kinds of things. The only one I'm really not wild about is encrypting email addresses, just because that would place major limitations on the ability to search subscribers, which might increase the risks in other ways. For instance, Mike sends you a C&D letter, but you can't find Mike in your lists in order to remove him, so he ends up getting another email, and BAM, Mike gets to take over your life savings. But I think I can provide hooks for those that want to do it anyway. In my development version, this morning I added an option to log IP addresses with subscribe request and confirmation logs. It's off by default, but can be enabled in the module settings. As I understand it logging of IP addresses is not legal in some places, so anything that has potential to record IPs I usually keep disabled as a default. But the option will be there for those that want to enable it. With regard to a blacklist, we've been talking about it in the ProMailer board and I'm currently thinking a blacklist might be better supported in the core WireMail rather than just in ProMailer. That way you could blacklist an email address for anything in PW that might send an email via WireMail, rather than just ProMailer. For instance, modules like LoginRegister use WireMail to confirm account creation, so a lower-level blacklist could affect that module or any others too, in addition to ProMailer. That way an errant confirmation email or password-reset email won't cause someone to lose their retirement savings. I understand one of these blacklists can be individual email addresses, or entire domains, but am wondering about scale: are blacklists usually fairly small, or might it be an existing published list with thousands of domains/emails?1 point
GitHub Pull Requests in Visual Studio Code How on earth did I/we miss this one?! Reviewing, creating, approving, commenting on and testing GitHub Pull Requests right inside VS Code! Introduction to the extension Creating PRs Marketplace I think this is pretty amazing! ?1 point
1 point
Some fresh sounds I discovered recently. I didn't know I'd like this Synthwave music but... can't get anything done without it. Whole YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmYTgpKxd-QOJCPDrmaXuqQ Some more on Basecamp. If you loved Stranger Things (Netflix) you will probably like this too. https://synthwavecafe.bandcamp.com/album/stranger-things-tribute1 point
Hi @ryan, could you please add some more detailed documentation for the $page->render() method to the API docs? Currently the details are quite minimal (the method doesn't have it's own page but just a short entry on the $page documentation) and doesn't cover all the options that you describe in this post: I guess the docs for $page->render() need to somehow pull in the PhpDoc comments from PageRender::renderPage().1 point
Want to announce that I started with embedding support for the WebP format into the core. Current state in my dev-branch is, that you can call / create additional image variations in the WebP format by passing this param within an options array to any size call: // mandatory is: 'webpAdd' => true // optionally define a quality for WebP: 'webpQuality' => 80 // currrently it only is implemented in the GD-Engine, so you need to force its use, $options = [ 'forceEngine' => 'ImageSizerEngineGD', 'forceNew' => true, 'webpAdd' => true, 'webpQuality' => 80 ]; $image = $page->images->first->size(700, 700, $options); If you want to be an early tester, you can get a fork from here (patch-1), or you grap these three files: Pageimage.php ImageSizerEngine.php ImageSizerEngineGD.php More will be done between christmas and new year!1 point
Hi all, Feel like I've been to hell and back :-)! No LAMP environment I set up worked! There was always something going wrong; not being able to connect to host, some PHP file extension missing, some cryptic errors!!! I tried Docker so many times I lost count. I even tried XAMPP and quite a number of other variants! Laradock almost worked but then failed on 'cannot connect to host'. In addition, it took a long time to set up. I don't know how many times I went back and forth with docker! I tried using it directly, I tried using docker clients, nothing worked! I almost installed WINE just to ran laragon! I then stumbled upon this Python (command line) docker app called Stakkr. It works! I'm using it in combination with Portainer and Traefik (both running in Stakkr as services). The Stakkr PHP images include all the extensions I need and then some. Yes, even Imagick! This was a pain to set up when I tried other docker PHP images. I needed a database tool to replace Heidi SQL now that I'm not on windows but still need to connect to remote hosts. I found this wonderful tool, DBeaver. I'm using it both locally (so I ditched phpMyAdmin andAdminer) and for remote connections. On the one hand I feel like I've wasted 2 weeks of dev work! On the other, I learnt quite a lot about docker and some related technologies. I have no more hair left to pull out and I haven't been 'nice' to be around not to mention the writer's block I picked up along the way... Back to work I go. Hopefully, no more technological interruptions...at least for some time ?. @fbg13, Thanks for Solus Plasma! I'd gone with Budgie but then tried plasma and wow! It's what I'm using now. It just works, even the printing. I was able to connect without using CUPS in the browser.1 point
Im having trouble with this … i hope there’s someone out there to help. I have a bunch of pages with a multi-image (ImagesExtra module) field. My aim is to show all images from all pages in random order, accompanied with the title of the page they are on … I’m stuck on getting the page title after i’ve shuffled the array; I’m getting one and the same page title. thank you! $thumbs = new WireArray(); // get pages by template $posts = $pages->find('template=post_work’); foreach($posts as $post) { // get images, add to array foreach($post->images_extra as $thumb) $thumbs->add($thumb); } // shuffle array $random_thumbs = $thumbs->shuffle(); foreach($random_thumbs as $r) { echo "<img src='{$r->url}'> <p>$post->title</p>"; }1 point
Hello guys! First of all, the Frontend Editing is really handy and I'm very thankful for that. There is one little improvement I would like to have (or implement): The editing of the text element could be done not by using the contenteditable attribute, but by a TextArea. I'm using Markdown but the Frontend Editing messes around and adds HTML-Markup instead of letting the text be simply plain.1 point
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